according to phileleftheros , KTOS (tc teacher trade union) , a tc lawer and two tc families will sue the RoC demanding that tc childern should have the ability to learn their mother tongue in a tc school.
the two tc teachers hired up to now are not quiified to teach in junior schools, according to the lawer. (why the hell die they hire them? i dont also know if they hat a choise..)
the general secretary of KTOS and the tc parents said that they will demand all the rights they deserve from the constitution.
the tc lawer said that the RoC was created by two communities and went on to add that the goverment should have 10 ministries given on a 7 - 3 ratio, and that cannot change. he also argued that the changes done to the ministry of education and culture are against the constitution, since they were made after amending the constitution.
obviously we are not doing enough. why dont we just hire tc teachers as we are supposed to ? if we are going to play the role of the RoC we may as well do it right.
moreover we can avoid the trial.
as for the constitutional rights of problem.
lets hope the trial moves as fast as possible for the sake of the kids.