Atheist wrote:GreekIslandGirl wrote:Atheist wrote:"GreekIslandGirl" do you speak Greek? Do you know what the Greek word "atheist" with "στερητικό Α" mean?
The census chap said that there was no place in the form for "Atheist" or "No religion" or "none". Maybe a few census chaps did that, but most didn't even ask the question and filled the form themselves, and most of those who did ask didn't know of any way to record "no religion/Atheism" responses.
Now you are equivocating - confabulating - or worse.
Going by what you wrote - as to what passed between you and the census chap, somewhere along the line, you have made a mistake or are out-rightly lying.![]()
But yes, I do know what 'atheist' means when strictly derived from the Greek - it means without a god. It does NOT mean without religion or "no religion" at all, as you seem to think since you aren't really .... Greek-speaking, now are you?![]()
Sort yourself out ...
Are you suggesting that the Statistical Service in Cyprus are not Greek-speaking either? Because they grouped "Atheism/No-religion" as a single option in their resultsNow quick .. make up some stupid excuse for that and gain an additional stupidity point
The stupidity lies with you and what you attempted to prove earlier with your supposed understanding.
If they grouped their results as "Atheism/No-religion", it just means "Atheism" OR "No-religion". They can be grouped together for conciseness. But, it doesn't mean as you believe that "Atheism" means "No religion". You can be religious (have a faith/belief) but be atheistic (not believe in a god/gods) - something which you fail to appreciate as an .... atheist!