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stolen cars heading for cyprus

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Re: stolen cars heading for cyprus

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Tue Feb 10, 2015 11:50 pm

British authorities have arrested 84 people, including 16 on suspicion of motor vehicle theft, as part of a nationwide clampdown on stealing keyless vehicles.

British thieves. No?
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Re: stolen cars heading for cyprus

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Tue Feb 10, 2015 11:53 pm

This isn't the Cyprus Mail where racist Brits get to point the finger at Cyprus the whole time and ignore the actual evidence!

- And the ONLY evidence in the article is that these thieves operate from Britain! :roll: FACT

Finally - there is a "National" clampdown in Britain where these car thieves operate!

Where in the article does it say they are 'GC car thieves' ? ...nowhere! .... silly racist people. :roll:
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Re: stolen cars heading for cyprus

Postby Geoff1131 » Wed Feb 11, 2015 12:20 am

So the car lot in Limassol where some of the cars were found is owned by those nasty Brits???????
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Re: stolen cars heading for cyprus

Postby Get Real! » Wed Feb 11, 2015 2:03 am

Geoff1131 wrote:So the car lot in Limassol where some of the cars were found is owned by those nasty Brits???????

Your comprehension skills are seriously lacking!

Read it again:
The ring forged ownership documents by registering the stolen cars in the EU countries so they could legally import them to Cyprus, while also altering their Vehicle Identification Number (VIN).

A bunch of BRITISH crooks are selling stolen parts/vehicles by FORGING ownership so as to sell to unsuspecting customers!

IDIOT! :roll:
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Re: stolen cars heading for cyprus

Postby Lordo » Wed Feb 11, 2015 2:06 am

you mean you can change Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) and nobody would suspect. especially the motor trade.
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Re: stolen cars heading for cyprus

Postby Get Real! » Wed Feb 11, 2015 2:09 am

Lordo wrote:just another day in the lunatic asylum. who are these decent law abiding citizens of groc exactly.

Another idiot with the comprehension skills of a 12 year old! :)
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Re: stolen cars heading for cyprus

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Wed Feb 11, 2015 5:16 am

Geoff1131 wrote:So the car lot in Limassol where some of the cars were found is owned by those nasty Brits???????

It doesn't say any were being bought by Cypriots who knew they were stolen, does it? Your tendency to fill-in with anti-GC conclusions suggests some worrying traits. :roll:

The point of the article seems to be to highlight how clever these thieves operating in Britain are in terms of the skills they use to get at cars, forge documents and export them to other left-hand drive countries - perhaps to their own associates/handlers in these other countries, or perhaps to the ignorant/unsuspecting. Who knows? Certainly the article (in its poorly-written format) still manages to convey how difficult it would be for anyone interested in buying a car to be able to easily work out that it was stolen.

Hopefully, awareness has been raised and this practice will be stopped at the root - Britain!

Well done Suffolk bobbies.
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Re: stolen cars heading for cyprus

Postby Paphitis » Wed Feb 11, 2015 5:21 am

I wouldn't mind betting that the stolen cars are headed to the "tucland" illegal port of Famagusta.

Usually, RoC Customs would be on the lookout for illegal activities at the recognised legal ports of entry under the direct control of the legal administration of the RoC.

In any case, the reports do not implicate the RoC or Cypriots at all.
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Re: stolen cars heading for cyprus

Postby boomerang » Wed Feb 11, 2015 2:58 pm

Usually stolen goods need to move very quickly so the thieves get paid quickly...the only way to move hot products quickly is via massive what price these cars were offloaded...if they were below market price, the buyer would have known they were hot...if they were sold at market price the buyer would have bought in good faith...this is how it works...a good reporter would have looked into this..
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Re: stolen cars heading for cyprus

Postby boomerang » Wed Feb 11, 2015 3:24 pm

And on VIN numbers apart from the sticker plate on the car the same number is on the engine block...this can be grinded but sure as hell can't be changed...the question is would the buyer have had checked?...either bought stupidity orbought cheap...again the reporter is not doing the his job....let me guess cyprus mail?

One thing is for call the reporters that work at cyprus mail "reporters" is an insult to all the reporters around the globe...
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