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Greece asking for WAR Reparations from Merkel

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Re: Greece asking for WAR Reparations from Merkel

Postby Paphitis » Sun Feb 08, 2015 3:06 pm

The trash coming from the Cyprus Media in general but in particular from the Cyprus Mail is despicable.

It reminds me of a tall poppy syndrome. The general consensus was to focus on the so called "uncooperative" pilots and engineers and the belief they were highly paid which is of course the biggest baloney I have heard. Captains were on 8000 per month and First Officers on 5000 per month. There were 60 of them so someone do the Math and tell us what the total pilot wage bill was and then tell us how much Cyprus Airways lost as a result of Hellas Jet, Eurocypria, the B737 fiasco, the A330 fiasco and also tell me how much Hermes Airports was charging Cyprus Airways in landing fees, Airbridge Fees and Apron Parking!

Then tell me why for so many years the Parties were using the Airline to reward jobs for the boys for no particular reason. And once they are there in the public service it's pretty hard to get rid of them if not impossible. It's a job for life. Corruption at its core!

But the saddest thing of all is that the RoC lost a Flag Carrier, and other good people lost their jobs and they have to endure the insults from the Go ernment and General public.

This is a sad chapter in RoC history. And to rub further salt into wounds, foreign airlines are picking up the void that was left and the DISY clowns are telling us they are going to open another airline. Yeh the pilots have so much faith they thought they will take a vacation to Saudi Arabia to celebrate. Good one!
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Re: Greece asking for WAR Reparations from Merkel

Postby Paphitis » Sun Feb 08, 2015 3:17 pm

I urge everyone to take a trip to the old International Airport in Nicosia to see the stranded CA Trident Jets riddled with bullet holes.

That is now your reminder of Cyprus Airways.

Get in touch with your history. The symbolism is powerful.
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Re: Greece asking for WAR Reparations from Merkel

Postby Cap » Sun Feb 08, 2015 3:37 pm

On a good note, As of January 2015 there's 2744 more employed people on the island compared to Jan of 2014.
A decrease of 5.2 percent in unemployment. ... 493-69.htm
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Re: Greece asking for WAR Reparations from Merkel

Postby Paphitis » Sun Feb 08, 2015 4:01 pm

Cap wrote:On a good note, As of January 2015 there's 2744 more employed people on the island compared to Jan of 2014.
A decrease of 5.2 percent in unemployment. ... 493-69.htm

Hopefully all ends well for Cyprus too.

I just don't like Anastasiades and his cronies. Terrible.

I know I said otherwise a couple of years ago, but I have changed my mind about him. Don't like AKEL either so it's back to DIKO for me. Go Pappadopoulos Jr!

With regard to the Greek Government, I think I have been pleasantly surprised although it's early days. There is certainly some spark there and long may it continue and I hope it's not just all rhetoric and hot air for the sake of the people of Greece.

Their policies was what I was preaching on this forum a couple of years ago. Maybe it's a few years late now but it might be better late than never but without risking the forecast growth outlook because that would not be a good outcome for the people.

Methinks that with the economics background of the Finance Minister, he should know how much to push back without over stepping the mark. He would also understand that growth is the most important thing for Greece but it would also be nice if some of the surplus can be spent on stimulating their economy further and creating more jobs.
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Re: Greece asking for WAR Reparations from Merkel

Postby supporttheunderdog » Mon Feb 09, 2015 9:34 am

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Re: Greece asking for WAR Reparations from Merkel

Postby CBBB » Mon Feb 09, 2015 11:43 am

Paphitis wrote:Don't like AKEL either so it's back to DIKO for me. Go Pappadopoulos Jr!

Are you a complete raving looney????? Baby Dop is not only a complete DIKOhead, he is also a putana that will go with whoever offers him the most!
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Re: Greece asking for WAR Reparations from Merkel

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Mon Feb 09, 2015 12:08 pm

Ironic then that Forbe's 'thought for the day' should be about generosity and humanity. :roll:

Despite that, the article looks like they have set up a straw man - arguments they expound to shoot down and not related either to what Greece is owed or what they are actually asking for.

