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CY337 - The Captain's Final PA

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Re: CY337 - The Captain's Final PA

Postby Lordo » Sat Jan 10, 2015 10:40 pm

Paphitis wrote:Here is another interesting fact.

Another 4 European Airlines within the EU have received multiple Government subsidies from the Government all within 10 years.

Cyprus Airways was the only airline to receive a negative EU verdict and be deemed illegal.

Can I ask why Cyprus was singled out?

And why has the Government not been honest enough to reveal this to the people?

One of the airlines was Alitalia. See who can find out the other 3.

boy you need to learn to pay attention. alitalia did not receive a penny from the state. they got their investment from the post office. the fact that they are nationalised has nothing to do with it. nationalised industries are allowed to make commercial investments not aid like cyair got. i remember assholes here laughing their heads of about the tc arline going bust. well he who laughs last laughs the loudest/
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Re: CY337 - The Captain's Final PA

Postby kurupetos » Sat Jan 10, 2015 11:11 pm

Airlines come and go, lads. No need to be so sentimental about them. The only reason the pilot was crying, it's because he lost his overpaid job. :lol:

A few years ago we lost Eurocypria, and before that it was Helios and HellasJet.

Some other company will be born tomorrow... :wink:
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Re: CY337 - The Captain's Final PA

Postby DT. » Sun Jan 11, 2015 12:14 am

Paphitis wrote:
DT. wrote:
Get Real! wrote:Everyone should just relax because there’s a BIGGER and BETTER Cyprus Airways airline coming soon! :)

You may be right :wink:

Oh yeh, well that is news to some pretty senior guys at Cyprus Airways. One left today for Abu Dhabi for some reason, too early to have lined something up.

I didn't manufacture the Aegean Story either. We shall see but I expect some big announcements to be made by Aegean in the future.

theres no such thing as a senior guy in CyAir. Decisions are taken elsewhere.
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Re: CY337 - The Captain's Final PA

Postby Paphitis » Sun Jan 11, 2015 3:39 am

DT. wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
DT. wrote:
Get Real! wrote:Everyone should just relax because there’s a BIGGER and BETTER Cyprus Airways airline coming soon! :)

You may be right :wink:

Oh yeh, well that is news to some pretty senior guys at Cyprus Airways. One left today for Abu Dhabi for some reason, too early to have lined something up.

I didn't manufacture the Aegean Story either. We shall see but I expect some big announcements to be made by Aegean in the future.

theres no such thing as a senior guy in CyAir. Decisions are taken elsewhere.

Yes there is. There are Captains, Check Captains, Senior Pilots and Engineers and the PEO representatives.

They are the pulse of the company and I am 100% these guys know what they're talking about!

All of them seem to have a good idea of what's going on, why they shut the airline down and what is coming next.
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Re: CY337 - The Captain's Final PA

Postby Paphitis » Sun Jan 11, 2015 3:42 am

Kikapu wrote:
Paphitis wrote:Here is another interesting fact.

Another 4 European Airlines within the EU have received multiple Government subsidies from the Government all within 10 years.

Cyprus Airways was the only airline to receive a negative EU verdict and be deemed illegal.

Can I ask why Cyprus was singled out?

And why has the Government not been honest enough to reveal this to the people?

One of the airlines was Alitalia. See who can find out the other 3.

Alitalia flies the Pope. Last thing the EU wants is to piss off God by putting Alitalia out of business! :wink:

It's all corrupt Kikapu as you well know, and our stupid Government won't speak up just like they didn't with the EU Decisions on the Bail In which was only inflicted on Cyprus once again. Maybe this is because our Government is even more corrupt.

Which other countries don't make MPs and Ministers declare their entire share portfolios other than tin pot African and Middle Eastern countries.

This is the Banania Republic mate!
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Re: CY337 - The Captain's Final PA

Postby Paphitis » Sun Jan 11, 2015 3:45 am

kurupetos wrote:Airlines come and go, lads. No need to be so sentimental about them. The only reason the pilot was crying, it's because he lost his overpaid job. :lol:

A few years ago we lost Eurocypria, and before that it was Helios and HellasJet.

Some other company will be born tomorrow... :wink:

CA was the National Carrier - the end of an era. 69 years of history down the drain. 69 years without an accident.

