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I am NOT Charlie Hebdo!

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Re: I am NOT Charlie Hebdo!

Postby miltiades » Sun Jan 11, 2015 7:00 pm

The psycho wrote : It didn't challenge anything other than blatantly offend and that's what was wrong with it! It had as much academic challenge as Milti's foul mouth"

"Go and fuck your dead mothers corpse" By GR the most fouled, religious :lol: bastard I have ever come across.
Do me a favour you sick bastard, go blow your useless self up, no doubt you will end up in fucking paradise you stupid ignorant baboon !!
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Re: I am NOT Charlie Hebdo!

Postby Tim Drayton » Sun Jan 11, 2015 7:26 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Tim Drayton wrote:Great expert on the bible, are you, then.

Well, answer the question that I keep putting to you and you always ignore:

According to the bible, did God create the beasts before man, or man before the beasts?

You can never answer. To retain the boxing analogy (which you introduced), KO'd at the first punch.

:roll: Go back and check... and btw this better be good because your cockiness is bringing you very close to your downfall! :lol:

No, you haven't answered. It's very simple: either beasts first or man first.
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Re: I am NOT Charlie Hebdo!

Postby Tim Drayton » Sun Jan 11, 2015 7:29 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Tim Drayton wrote:An estimated one million people are attending a rally today in Paris in support of freedom of expression and against the extrajudicial killing of those whose views you disagree with.

You mean "freedom of expression within the confines of Anti-Jewish laws"... :lol:

A small, previously unknown left-leaning magazine that uses satire to challenge the blind dogma of religion has been propelled onto the world stage.

It didn't challenge anything other than blatantly offend and that's what was wrong with it! It had as much academic challenge as Milti's foul mouth! :lol:

The pedlars of religious dogma will never again be able to silence those who expose its fallacy precisely because they know it is fallacious.

I wouldn't bet on that... if Europe doesn't learn the ONLY lesson here, she will learn the hard way unfortunately. Mark my words...

Yet, there are some out there who think they have cowed the supporters of human reason into silence. Let them enjoy their delusion.

I guess caricatures of deities engaging in bestiality is the way atheists reason! :lol:

What is your issue, anyway, mate? You say that the bible predicts the rise of atheism, and atheists, in your simple world view, will burn it hell. Why the chip on your shoulder about it all, then?
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Re: I am NOT Charlie Hebdo!

Postby Tim Drayton » Sun Jan 11, 2015 7:32 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Tim Drayton wrote:The pedlars of religious dogma will never again be able to silence those who expose its fallacy precisely because they know it is fallacious.

I wouldn't bet on that... if Europe doesn't learn the ONLY lesson here, she will learn the hard way unfortunately. Mark my words...

No sooner did I post that this news came through...

"German newspaper that reprinted Muhammad cartoons firebombed" ... morgenpost

Henceforth, feel free to call me prophet GR! :wink:

One window broken. Big deal. Nobody said that there were no lunatics left out there, just that the tide is turning against them.

Now he's proclaimed himself a prophet! Isn't that blasphemy?
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Re: I am NOT Charlie Hebdo!

Postby Lordo » Sun Jan 11, 2015 7:45 pm

how many lunatics do you need to cause chaos. today just a window, tomorrow 10 people. if you dont tackle the root of the problem then you have no hope of curing the problem. it can only get bigger day by day.
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Re: I am NOT Charlie Hebdo!

Postby repulsewarrior » Sun Jan 11, 2015 10:01 pm

...what about Humanity?

...or, who gives a crap, only "God" exists. Whose God GR, your God? ...their God, is that the same God?

In any case (if you are a believer), God is Love. And in any case (if you are a believer or not), to be loving is to serve a greater Nature.

Easy for these selfish Individuals to make the claim that they represent a People, to wrap themselves into a mythic reality that they may find within themselves; is this Love?

@Tim, it is not Religion that is flawed, it is the Creed that every religion takes upon itself to proselytise as a 'one and only'. We see it here, (and if i may say so) careful with that baby in the bath water.

@Milti, good to see that you are in fine form, Happy New Year, by the way; save your energy, keep your powder dry, this is going to be a long fight, stay calm stay wise: it is not GR your enemy.

@GR, have you considered that the nihilist enterprise of these men can only provoke equal and opposite reactions toward them that have no positive outcomes, that this is their intention, to destroy themselves, but by destroying everything else, suicide by revolution?

