Get Real! wrote:Tim Drayton wrote:What is your issue, anyway, mate? You say that the bible predicts the rise of atheism, and atheists, in your simple world view, will burn it hell. Why the chip on your shoulder about it all, then?
My issue?I'm just a happy man that 12 racist scumbags are no more! If that's not cause for the world to celebrate I don't know what is!
Of course I'm talking about that (small) part of the world who actually have a brain and don't confuse vile propaganda with "freedom of expression"!
The way the world is going, soon filthy Westerners (like these French clowns) will be marching in their millions in Europe demanding that paedophilia is their “sexual freedom”!![]()
That’s how shameless and disgusting you people are and why I have no respect for you whatsoever!
The only way to control the brainless disgusting ones is with a chain around their necks 24/7 and to whip ‘em good 3 times a day!
Ever heard of the Cyprus Kourbatzi? It’s exactly what you people need!
But this is what you say is God's will as predicted in the bible (riddled with contradictions as it is, such the Genesis 1 says that the beasts were created before man and Genesis 2 - yes, the same book written by the same person in the same place at the same time in the same language - says the exact opposite, meaning that this book has zero credibility as a source, and, guess what, you or other pedlars of these lies cannot kill me for saying so) so why are you rebelling against God's will?
In the fairy tale world of religious belief, all of these sinners will suffer eternal torment in hell. Is that not satisfaction enough for you?
So, no, I do not understand what you are getting worked up about. You are a walking billboard for the absurd and ludicrous nature of the God delusion when taken to extremes.