Oceanside50 wrote:Cypriot word of the day.."mucho bextis "
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Good one! Although slang.
Oceanside50 wrote:Cypriot word of the day.."mucho bextis "
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Oceanside50 wrote:Cypriot word of the day.."mucho bextis "
Sotos wrote:There is no point in doing this... somebody who is reading those things in English (Latin) characters can not understand at all how it should be pronounced. "σύρε" doesn't sound anything like the word "sire" in English.
Sotos wrote:There is no point in doing this... somebody who is reading those things in English (Latin) characters can not understand at all how it should be pronounced. "σύρε" doesn't sound anything like the word "sire" in English.
kurupetos wrote:Sotos wrote:There is no point in doing this... somebody who is reading those things in English (Latin) characters can not understand at all how it should be pronounced. "σύρε" doesn't sound anything like the word "sire" in English.
Good point, Sotos. The correct pronunciation can be given only with Greek letters.
Get Real! wrote:Lordo wrote:hang on a mo this aint cypriot this greek ellinigi style.
ehases do nussu is cypriot.
Greeks say “karpouzi” instead of “battiha” but your version is also correct.
Oceanside50 wrote:Cypriot word of the day..."boy"
Foot/leg in the Cypriot paphian dialect , pronounced boy
Use in a sentence..."Bono to boy mou". .. Or "kathoume me ena boy pano sto alo"...or when referring to a young paphian lady.."oee re inta boy eshi Jennie"
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