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Construction and operation of a seawater desalination plant

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Re: Construction and operation of a seawater desalination pl

Postby Lordo » Thu Dec 18, 2014 1:55 pm

gardash wrote:
Nikitas wrote:Sums up interesting: 40 plus 20 equals 60 thousand cubic meters daily. The much touted and more costly pippa in the trunc will bring over, if and when it finishes, 70 thousand cubic meters daily. The blackmail potential for the desal is nil, the pippa.... well we know how that goes. They only want all the gas discovered in the EEZ in exchange for the water.

Such plants can also be constructed on ships and taken to the spots that need water most. Unlike pippes.

It's not just the capital cost of building these things, it's the revenue cost of running them. Desal plants cost a fortune to run, piped water costs much less.

you must not think badly of our friends in the south. they are used chasing their tail like a spoilt shillaguri.

when we have terggish water, we will be able to sell it to them at a profit. it will be a win win for all three. you never know even greece may benefit. i gather the tits gone dry as far as greece is concerned.
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