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Je suis Charlie

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Re: Je suis Charlie

Postby Get Real! » Tue Jan 13, 2015 11:08 am

Tim Drayton wrote:Thou shalt not kill. Exodus 20:13

Perhaps that’s the very problem Tim! :?

GOD may have had enough at how many people were being killed as a result of these disgusting racists polluting the airways 24/7 for so many years!

Because only GOD knows how many people died as a result of Charlie’s propaganda, and maybe he decided to pull their plug!

GOD works in mysterious ways you know… :?
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Re: Je suis Charlie

Postby Tim Drayton » Tue Jan 13, 2015 11:09 am

bill cobbett wrote:The much anticipated front cover of the latest edition of Charlie Hebdo ...

(All is Forgiven)

Can any of our self-appointed religious experts our there (maybe the one who says, incorrectly in the face of Genesis 2, that God created the beasts before man) explain why the depiction of the man living in the Arabian peninsula in the 6th Century who declared himself to be a prophet is such an issue? There were no cameras at that time and, to the best of my knowledge, no portraits were ever made of him, so any drawing purporting to represent this man - as the one above - will simply be the artist's own impression of what he may have looked like, not an actual depiction. It is impossible to produce a depiction of a person whose precise physical appearance is unknown.

I interpret the above cartoon to be saying that last week's attack on Charlie Hebdo is not what Islam is about.
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Re: Je suis Charlie

Postby Tim Drayton » Tue Jan 13, 2015 11:15 am

Get Real! wrote:
Tim Drayton wrote:Thou shalt not kill. Exodus 20:13

Perhaps that’s the very problem Tim! :?

GOD may have had enough at how many people were being killed as a result of these disgusting racists polluting the airways 24/7 for so many years!

Because only GOD knows how many people died as a result of Charlie’s propaganda, and maybe he decided to pull their plug!

GOD works in mysterious ways you know… :?

"GOD works in mysterious ways you know." Exactly. If you genuinely believe in an all-powerful, all-knowing God, why do you get so hot under the collar? You have said that an increase in atheism is predicted in the bible and so must be God's will, and you believe that all sinners will be punished in the next life. So, why not just sit back, relax and enjoy it. The fact that you want to kill people who use satire to expose the nonsense of religion, or support others who kill them, shows that deep down you know that it is all a fairy tale. In other words, theists are just atheists who will get there in the end if they try a bit harder.
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Re: Je suis Charlie

Postby Get Real! » Tue Jan 13, 2015 11:21 am

Tim Drayton wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Tim Drayton wrote:Thou shalt not kill. Exodus 20:13

Perhaps that’s the very problem Tim! :?

GOD may have had enough at how many people were being killed as a result of these disgusting racists polluting the airways 24/7 for so many years!

Because only GOD knows how many people died as a result of Charlie’s propaganda, and maybe he decided to pull their plug!

GOD works in mysterious ways you know… :?

"GOD works in mysterious ways you know." Exactly. If you genuinely believe in an all-powerful, all-knowing God, why do you get so hot under the collar? You have said that an increase in atheism is predicted in the bible and so must be God's will, and you believe that all sinners will be punished in the next life. So, why not just sit back, relax and enjoy it. The fact that you want to kill people who use satire to expose the nonsense of religion, or support others who kill them, shows that deep down you know that it is all a fairy tale. In other words, theists are just atheists who will get there in the end if they try a bit harder.

Maybe it’s GOD’s intention that I may influence someone reading the CF because maybe this someone won’t be dying an atheist.

Like I said… GOD works in mysterious ways you know! :?
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Re: Je suis Charlie

Postby Tim Drayton » Tue Jan 13, 2015 11:32 am

Get Real! wrote:
Tim Drayton wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Tim Drayton wrote:Thou shalt not kill. Exodus 20:13

Perhaps that’s the very problem Tim! :?

GOD may have had enough at how many people were being killed as a result of these disgusting racists polluting the airways 24/7 for so many years!

Because only GOD knows how many people died as a result of Charlie’s propaganda, and maybe he decided to pull their plug!

GOD works in mysterious ways you know… :?

"GOD works in mysterious ways you know." Exactly. If you genuinely believe in an all-powerful, all-knowing God, why do you get so hot under the collar? You have said that an increase in atheism is predicted in the bible and so must be God's will, and you believe that all sinners will be punished in the next life. So, why not just sit back, relax and enjoy it. The fact that you want to kill people who use satire to expose the nonsense of religion, or support others who kill them, shows that deep down you know that it is all a fairy tale. In other words, theists are just atheists who will get there in the end if they try a bit harder.

Maybe it’s GOD’s intention that I may influence someone reading the CF because maybe this someone won’t be dying an atheist.

Like I said… GOD works in mysterious ways you know! :?

Do you think you are adopting a tone, which flies in the face of the teachings of the very religion you purport to be defending (e.g. the injunction of Exodus 20:13: "Thou shalt not kill."), that is likely to attract new devotees to the slowly dying God delusion? I, for one, don't.
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Re: Je suis Charlie

Postby bill cobbett » Tue Jan 13, 2015 5:03 pm

Here's a chap who some say believed what He wanted to believe, who said what He wanted to say, who wasn't afraid to preach against dogmas, to offend occupiers and who taught about Love, Tolerance and Forgiveness...
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Re: Je suis Charlie

Postby Get Real! » Tue Jan 13, 2015 5:09 pm

The West’s hypocrisy exposed...

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Re: Je suis Charlie

Postby Lordo » Tue Jan 13, 2015 5:45 pm

bill cobbett wrote:Here's a chap who some say believed what He wanted to believe, who said what He wanted to say, who wasn't afraid to preach against dogmas, to offend occupiers and who taught about Love, Tolerance and Forgiveness...

did you know he was a cypriot

his father was a carpenter
he lived with his mother till his 30s
his mother thought he was god.

and here is some of his lovely followers
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Re: Je suis Charlie

Postby bill cobbett » Tue Jan 13, 2015 6:15 pm

Lordo wrote:
bill cobbett wrote:Here's a chap who some say believed what He wanted to believe, who said what He wanted to say, who wasn't afraid to preach against dogmas, to offend occupiers and who taught about Love, Tolerance and Forgiveness...

did you know he was a cypriot

his father was a carpenter
he lived with his mother till his 30s
his mother thought he was god.

and here is some of his lovely followers

Blasphemy...!!! Blasphemy ...!!!

Expect a visit from our GR and his assault rifle...

... and it's best not to hide in the bathroom. Know what i mean, 'arry.
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Re: Je suis Charlie

Postby repulsewarrior » Tue Jan 13, 2015 6:21 pm

bill cobbett wrote:Here's a chap who some say believed what He wanted to believe, who said what He wanted to say, who wasn't afraid to preach against dogmas, to offend occupiers and who taught about Love, Tolerance and Forgiveness...

well said, bill. Mohammed cries today, not unlike his brother, they Love, they Suffer, they Forgive; close to God, even an unbeliever knows, the way.
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