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I am NOT Charlie Hebdo!

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Re: I am NOT Charlie Hebdo!

Postby Tim Drayton » Mon Jan 12, 2015 2:00 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Tim Drayton wrote:What is your issue, anyway, mate? You say that the bible predicts the rise of atheism, and atheists, in your simple world view, will burn it hell. Why the chip on your shoulder about it all, then?

My issue? :? I'm just a happy man that 12 racist scumbags are no more! If that's not cause for the world to celebrate I don't know what is! :?

Of course I'm talking about that (small) part of the world who actually have a brain and don't confuse vile propaganda with "freedom of expression"!

The way the world is going, soon filthy Westerners (like these French clowns) will be marching in their millions in Europe demanding that paedophilia is their “sexual freedom”! :wink:

That’s how shameless and disgusting you people are and why I have no respect for you whatsoever!

The only way to control the brainless disgusting ones is with a chain around their necks 24/7 and to whip ‘em good 3 times a day!

Ever heard of the Cyprus Kourbatzi? It’s exactly what you people need!

But this is what you say is God's will as predicted in the bible (riddled with contradictions as it is, such the Genesis 1 says that the beasts were created before man and Genesis 2 - yes, the same book written by the same person in the same place at the same time in the same language - says the exact opposite, meaning that this book has zero credibility as a source, and, guess what, you or other pedlars of these lies cannot kill me for saying so) so why are you rebelling against God's will?

In the fairy tale world of religious belief, all of these sinners will suffer eternal torment in hell. Is that not satisfaction enough for you?

So, no, I do not understand what you are getting worked up about. You are a walking billboard for the absurd and ludicrous nature of the God delusion when taken to extremes.
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Re: I am NOT Charlie Hebdo!

Postby Tim Drayton » Mon Jan 12, 2015 2:25 pm

Robin Hood wrote:The western hypocrisy of 'free speech and free expression' ....................

Insofar that Western governments support free speech, it is more often for expedient political advantage. It is not a universal ethic, as claimed. And, laughably, they are telling barefaced lies to claim otherwise, as they continually do.

A French satirical publication may have been allowed to denigrate Islam, but it would never be allowed to condemn Zionism and all its provable criminality. It is doubtful the magazine in question would print cartoons of Sarkozy, Obama or Cameron with explosives tied to their heads or dropping bombs on Libya. Even though the latter is not satire; it actually reflects the reality of criminal actions and events.

So, Western "free speech" is really just freedom for the powers-that-be to demean and demonize whomever the West requires for furthering its political interests. When free speech legitimately attacks Western interests, exposes hypocrisy and fraudulence, then it stops being a "universal principle." Censorship is then the ironclad order.
French comedian Dieudonné, for example, has been banned from public performances by the French government owing to his farcical arm gesture, known as the "Quenelle." The gesture can be interpreted in many ways, from a vulgar personal insult, to a derisory slur on the ruling class. The French authorities claim that the sign is "anti-Semitic" and a reverse Nazi salute. Dieudonné denies this and instead says the gesture is "anti-Zionist" and "anti-establishment."

The comedian has been banned from travelling to Britain by the London authorities, also as a result of his political parodies. His friend and professional footballer, Nicolas Anelka, was last year banned from playing soccer games in England and fined over $100,000 for signaling the Quenelle after scoring a goal.

Almost a year before the massacre at the Charlie Hebdo magazine this week in Paris, French President Francois Hollande gave notice that there would be zero-tolerance of Dieudonné or anyone else who practiced the Quenelle. "We will act… we will fight against the sarcasm of those who purport to be humorists but who are actually professional anti-Semites," said Hollande.

And here is another revealing touchstone. Why is Press TV banned from British terrestrial and satellite television broadcasting? Why is the Iran-based channel banned across Europe and North America? Where is Western free speech in that case? What is the problem?

Press TV is not tolerated. It is banished. Because the truth of Western state terrorism, as practiced by the likes of Sarkozy, Hollande, Obama and Cameron is too much to bear for how it might enlighten and empower public opinion. The truth of Western-sponsored state terrorism as practiced by the genocidal Israeli regime is too much to bear for public discourse; any criticism is shoved down the memory hole under the spurious pretext of "anti-Semitism." The fact that Western leaders should be prosecuted for war crimes is too much to bear. All such views, no matter how intellectually rigorous, morally scrupulous and legally substantiated, must be censored, and those who articulate them must be hounded into isolation.

In 2012, the famous German author Günter Grass made a powerful attack on Israel and Zionism, rightly in my view. I am not aware of him having faced any legal sanctions for doing so.

Free expression is distorted rather than stifled in capitalist countries by the way that those who have the money can control the output of mass media outlets and see to it that only one message gets out. This is no reason for opposing freedom of speech as such, and certainly not for defending the extrajudicial murder of those whose views we do not like.
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Re: I am NOT Charlie Hebdo!

Postby Tim Drayton » Mon Jan 12, 2015 2:29 pm

Lordo wrote:this will go some way in explaining it rw. these were the days when the french were not so keen on freedom of speech. cyprus mail as per usual got it spot on.

A good article. However, I still do not see how assassinating some cartoonists atones for these wrongs.
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Re: I am NOT Charlie Hebdo!

Postby Tim Drayton » Mon Jan 12, 2015 2:35 pm

Get Real! wrote:“Free Speech” hypocrisy in the aftermath of the attack on Charlie Hebdo

In the midst of this orgy of democratic hypocrisy, no reference is made to the fact that the American military, in the course of its wars in the Middle East, is responsible for the deaths of at least 15 journalists. In the on-going narrative of “Freedom of Speech Under Attack,” there is no place for any mention of the 2003 air-to-surface missile attack on the offices of Al Jazeera in Baghdad that left three journalists dead and four wounded.