Anyway, not only should Germany pay for the destruction they caused during WWII (let alone NOW), but those weasels in Italy should cough up and pay for the cataclysm they wrought on Greece at the start of the war, too.

Why does everyone forget the crucially costly and infamous part the ignoble Italians played ?
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Re: Greece asking for WAR Reparations from Merkel

Postby Nikitas » Mon Feb 09, 2015 12:48 pm

Two types of war reparations. First is the willful destruction of 80 per cent of Greece's infrastrtucture by the retreating German army and the damage caused by the occupation.

Then there is the compulsory loan imposed by the Nazis on the Bank of Greece.

The first is a matter of argument, the second, the loan, is a matter of documeted fact. It has nothing to do with war reparations. This is the loan that Greece is claiming. However, the likelihood of Germany accepting or being made to accept the obligation of repayment of a Nazi loan is doubtful.

As for the effectiveness of style over substance, ie Baroufakis over Georgiadis, we will see down the road who does what for their respective countries.

My bet is on the outwardly dull Georgiadis, maybe I have lived too long in Greece to be impressed by superficial style.

I draw conclusions from seemigly onconnected events, like the fires in the Peloponnese. The Cypriots promised, and delivered, the complete reconstruction of a town. The Greeks are still struggling with the surrounding towns. But they are doing so with much more flamboyance than the dull Cypriots who just got on and rebuilt the town.
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Re: Greece asking for WAR Reparations from Merkel

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Mon Feb 09, 2015 2:58 pm

The 'slower' introverts tend to achieve more in the long term. Like the fable of the turtle and the hare.

But, it was time for Greece to make some more noise and the new kids are certainly doing that.

As for the devastation the fires have caused in the Peloponnese; Greece has always been slow to react to forest fires. Partly a consequence of the naturals fires that are a way of life in the Mediterranean and now mostly through lack of funds from the austerity measures of Merkel and IMF.

But from my experience, the aftermath of one of these forest fires on a mountainside, caused the rains/streams coming down from the mountains to create a deluging river through a village I know well. It threatened a house and the main road crossing the village. Within a week of this river-flood's threat the local Councillor organised the building of a bridge and reinforcements with boulders of the banks. All was contained - save for the vegetation that will take a few years to return.

Last week, the news in the UK proudly reported how one villager managed to return to her home after over a year due to flooding in her village now being contained (by 'contained' I think they meant waited for it to 'drain away' rather than that any engineering work was done).
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Re: Greece asking for WAR Reparations from Merkel

Postby Paphitis » Mon Feb 09, 2015 7:30 pm

Nikitas wrote:Two types of war reparations. First is the willful destruction of 80 per cent of Greece's infrastrtucture by the retreating German army and the damage caused by the occupation.

Then there is the compulsory loan imposed by the Nazis on the Bank of Greece.

The first is a matter of argument, the second, the loan, is a matter of documeted fact. It has nothing to do with war reparations. This is the loan that Greece is claiming. However, the likelihood of Germany accepting or being made to accept the obligation of repayment of a Nazi loan is doubtful.

As for the effectiveness of style over substance, ie Baroufakis over Georgiadis, we will see down the road who does what for their respective countries.

My bet is on the outwardly dull Georgiadis, maybe I have lived too long in Greece to be impressed by superficial style.

I draw conclusions from seemigly onconnected events, like the fires in the Peloponnese. The Cypriots promised, and delivered, the complete reconstruction of a town. The Greeks are still struggling with the surrounding towns. But they are doing so with much more flamboyance than the dull Cypriots who just got on and rebuilt the town.


just taking into consideration the forced loan by the Bank of Greece to Nazi Germany on its own, then Germany owes Greece a lot of money particularly when you take into consideration the interest over some 7 decades. This is without taking into consideration the destruction.

Unfortunately, for some very strange Western European logic, this doesn't count whilst Greece's sovereign debt does.

I would be very happy if the Germans actually threw Greece a few million for what they had done to Greece in WW2.
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