It was not just a company. It was a large extended family.

What you will have next is a company. A company owned by Greek and Turkish Interests. Oh and quite a few Government MPs and Ministers have substantial holdings as well. The same people who made decisions to close the company.

His Beatitude might also have shares in Aegean too. Officially, he is in partnership and business with the Turks. Congratulations!
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Re: CY337 - The Captain's Final PA

Postby Paphitis » Sun Jan 11, 2015 5:10 am

DT. wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
DT. wrote:
Get Real! wrote:Everyone should just relax because there’s a BIGGER and BETTER Cyprus Airways airline coming soon! :)

You may be right :wink:

Oh yeh, well that is news to some pretty senior guys at Cyprus Airways. One left today for Abu Dhabi for some reason, too early to have lined something up.

I didn't manufacture the Aegean Story either. We shall see but I expect some big announcements to be made by Aegean in the future.

theres no such thing as a senior guy in CyAir. Decisions are taken elsewhere.

This "decision maker" obviously doesn't know what he is talking about or he has been lieing to you.

Did he say anything about German and Australian Consortium wanting to buy the company only 2 days before this decision maker closed the company? They even had cheques cut ready to go.

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Λευκωσία: Με δύο υποψήφιους επενδυτές βρισκόταν σε προχωρημένες διαβουλεύσεις η κυβέρνηση μέχρι και προχθές, που τους άφησαν με το κλείσιμο της εταιρείας στα κρύα του λουτρού. Πρόκειται για ομάδα Γερμανών τουριστικών πρακτόρων, με τις διαπραγματεύσεις να έχουν προσχωρήσει σε λεπτομέρειες, όπως το ποσό της επένδυσης (20 εκατ. ευρώ), το προσωπικό που θα παρέμενε κτλ.

Και με την αυστραλιανή Jersey (που συμμετείχε στην επίσημη διαδικασία), η οποία έδωσε επιστολή διαθεσιμότητας κεφαλαίων τουλάχιστον 10 εκατ. ευρώ – που έγινε αποδεκτή, όπως και τη διευθυντική ομάδα που θα αναλάβει την εταιρεία, που έγινε αποδεκτή ως εξαιρετική σε προσόντα και εμπειρία. Μάλιστα, η κυβέρνηση, αντιπρότεινε «κοινοπραξία» των δύο ενδιαφερόμενων, με τους Γερμανούς να έχουν το πλειοψηφικό πακέτο και τους Αυστραλούς την διεύθυνση. Κάτι που έγινε αποδεκτό και αναμενόταν – από πλευράς κυβέρνησης απάντηση για να προχωρήσουν και από πλευράς Γερμανών συγκατάθεση για τα 20 εκατ. Τώρα, η κυβέρνηση λογαριάζει, αν τελικά οι πιστωτές δεν επιτύχουν να δεσμεύσουν το όνομα και το έμβλημα, να βγει σε νέο διαγωνισμό για την πώλησή τους. - See more at: ... igRd4.dpuf

I want to know why the Government did not take these offers?

There would be money in RoC coffers and plus the Australian and German Consortium would be liable to the RoC Government for another 130 million Euros of which 65 million would have had to be paid within 4 months according to the EU ruling.

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Re: CY337 - The Captain's Final PA

Postby Paphitis » Sun Jan 11, 2015 11:40 am

The CEO of Aegean is arriving in Cyprus this Tuesday on official business.

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Re: CY337 - The Captain's Final PA

Postby Paphitis » Sun Jan 11, 2015 12:47 pm

Foreign Pilots CAE Parc Aviation flew into Cyprus yesterday and signed on at 7am Cyprus Time.

The first Cyprus Airways A320 departed at 0900 and the next 5 departed Cyprus for the last time at 30 minute intervals.

The Air Marshaller was an ex CY Air employee hooked up for the last time. The last disconnect he was reportedly trembling and emotional.
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Re: CY337 - The Captain's Final PA

Postby Paphitis » Sun Jan 11, 2015 12:55 pm

A Cy Air Flight Attendants tried to recover all food and beverages today and transfer ownership to charity groups.

Blankets and pillows as well before the jets left Cyprus for the last time.

Even in such times, they are thinking of others as the true professionals they are.

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