Oceanside50 wrote:Sotos wrote:I will take the test but is seems a bit stupid to me... first question: "If economic globalisation is inevitable, it should primarily serve humanity rather than the interests of trans-national corporations." Yes... I "Strongly Agree". Does that show that I am a lefty or just that I own no shares of any trans-national corporations?
It shows you're a tree hugger...!! Re Sotiri or in Cypriot ...apeas dentroudia ..
tree hugger
a tree hugger is someone who cares about the only thing in the world that gives us oxygen...they want to save trees from people that dont recognize the importance of them.
"please dont cut down this tree,, i want my grandchildren to be able to breath, and the animals to have a home,,is this a good enough reason to be a tree hugger?
It probably means you don't own shares full stop.
If you did, you would understand that your hip pocket and trans nationals are not a charity or the Red Cross!

They are in business to make money and look after their share holders!

I guess I am a realist more than anything. I am also a Liberal, but you guys are falling over yourselves with the touchy feely stuff!
Therefore, Paphitis is probably the most rational realist here, followed by DT. The rest of you live in fantasy land!

You also can't run a country, a multi national, military or other organisation or business without some level of Authoritarianism! Without rules and institutions, society will break down quicker than anything and before you know it, you will all be arming yourselves Texas style just to protect your homes and loved ones.