Get Real! wrote:Paphitis wrote:North Korea is in a category all by itself.
(Lots of Rambo-jumbo omitted)
Sleep tight! You're incorrigible and don't ever stand a chance of attaining an intellect past average.

My intellect is fine and so are my morals, ethics and values.
The problem you have is that you under-estimate the seriousness of the current status on the Korean Peninsula. And once again, it is not the USA causing the tension. They are there to assist South Korea and its people from potential disaster. We do not want this fight. I use we because effectively Australia is at war once the cease fire is violated. So is NATO and so is Greece. Article 5!
Your problem is that you will look at every opportunity to have a dig at the US. That is where you fall over in a great heap I'm afraid. You clearly do not respect the fundamental right of South Korea to defend its territory and its citizens from the constant threat they face from North Korea. Instead you will spit on South Korea because they are aligned very heavily to the West and is a country that the US will bitterly defend as if it is its own protectorate.
This despite South Korea being a vibrant, and little economic Dynamo which has a higher standard of living than Cyprus and where it's citizens are living in complete liberty.
Sometimes, the U.S. is not wrong and you know it. Every now and then, public opinion is on their side because unless you're friggin insane, you would'nt possibly support North Korea against the South.
Yes, unfortunately we are on a war footing with North Korea. And any war on the Peninsula will inevitably be a major event in the globe's history between conventional armies rather than some rebels as is the case in Syria and Iraq.
What we do know is that we are in the box seat and thus have the belief that it is only a matter of time. You can't repress the people forever and one day, the North Koreans should do our work for us, thus inevitably reunifying the Korean people. The people in the South are content as things stand hence the country is stable.
You're inconsistencies are always on show. Just the other day you were gloating about Assad. Well the coalition has no interest in removing him at present and have never attacked his military. But time and time again you seem to have another dig at the coalition which is engaging Assad's cutthroat foes! Please explain yourself!