miltiades wrote:My tolerance levels for blatantly stupid comments are ZERO.
You, being the stupid bastard that you are, continually make blatantly stupid comments so I respond with language suited for the likes of you. What the fuck does a family business fighting for survival have to do with politics you moron.
I expressed good wishes in their battle since I know the company involved for more than 20 years.
I would have to concede that there IS a gulf between your expressed good wishes and the underlying issues of both political/military
actions, however, what is strikingly obvious (in your case) is the unusual alliance you demonstrated (with your good wishes) for the lesser of the two adversaries in this particular case...(you usually back the "Goliath" rather than the "David" in a confrontation)
You seem to be ever prone to stand firm with whichever side of a conflict you deem to be the victor and I strongly suspect that you anticipated a different outcome to that which transpired...(that "David " would overcome "Goliath) metaphorically.
Your usual tactic is often one which FIRST seeks reassurance that your views are in the majority before you commit, thereby you are comfortably assured that you are on the winning side.
You were a little premature when you changed your tack before the case was resolved, it would have served you better had you held your counsel until AFTER the court ruling, that way , you could have ingratiated yourself by mournfully expounding the virtues of your friendship with Josif Josif and his family (well known to many of us) and still have found some way to advocate that it was a sad but necessary verdict since the alternative would impose an enormous financial burden on the "Yids". (your mates)
Incidentally, I very much doubt that Josif and his family will be facing any hardship here, if I know the Cypriot psyche (and I do) you may be sure that a good few bob will be changing hands before the sun goes down on THIS tete-a-tete.
And upon THAT issue, I will join you on wishing the family the best of luck, although an appeal may reverse the judgement so do not abandon all hope.
I HAVE had my breakfast (Matzos and delicacies)

if you can't beat 'em, join 'em !.