GreekIslandGirl wrote:Lordo wrote:are you sure that was the problem and not greek people not paying tax...
I'm sure.
The average Greek worker had tax deducted at source from their wage packets (some of the smallest wage earnings in the whole EU). Some of the problems were induced by the foreigners with holiday homes that made the country seem more populated than it was, yet they paid
no tax to Greece, and again, it was mostly foreign holiday-home owners that had the swimming pools which did not have permits and avoided the taxes. All these things have now been addressed - and still they find new excuses with which to hammer the
average Greek.
What has been ignored, I must agree, is the
super-wealthy who have tax havens abroad. Now, this is a
global problem, certainly a
major problem for all European states, especially Great Britain, and this should be what is tackled first and foremost. But of course, this super-wealthy subculture includes politicians, and bankers and they are untouchable - in ALL countries not just Greece or Cyprus.
Greece doesn't need loans. It needs to be left alone to do what it does best - work and live. It doesn't need to be force-fed money, with attachments, that goes straight back to Germany yet leaves the Greeks looking like they OWE something.
Greeks do NOT owe anyone anything!
Yet, the rest of the world owes, oooohhh, so much ....