Zaheer wrote:Kikapu wrote:Zaheer wrote:Kikapu wrote:This guy Zaheer tried to abuse the legal system of a EU country and got himself banned from the EU for life I think. He said, that after he got away from his "wife" of 45 days, divorced perhaps, he became illegal immigrant, which he would have been given a matter of few days for him to leave Cyprus on his own, but I think what really happened after he got caught by chance on a road traffic control he was arrested and kept in jail for 20 days before being kicked out as a criminal after his legal hearing was over. No doubt his "wife" of 45 days told the police it was a sham marriage, which would have added more negative weight to his already legal problems. So no matter which EU countries embassy he goes to to get a visa to enter even as a tourist, chances are he will be denied entry, because he cannot be trusted to leave the country when he is suppose to, which he will not leave at all from past experience, and if he was deported from Cyprus with a criminal record, he has very little chance entering any country in the west, let alone just to the EU, not unless he has become very rich since being kicked out of Cyprus.
There was no divorce with this b****. I didn't want to see her face even. Anyway, I was a victim of circumstances.i am lucky that she couldn't trap me more, I was exhausted with her, I had only one way to get rid of her was to run away.. Ao i did.anyway,I didn't have any court hearing. Thank you
Listen my friend, your story is all over the place and I'm confused with it because I don't know what the time line is to your story. Did you get married to the "Bulgarian Gypsy" in Bangladesh before or after you were kicked out of Cyprus? You said that after you got married, your visa application from abroad at the Swedish and Polish embassies were rejected, then how did you come to Cyprus? If you got married to the "Bulgarian Gypsy" after you were kicked out of Cyprus for being an overstay, an illegal immigrant and finally kicked out after being held for 20 day by the Cyprus authorities, your chances of ever getting a visa to the EU or to the western countries is going to be slim to none, specially if your "Bulgarian Gypsy" wife also ratted on you as being a sham marriage to save her ass from prosecution.
My question still stands, did you try to go to the "trnc" once your visa expired in Cyprus? If not, why not?
Good that you read. Thank you for student visa was finished onset ember 2012, so i was legal in cyprus for 6 years. and on November 2012 I got married with Gypsy girl. But I couldn't live with her because she was b*** and animalistic.i didn't know about her before this shit was a big mistake in my life. Anyway, one year later I got caught on the road and I sign in the document that I want to go Bangladesh. But I had real and true relation with a polish girl, from January 2013. And her family too much love me and understand me. Her family visited us in Cyprus because me and my girlfriend lived in a flat. We had engagement in Cyprus. Anyway, she came to Bangladesh and our official wedding and the ceremony took place in Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Bulgarian gypsy nothing could did, she is the criminal. Not me. I think you get my point. And that marriage was proven fake already so for this they deported me. If not fake, nobody have right to deport. So the marriage automatically cancel as the authority knew that we didn't t live together so it's fake.
My student visa expired and I couldn't renew it because my course of study was finished and I got the Bachelor Degree. Cyprus immigration very worry when they see that somebody is legal for more than 4 or 5 years. Because they do not want that somebody go to court for the PRP or citizenship.
You should have gotten married to a Cypriot girl, and perhaps you would not have had so many problems.
So let me get this right. Your student visa had expired in September of 2012 which would mean you must leave Cyprus, so instead in November of 2012 you got married to the "Bulgarian Gypsy", probably Lordo's distant niece, but you though she was too animalistic, which most guys would kill for their woman to be so animalistic. But for you, she was just too much, so while you were still legally married to this "Bulgarian animalistic Gypsy", you decided to get engage to this love of your life Polish girl and live with her as of January 2013. About a year later the police catches you because you did not live up to your end of the bargain to leave Cyprus when you promised to do so, so you got deported after spending 20 days at the police cell. So you got sent to Bangladesh and your polish fiancé came there to marry you at later date, and then you tried to get a Swedish visa there and one for Poland in India, but both times refused, despite your wife being polish.
But before you were deported from Cyprus, your "Bulgarian animalistic gypsy" wife had told the police that it was a fake marriage, so the marriage was annulled probably, because most likely you did not consummate the marriage. What a shame, because an animalistic girl like that doesn't come along that often

Good luck to you in going to Poland. At least you had the good sense not to go to the "trnc". Matters would have become much worse for you than they already are.