MR-from-NG wrote:miltiades wrote:Thelima tou theou yie mou, the priest told me as I was kneeling at my mums side, laid on the bare concrete, dead she most certainly was, half of her head had disintegrated. Almost 62 years ago but I remember every second of this macabre event. I believed the priest but not for long. I soon begun searching for answers, why would god want to kill my mother and leave 4 children orphans, in a small village of people who worshipped god, church going and NAIVE ! YES NAIVE.
It soon dawned on me that the priest was not telling the truth. There is no, never has been and never will be a god. Just as man created medicine, metals that fly, the telephone, the TV, the marvel that internet is , so did prehistoric man created these absurd nonsense.
Long may your non existent god look after you, just as he looked after my mother, my late wife, my late sister and many more who suffer from this " god created cancer " !
GR is and always will be a fucking psycho, so naturally he is a ...believer !!
My heart bleeds for you my friend. I wouldn't wish what you went through on anybody. You and GR are both class acts, if only you could understand and be a touch more tolerant with one another.
Atheist wrote:Paphitis wrote:Atheist wrote:MR-from-NG wrote:One of the most intelligent/knowledgeable people in the world.
Stephen Fry's furious rant about God: 'He is utterly monstrous, selfish and deserves no respect' ... od-5072065
Well said!
There is a poll at the end of the article and so far 70% voted that they agree with his views. I wonder what would be the result if only Cypriots were voting!
Please stop agreeing with this.
I am starting to get a complex!
I am surprised that you are not religious. People who like to blindly obey rules and who have irrational beliefs are usually religious.
Atheist wrote:Once again your accusations do not follow any kind of logic. You exhibit all the elements of a fanatic who is having no arguments to support his irrational beliefs and resorts to baseless personal attacks.
It is exactly because I respect myself that I never blindly follow orders and I do not show any unwarranted respect to authority.
On the other hand you seem to believe that obedience to authority without ever questioning it is a moral value. That is exactly the kind of a "moral value" that a theist would have. Atheists have critical minds, they do not blindly follow orders.
Accusing others of "no morals" just because they disagree with you is again something that religious people often do.
Cyprus would be much safer without an army and without mindless soldiers who would take part in a coup just because they were ordered to. If some of those soldiers had used their brains instead of blindly following orders then the Cyprus disaster could have been averted.
Atheist wrote:The Turkish troops stopped themselves at 37% because partition was their aim and they got exactly how much they wanted. So the CNG had absolutely nothing to do with the 63% of Cyprus remaining free. On the contrary the coup by the CNG is what gave the excuse for Turkey to invade, so the "achievement" of CNG is giving 37% of Cyprus to the Turks.
I judge CNG by their actual record, which has caused nothing else than disasters (coup, Mari), lots of waste of money and time and absolutely nothing positive.
On the other hand you base your views on nothing more than wishful thinking and your desire for "legends" and "stories".
You haven't even served in the CNG and yet you choose to imagine how the CNG Officers are, which is even more wishful thinking.
GreekIslandGirl wrote:Turkey would have invaded, CNG or no CNG. But the fact remains we need the CNG now more than ever as a nucleus for the EU (France, Greece etc even Russia) to have a basis for their joint military manoeuvres and suchlike - which, given the right time, will swoop to remove the Turks.
Atheist wrote:I judge CNG by their actual record, which has caused nothing else than disasters (coup, Mari), lots of waste of money and time and absolutely nothing positive.
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