Indeed, on the brink of perpetual warfare, i fear that the Occidental World has not learned the valuable lessons of the First World War (there are bigger enemies than each other), or from the errors that only multiplied after the Second World War (the military industrial complex). Indeed there is a sense of entitlement, from all this 'progress' which has left our planet plundered, and ourselves subject to the same plunder, to such a degree that the world's abundance is measured as a finite figure rather than a given, and that our Mental Health falls well below the confines of ending something as basic as Hunger. Indeed it becomes apparent more and more that there truly does exist a 'one percent', but such so called Islamists do not represent 'us' so to speak, they represent an opposition that seeks this power.

...i don't have any answers, but when it comes to dollars and sense, i ask myself, how much Guns, how much Butter, who gives who gets is another matter where waving fingers as you are doing is nothing as it is notions, your notions to be exact, an expression of Freedom, the same Freedom as these cartoonists; all of us must consider today accordingly, today the tears are of Joy there are so many on the street in Paris (and around the world), you may think about that too, because in this case you cannot separate yourself from 'us', and have it both ways as though "you" are not 'them'. My friend, (closer to home) at least i hope i can say that as Cypriots (and as such as Individuals, because sometimes i gotta wonder if you are "Greek" or Greek), cheers.

@ Lordo, what exactly are you trying to say (what is the root of the problem)?
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Re: I am NOT Charlie Hebdo!

Postby Lordo » Mon Jan 12, 2015 1:33 am

this will go some way in explaining it rw. these were the days when the french were not so keen on freedom of speech. cyprus mail as per usual got it spot on.
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Re: I am NOT Charlie Hebdo!

Postby Get Real! » Mon Jan 12, 2015 7:25 am

Tim Drayton wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Tim Drayton wrote:Great expert on the bible, are you, then.

Well, answer the question that I keep putting to you and you always ignore:

According to the bible, did God create the beasts before man, or man before the beasts?

You can never answer. To retain the boxing analogy (which you introduced), KO'd at the first punch.

:roll: Go back and check... and btw this better be good because your cockiness is bringing you very close to your downfall! :lol:

No, you haven't answered. It's very simple: either beasts first or man first.

I think you‘re intentionally pretending not to see that response because I destroyed your childish argument in ONE before you even begun! :roll:

Here you go AGAIN, from like 5 pages ago...

According to Genesis he first made fish, followed by birds, followed by mammals, and finally man …but I don’t see why the order is important to you! :?

If this order is inconsistent with another further down so what?

You think when you’ve got 100 authors working on a project that spans 1500 years there’s no room for errors?
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Re: I am NOT Charlie Hebdo!

Postby Get Real! » Mon Jan 12, 2015 7:32 am

Tim Drayton wrote:What is your issue, anyway, mate? You say that the bible predicts the rise of atheism, and atheists, in your simple world view, will burn it hell. Why the chip on your shoulder about it all, then?

My issue? :? I'm just a happy man that 12 racist scumbags are no more! If that's not cause for the world to celebrate I don't know what is! :?

Of course I'm talking about that (small) part of the world who actually have a brain and don't confuse vile propaganda with "freedom of expression"!

The way the world is going, soon filthy Westerners (like these French clowns) will be marching in their millions in Europe demanding that paedophilia is their “sexual freedom”! :wink:

That’s how shameless and disgusting you people are and why I have no respect for you whatsoever!

The only way to control the brainless disgusting ones is with a chain around their necks 24/7 and to whip ‘em good 3 times a day!

Ever heard of the Cyprus Kourbatzi? It’s exactly what you people need!
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Re: I am NOT Charlie Hebdo!

Postby Get Real! » Mon Jan 12, 2015 8:55 am

The biggest threat to French free speech isn’t terrorism. It’s the government.

Indeed, if the French want to memorialize those killed at Charlie Hebdo, they could start by rescinding their laws criminalizing speech that insults, defames or incites hatred, discrimination or violence on the basis of religion, race, ethnicity, nationality, disability, sex or sexual orientation. These laws have been used to harass the satirical newspaper and threaten its staff for years. Speech has been conditioned on being used “responsibly” in France, suggesting that it is more of a privilege than a right for those who hold controversial views. ... hpid=z2%20
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