GreekIslandGirl wrote:I take it, Oz, that this "dark side" of Greek history is on 1821 when "Greek'ness" dared to fight for freedom from 400 years of Ottoman enslavement?
Are you one of the two Turkish-named 'translators'?
I am sorry lady but you seem to have a problem with comprehending what your own scholars in your own language explained in the video!

No I am not one of the translators but I intend to do a copy for the media in the North with Turkish Subtitles at the bottom.
Finally ny question to you would be, what part of it is it that you do not understand, when you are explained "Greekness" and all that did not exist until 1821?
Why don't you understand that the communities under Ottoman domain were never enslaved but on the contrary, ethnic people learned and practiced their own language, education, and religion freely!
Why do you not want to see that you have been taught false history and fairy tales just to create hatred and animosity against the Turks (just like your youth were after 1974). Not Europen historians but The Greek Orthodox church (contrary to their religious beliefs and directives) had always been the perpetrators of these lies and mis information.
Your so called "fight for freedom" (which never really existed according to the documentary) was mainly carried our by the Albanians who butchered undefended Turkish civilians including women and children (just like in 1963 and 1974 - before the Cyprus invasion). All these lies were to help to create a "Greek" identity and nationalism. There is nothing wrong with people wanting to call themselves Greek, Turk, Eskimo or Mongol! But you are serving other nations' interests and harming yourself, when you start to become racist because of these provocations.
No one is asking you to like the Turkish people! No one is asking you to love TCs! Believe me they hate and abhor you and others who think like you just as much and probably more. So please, if you want to use your democratic right to be ugly, racist and offensive, just carry on - because you are not going to convince anyone sensible in Cyprus with your silly statements. Cypriots have been through a lot of political tests as different ethnic communities and most have come to understand the realities of today's world.
Now excuse me whilst I cross the border in an hour and do some shopping in Ledra Street and help my fellow countrymen through their economic difficulties - with my mind at ease (with no thoughts of "do not spend money in a GC shop and help them buy guns to kill you!" bollocks). I do not believe any GC down South will ever want to kill me and any TC up North will want to harm or kill any GC.