Lordo wrote:of course it does, as much as it did the roman empire and every other empire before it and since.
Get Real! wrote:If anything, this Charlie Hebdo debacle has been nothing but a major egg on the face of the hypocritical West!
Hey Tim, high time you inserted both feet in mouth!
miltiades wrote:Get Real! wrote:If anything, this Charlie Hebdo debacle has been nothing but a major egg on the face of the hypocritical West!
Hey Tim, high time you inserted both feet in mouth!
Two brainwashed savages walk into the offices of this magazine and indiscriminately murder anyone on sight, then they kill a police officer whilst injured on the ground in the meantine screaming out allahu akbar.
This is the fundamental issue here, barbarians committing murder in the name of a non existent god.
Idiots such as the psycho excuse these murderous acts. To them I say, go blow your useless selves up.
B25 wrote:So sue the firm, not shoot the staff. Was it all of their fault or only that of the editor? re, come on FFS.
Get Real! wrote:B25 wrote:So sue the firm, not shoot the staff. Was it all of their fault or only that of the editor? re, come on FFS.
Charlie was sued on at least 3 occasions that I read about, and incredibly they won every single time despite clear violations of Hate Speech laws so that’s a total failure (most likely through corruption) of the French state to uphold the law.
repulsewarrior wrote:...i find it hard to believe that the millions who marched for Charlie, if you will, favour corruption of their Justice System, by association, as well.
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