Atheist wrote:Get Real! wrote:Atheist wrote:Get Real, what I said is that the creation of our universe is explained to a great degree , not that everything is explained. Furthermore, understanding something and recreating it are two different things. We understand that earth is a planet that orbits around a star, but that doesn't mean we can recreate a planetary system on earth.
For the things that are not yet known, scientists can have theories, which are not random speculation but based on at least some scientific data. They will never claim that those things are necessarily the "truth" unless they are certain about them. Contrast that approach with the approach of religion, where they declare that they have the truth for everything without any basis. This is why science has proven religion wrong in countless occasions.
Look, don’t come and tell me that scientists have figured out how the universe was created or even something as stupid as “a portion of it”!!!
It’s all GARBAGE speculation based on primitive Earthly science that is totally irrelevant and invalid to the universe.
You need to understand Man’s SEVERE limitations for we are nothing but temporary MORTALS with very limited intellects so stop putting so much faith in Man’s fallacies.
Idiots like Stephen Hawking can’t even solve his shitty little primitive disease and you expect him to explain the universe to you?
Please wake up!![]()
And who is in better position to explain the universe if not science? You? Some priest?
Don't tell me "God" because so far everything that supposedly came from "God" has been disproven on multiple levels and did not offer to us any additional knowledge about the universe. Everything we know came through science.
I would have accepted your argument if you claimed that no human can ever have a complete answer about the universe. But then you claim that you have the answer, as if you and those who share your beliefs are not bound by "Man's severe limitations" which makes your argument invalid, and a bit funny because actually your limitations are several magnitudes more severe than the limitations of great scientists such as Stephen Hawking.
Dialectically speaking, why are you opposing GR? Just for the toss?