Nor is anything being written or said about the July 2007 murder of two Reuters journalists working in Baghdad, staff photographer Namir Noor-Eldeen and driver Saeed Chmagh. Both men were deliberately targeted by US Apache gunships while on assignment in East Baghdad.

The American and international public was first able to view a video of the cold-blooded murder of the two journalists as well as a group of Iraqis—taken from one of the gunships—as the result of WikiLeaks’ release of classified material that it had obtained from an American soldier, Corporal Bradley Chelsea Manning.

And how has the United States and Europe acted to protect WikiLeaks’ exercise of free speech? Julian Assange, the founder and publisher of WikiLeaks, has been subjected to relentless persecution. Leading political and media figures in the United States and Canada have denounced him as a “terrorist” and demanded his arrest, with some even calling publicly for his murder. Assange is being pursued on fraudulent “rape” allegations concocted by American and Swedish intelligence services. He has been compelled to seek sanctuary in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, which is under constant guard by British police who will seize Assange if he steps out of the embassy. As for Chelsea Manning, she is presently in prison, serving out a 35-year sentence for treason.

That is how the great capitalist “democracies” of North America and Europe have demonstrated their commitment to free speech and the safety of journalists! ... s-j09.html


From the above article:

"Once again, the political bankruptcy and essentially reactionary character of terrorism is exposed. It serves the interests of the state, which utilizes the opportunity provided by the terrorists to whip up support for authoritarianism and militarism."

No, sorry, these people do not support this act, which they say will make it easier for the French state to impose new authoritarian measures. They certainly point out a great deal of hypocrisy in the Western ruling elites' approach to freedom of speech but do not support such acts of terrorism that destroy the kind of international solidarity that they, as socialists, wish to see constructed.
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Re: I am NOT Charlie Hebdo!

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Mon Jan 12, 2015 2:49 pm

If governments carry out atrocities, get those erring governments. Revolt or vote.

If you are really sophisticated, educate the masses.

Don't simply kill individuals just because it's easier. :roll:

(BTW - Tim, you are doing a grand job chipping away at GR!'s internet-sponsored-education :) )
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Re: I am NOT Charlie Hebdo!

Postby Paphitis » Mon Jan 12, 2015 3:04 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:If governments carry out atrocities, get those erring governments. Revolt or vote.

If you are really sophisticated, educate the masses.

Don't simply kill individuals just because it's easier. :roll:

(BTW - Tim, you are doing a grand job chipping away at GR!'s internet-sponsored-education :) )

Yes keep up the good work Tim!

Soon, Get Real! will be awarded his certificate!

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Re: I am NOT Charlie Hebdo!

Postby Get Real! » Mon Jan 12, 2015 3:26 pm

So Tim was a closet hater of theists who only just decided to come out now! 8)

Perhaps what triggered this besides Charlie is that he discovered one of the many discrepancies in the Bible and now feels that it is enough contradiction to put Christianity to rest! :lol:

In fact Tim is so sure of himself that he demands immunity from punishment for those who wish to continue insulting theists because presumably that is the only way to convert them so that they may follow the atheist “logic” of… well nothingness! :?

He and other atheists have misconstrued the phrase “free speech” into a green light to propagate discrimination and hatred at will so as to force the “opponent” into submission! Of course, the theists’ right to free speech via religion is of no importance because they must be stupid anyway! :wink:

Well two can play at that game Tim because what’s good for the goose is good for the gander so theists piss on your version of “free speech” and remind that they can and may even kill for their God so be warned!

Of course, no violence is necessary because religion isn’t forced down anyone’s throat… at least not in Tim’s neck of the woods, so he has a choice as well as an obligation to respect those who also made their choice that is different to Tim’s.
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Re: I am NOT Charlie Hebdo!

Postby Tim Drayton » Mon Jan 12, 2015 3:44 pm

Hater of theists? No. Pitier of theists? Yes. As I have already said, I am perfectly happy for people to believe and do as they wish, as long as they do not threaten or endanger me. As an atheist, my only demand is not to be gagged. You say that all atheists are theists, so you must support me in my demand as a proto-theist (you think). Relax will you? Leave it to your God to punish transgressors in the next life.
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Re: I am NOT Charlie Hebdo!

Postby Get Real! » Mon Jan 12, 2015 4:12 pm

Paphitis, I should’ve mentioned this earlier but when I’m logged on I can’t see any of your posts because I’ve had you blocked for a while!

This is all I see…

This post was made by Paphitis who is currently on your ignore list. Display this post.

It’s unfortunate that you just can’t help yourself from posting any old rubbish that comes to your mind to almost every post you see so it's very taxing wading through your stuff so I had to get rid of them.

Sorry… :lol:
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Re: I am NOT Charlie Hebdo!

Postby Tim Drayton » Mon Jan 12, 2015 4:18 pm

Get Real! wrote:Paphitis, I should’ve mentioned this earlier but when I’m logged on I can’t see any of your posts because I’ve had you blocked for a while!

This is all I see…

This post was made by Paphitis who is currently on your ignore list. Display this post.

It’s unfortunate that you just can’t help yourself from posting any old rubbish that comes to your mind to almost every post you see so it's very taxing wading through your stuff so I had to get rid of them.

Sorry… :lol:

Tell me how you do that, will you? I would love to simply block your posts. Thanks.
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