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the dark ages: the wonder of islam

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Re: the dark ages: the wonder of islam

Postby miltiades » Thu Jan 29, 2015 7:35 am

Lordo wrote:
miltiades wrote:Were they still stoning people to death ? Were they still severing hands and feet ? How about female genital mutilation, was this barbaric act still taking place ?

The wonder of islam indeed !

you know very well most of what you talk about has nothing to do with islam but culture of some people who happened to be islamic.there are christians that do it as well mostly in africa. even as late as the 50s after a gc was tied to a tree outside a church and stoned by students at the instructions of the priest. grivas claimed the stoning of people to death was a christian tradition. be that as it may in the dark ages your civilised western gentle fold declared women witches and to proves they drowned them, if any survived they were burnt alive. if a person tried to commit suicide and failed the penalty was death for\ his crime.

you really are a very old stupid fool.

Female Genital Mutilation only happens in the muslim world. Forced marriages, honour killings, beheadings, suicide bombers, prohibiting young children for going to school are all happening in the muslim world, as well as stoning a woman for using a mobile phone. All fine examples of this strange faith.
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Re: the dark ages: the wonder of islam

Postby Lordo » Thu Jan 29, 2015 11:11 pm

you are talking out of your arse again old fool. fgm predates muslims and was practiced in the middle east and north africa. it is being practiced to this day. there are 1.5 billion people in islam how many thousand muslims practice it. all the things you mention how many muslims practice them.

but i can see that you do not complain about saudi arabia and how they treat their women. i also see that you do not object to the yanks supporting them and keeping them in power. you also do not mind using the oil that this regime sels to the uk. what you really need is some conscience but you kaint buy it my foolish friend.
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Re: the dark ages: the wonder of islam

Postby DT. » Fri Jan 30, 2015 2:45 am

Nikitas wrote:The Arabs, not islam. The faith is secondary to the rest methinks. No way you can compare the achievements of the Arabs with the sloth and benign neglect of the Ottomans, both moslem empires, but such vastly different cultures and achievements.

Aberroes the Arab saved Aristotle's writings. Their mathematicians advanced algebra, they built centers of learning in their possessions. Where are the Ottoman equivalents? Were there universities in Bucharest, Sofia, Athens, Nicosia in Ottoman times? Nope. Only tax collectors.

Good post
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Re: the dark ages: the wonder of islam

Postby miltiades » Fri Jan 30, 2015 8:21 am

Lordo wrote:you are talking out of your arse again old fool. fgm predates muslims and was practiced in the middle east and north africa. it is being practiced to this day. there are 1.5 billion people in islam how many thousand muslims practice it. all the things you mention how many muslims practice them.

but i can see that you do not complain about saudi arabia and how they treat their women. i also see that you do not object to the yanks supporting them and keeping them in power. you also do not mind using the oil that this regime sels to the uk. what you really need is some conscience but you kaint buy it my foolish friend.

FGM was recently outlawed in the UK where this barbaric practice was a regular occurrence, hence the need to declare it illegal.

As for SA, I don't have much respect for either this nation or any other nation that considers women as second class and still carries out barbaric practices. They should be lucky that the west has a need for their oil otherwise they would still be riding camels.

Islam is the religion of the mostly disadvantaged third world, take a look at some of these nations, Afghanistan, Pakistan and the entire ME.
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Re: the dark ages: the wonder of islam

Postby Lordo » Fri Jan 30, 2015 10:53 am

how many muslims live in uk and how many practice fgm you stupid old fool. when it comes to oil and the west you is one fish out of water old friend.

in india there are places that kill baby girls at birth to this day, what does that prove. you are just too stupid to see the difference between culture and religion.
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Re: the dark ages: the wonder of islam

Postby miltiades » Fri Jan 30, 2015 11:12 am

Lordo wrote:how many muslims live in uk and how many practice fgm you stupid old fool. when it comes to oil and the west you is one fish out of water old friend.

in india there are places that kill baby girls at birth to this day, what does that prove. you are just too stupid to see the difference between culture and religion.

Listen you old fool. Islamists are the curse of the free world and to the vast majority of peace loving Muslims . Dickheads like you can not see the damage that these barbarians are inflicting upon the muslims worldwide.

They are the enemy of civilization and the quicker they become extinct the better for all.

Thousands killed in every muslim nation by these savages driven on by their warped interpratation of the faith.
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Re: the dark ages: the wonder of islam

Postby Lordo » Mon Feb 02, 2015 10:40 am

you are being blind my old friend. the problems of the world is being caused by corporations from west, russia and china. greed is the root of the problems of this world. the fanatic muslims are not taking any more, they decided to fight back. gradually the whole of the middle east and then the whole of the third world will wake up. i hope you are young enough to witness it.
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