It is not my intention to be Scrooge-like but...
Have you thought that all the extra lighting of Christmas street decorations plus private/commercial ones must total one helluva lot of extra global-warming carbon dioxide emissions from the power stations? We are asked to economise on energy and then we waste it collectively or individually like there was no tomorrow. And it could be that our tomorrows may be a lot dimmer as oil and natural gas resources become increasingly exhausted with massive price increases for our energy.
The village I live in has only about 1,100 inhabitants but that does not stop them from illuminations worthy of a town ten times bigger. And these have bugger-all to do with Christmas (reindeer, mock trees, garlands and so on) but just the commercial symbols. Not to mention the cost of the labour installing this tawdry rubbish.
There are two large "creches" in the village, as well, with almost life-size statues of the Holy Family plus a few farm animals. I'll grant you that these do represent an imagery of the Christmas story but I was under the impression that the Orthodox Church took the notion of graven images very seriously. Is this not therefore blasphemous? (Except that the graven images do not look the least like what one would expect to find in a Middle Eastern pre-diaspora Jewish community; more like a Middle-European one!).
I would say that a little more humility and less garish and polluting commercialism would help pass the message of the birth of Jesus Christ amongst the people more effectively.