Out of Airport turn Left @ T Junction toward Paphos
@ 1st Round-a-bout Turn Left toward Kato Paphos
Next Round - a - Bout Turn Right
This will take you to Tombs of the Kings Road / Coastal Road
Stay on this road for Approximately 10km
@ slight staggered Cross Roads (BUY/SELL Offices on Left)
Coral Bay toward Left - Peyia to Right
Journey Time - 30 - 40 mins
Finding your accommodation in Peyia may be more tricky if you do not have good directions.
Lovely area.
Coral Bay Great Beach for Kids
for further infomation regarding Car Hire, Places of Interest and Eating out in the area, please try the link below.
We always book through Holiday Autos - We always ask for the smallest car with no A/C and touch wood - so far have received an astra sized car with A/C - not in the greatest condition - but you get what you pay for.
Better cars you will have to try Avis or Hertz.
Good luck - I hope this helps