Get Real! wrote:Education is key...
Hate speech laws in France:
Blasphemy law worldwide:
United States free speech exceptions: ... exceptions
Get Real! wrote:It’s been a good start to the new year… Jewhadist Publishing Co has been laid to rest and the world can sleep better tonight knowing that a major propaganda outlet is no more!
Is there anyone else in France who wants to publish insulting caricatures?
Any more brave ones out there who think are immune from persecution and can defile God at will?![]()
With an ever increasing Muslim population in France… let’s see you try that again tough guys!
Get Real! wrote:Education is key...
Hate speech laws in France:
Blasphemy law worldwide:
United States free speech exceptions: ... exceptions
Get Real! wrote:Education is key...
Hate speech laws in France:
Blasphemy law worldwide:
United States free speech exceptions: ... exceptions
Tim Drayton wrote:Get Real! wrote:Education is key...
Hate speech laws in France:
Blasphemy law worldwide:
United States free speech exceptions: ... exceptions
Thanks for posting that. One exception to freedom of speech in the USA, according to the above, is:
“Threats of violence that are directed at a person or group of persons that has the intent of placing the target at risk of bodily harm or death are generally unprotected.”
One example of that would be (posted by Get Real):
“Let’s now talk a bit about Stephane Charbonnier… the man who saw fit to publish insulting cartoons despite the French Muslim community taking him to court (unsuccessfully) in 2006/7 and him being threatened on a regular basis.
This individual was a religious antagonist who sought to create as much hatred against Muslims as possible; something that more than anyone else would serve the Zionist cause.
I for one have no respect for such scum so I say good riddance to bad rubbish!
Look at this heap of shit… he even looks like a paedophile!”
The line “I for one have no respect for such scum so I say good riddance to bad rubbish” clearly condones the extrajudicial killing (in breach of the biblical and quranic injunctions: “Thou shalt not kill.” (Exodus 20:13) and "Do not take life, which Allah has made sacred, except through justice and the law. He orders this so that you may acquire wisdom." (6:151)) of those you disagree with and can be construed as an incitement to commit similar acts, and can thus be described as a threat of violence that is directed at a person or group of persons that has the intent of placing the target at risk of bodily harm or death. Thank you for going to the trouble of pointing out the illegality (under US law) of that post.
Get Real! wrote:It’s been a good start to the new year… Jewhadist Publishing Co has been laid to rest and the world can sleep better tonight knowing that a major propaganda outlet is no more!
Is there anyone else in France who wants to publish insulting caricatures?
Any more brave ones out there who think are immune from persecution and can defile God at will?![]()
With an ever increasing Muslim population in France… let’s see you try that again tough guys!
Get Real! wrote:It’s been a good start to the new year… Jewhadist Publishing Co has been laid to rest and the world can sleep better tonight knowing that a major propaganda outlet is no more!
Is there anyone else in France who wants to publish insulting caricatures?
Any more brave ones out there who think are immune from persecution and can defile God at will?![]()
With an ever increasing Muslim population in France… let’s see you try that again tough guys!
French imams condemned violence committed in the name of Islam during Friday prayers as the country reeled from the double hostage dramas that followed the massacre at Charlie Hebdo magazine.
The same message — distancing the country’s five million Muslims from the jihadists responsible for the attacks — was relayed at more than 2,300 mosques across France.
“We denounce the odious crimes committed by the terrorists, whose criminal action endangers our willingness to live together,” said the rector of the Grand Mosque of Paris, Dalil Boubakeur.
He also appealed to “all the Muslims of France” to take part in demonstrations planned for Sunday to pay homage to the 12 victims of the attack on Charlie Hebdo on Wednesday, the bloodiest in France in more than half a century.
In local mosques across the country, imams condemned the jihadists who claimed they were avenging the Prophet Mohammed by shooting dead some of France’s best-known cartoonists at the satirical weekly.
Charlie Hebdo had angered many Muslims by repeatedly publishing cartoons that featured the Prophet as it lampooned Islamist extremists.
“To a cartoon you reply with a cartoon, to a drawing with a drawing, to a newspaper article with a newspaper article… But you don’t reply with guns,” said Mustafa Riad of the Union mosque in the southern city of Montpellier.
Muslim groups had taken the magazine to court over the drawings but had lost.
“The people who carried out that attack in the name of Islam are not Muslims… The Prophet did not advocate violence against non-Muslims,” Abdel Qader Achour, of the conservative Omar Ibn Al Khattab mosque not far from Charlie Hebdo’s offices, insisted.
“France is our country, we have been here for three or even four generations, and we should not be afraid,” he said as around one thousand of the faithful gathered to pray.
Tim Drayton wrote: ... and "Do not take life, which Allah has made sacred, except through justice and the law. He orders this so that ....
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