Tim Drayton wrote:If you are at all interested in my opinion- ...
Nope, not anymore! It’s over… end of the line… case closed… pasta la vista… ta ta!

Tim Drayton wrote:If you are at all interested in my opinion- ...
Get Real! wrote:Tim Drayton wrote:If you are at all interested in my opinion- ...
Nope, not anymore! It’s over… end of the line… case closed… pasta la vista… ta ta!
Get Real! wrote:Tim Drayton wrote:Get Real! wrote:Tim Drayton wrote:Charlie Hebdo has been sued a number of times and has been exonerated on every occasion. The matter has thus been tested in the French courts and the magazine has been found not to have breached French law. Before you accuse me of being boring by raising the same point again, I only have had to do so because you have made the same fallacious argument yet again and have simply brushed aside the counterargument on every previous occasion.
If the legislation is clearly there for all to see yet somebody gets exonerated no less than 12 times, what in God’s name does that tell you???
It tells us that you are unable to understand and interpret French law.
Yet it's illegal to talk negatively about Israel/Jews?
Methinks you're as full of shit as the rest of the West! You hypocritical British twat!![]()
France Arrests a Comedian For His Facebook Comments, Showing the Sham of the West’s “Free Speech” Celebration
https://firstlook.org/theintercept/2015 ... -comments/
Comedian arrested for comment on Charlie Hebdo attacks
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldne ... tacks.html
Egg on face!
Tim Drayton wrote:Get Real! wrote:Tim Drayton wrote:If you are at all interested in my opinion- ...
Nope, not anymore! It’s over… end of the line… case closed… pasta la vista… ta ta!
Good news. No supporting arguments I see. Nothing rational, yet again. Please put me on ignore.
Hate Speech Law in France
Articles 32 and 33 prohibit anyone from publicly defaming or insulting a person or group for belonging or not belonging, in fact or in fancy, to an ethnicity, a nation, a race, a religion, a sex, or a sexual orientation, or for having a handicap.
Get Real! wrote:Tim Drayton wrote:Get Real! wrote:Tim Drayton wrote:If you are at all interested in my opinion- ...
Nope, not anymore! It’s over… end of the line… case closed… pasta la vista… ta ta!
Good news. No supporting arguments I see. Nothing rational, yet again. Please put me on ignore.
Nobody can help you now… it’s checkmate!
You can always move on to another issue/topic on the forum though but in your current state I wouldn’t advise it!![]()
MR-from-NG wrote:Mario Balotelli got fined and a game ban for saying something about Super Mario catching coins like a Jew. Somebody in the Big Brother got evicted for using the N word. I would be arrested for using the N word. I'm not religious and am personally NOT offended by the crap printed by Charlie but by the same token I can understand GR's point of view.
Tim Drayton wrote:By the way, the statement “You hypocritical brainless British TWAT!” is in breach of the very hate speech law you love quoting chapter and verse:
Get Real! wrote:Tim Drayton wrote:By the way, the statement “You hypocritical brainless British TWAT!” is in breach of the very hate speech law you love quoting chapter and verse:
Who cares? You forfeited your rights by turning a blind eye to the rights of others!
See how it can turn around and bite you on the bum?
Get Real! wrote:Tim Drayton wrote:Get Real! wrote:Tim Drayton wrote:If you are such a fan of French law, consider the following:Murder (French law)
In the French penal code, murder is defined by the intentional killing of another person.
I’d be a fan had it been upheld but French jurisdiction it seems, is worse than Turkey’s!
Then stop harping on about French law. You accuse others of hypocrisy, but practice it yourself (to say nothing about you professing to be a Christian and ignoring the injunction of Exodus 20:13 "Thou shalt not kill").
You hypocritical brainless British TWAT!
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