Zaheer wrote:Kikapu wrote:Zaheer wrote:I think,now you are near to the point. Yes we didn't have divorce and didn't have any contract with her, even I didn't know where she was. She has criminal mind.and I am sure about that she didn't contract with immigration police. She can't tell it to the police because she was guilty as well and if she reported she would have problem as well as she took sum of amount from me. Thanks for the positive advice and that I wanted from the reader.
You are now changing your story....again.
Earlier you said that the marriage was dissolved somehow because it was a fake marriage and then you went on to marry a Polish woman, but now you are saying there was no divorce from the Bulgarian animalistic gypsy and that she would not dare to tell the police she was in fake marriage, then how do you know that you are actually divorced from this Bulgarian animalistic gypsy because a marriage in a CONTRACT? If you did not get an official divorce papers from Cypriot authorities, then how do you know you are still not married to her? Then you got married again in Bangladesh to the Polish lady and if you were not officially divorced from the "gypsy", now you have committed another crime in polygamy, unless you are allowed to have more than one wife in Bangladesh, but even then, it will be a crime in the EU and the western countries, even in the great state of Utah. If you are officially still married to Lordos’ distant gipsy niece, then you better forget about getting into Poland.
It must be said, that you have done everything under the sun to screw yourself royally in a matter of year or two as it may take some of us a whole lifetime of fuck-ups and not come anywhere near to your fuck-ups. You are going to need a whole team of Immigration lawyers to sort out your case and cost you all the money you have and the money you don't have. Perhaps you should take GR's advice and stay in Bangladesh and build a life of happiness there.
You are stupid. And have flat brain. If my marriage was valid, how they sent me back? It's invalid because I was not with her,didn't know where she was and I didn't defend myself that my marriage is valid or true. So it's annulled and for this I am in Bangladesh..
You were deported from Cyprus back to Bangladesh not because you were married to the "gypsy", valid marriage or fake marriage, but because you had become an illegal alien once your visa had expired and was given few days for you to leave on your own, which you did not and was then caught much later by the police. At that point, you could have been married to the president's daughter and still would not have made a difference. You would have been deported, because you had become a lawbreaker by becoming an illegal alien. Under normal circumstances in the old days you and your wife could have petitioned in Cyprus for you to stay there and get a new immigration visa, but these days you most probably could only have done that at a Cyprus embassy in Bangladesh or which ever other country's embassy represents Cyprus in Bangladesh because you were going to be deported no matter what once you were caught by the police. But the "gypsy" wife did not want anything to do with you either in Cyprus or Bangladesh to help you get your new visa, so now you are stuck being married to her unless either you or her officially files for a divorce. Did the Cyprus authorities give you any official papers stating that your marriage was annulled because it was a fake marriage? If the answer is a NO, then you are still officially married to the "gypsy" and unofficially to the Polish woman. When you applied for a marriage licence in Bangladesh, did it not ask you if you had been married before, and when answered "YES", then wanted papers showing when you were divorced, or did you lie and answered "NO" for being married before? Which did you do?
By the way, if you are still legally married to the "gypsy" and she gives a birth to a child (children) from fooling around and the child's father wants nothing to do with that child, then that child becomes your financial responsibility until the age of 18 years old. If I were you, I would do what's necessary to end that marriage to the "gypsy" officially as soon as you can, because the potential for you to add more fuck-ups to your already fucked-up resume is very high. The "gypsy" will milk you for all you have for money as long as you are married to her by blackmailing you, because of you taking a second wife, the Polish lady while being legally married to her. By the way, the economy of Poland is not that great and most people earn very little money there, even most educated people, which you claim to be one. Lets hope that the Polish woman who married you was also not looking for someone to take care of her by marrying a "sucker". Is it just a coincidence that you have married to two different women, most likely concurrently from two economically depressed countries in the EU? I don't know which one of you were trying to take the other(s) for a ride, but looks like you have all found each other and all you have to show for is nothing but a lot of legal problems. Good luck solving these problems. Your story make the movie
"Green Card" nothing special at all!