bill cobbett wrote:The much anticipated front cover of the latest edition of Charlie Hebdo ...
(All is Forgiven)
Can any of our self-appointed religious experts our there (maybe the one who says, incorrectly in the face of Genesis 2, that God created the beasts before man) explain why the depiction of the man living in the Arabian peninsula in the 6th Century who declared himself to be a prophet is such an issue? There were no cameras at that time and, to the best of my knowledge, no portraits were ever made of him, so any drawing purporting to represent this man - as the one above - will simply be the artist's own impression of what he may have looked like, not an actual depiction. It is impossible to produce a depiction of a person whose precise physical appearance is unknown.
I interpret the above cartoon to be saying that last week's attack on Charlie Hebdo is not what Islam is about.