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about the missing, worth mentioning...

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Re: about the missing, worth mentioning...

Postby bill cobbett » Mon Dec 01, 2014 1:01 am

You fellows really are wasting your time on this poor excuse for an over-weight human being, Scummo.

You'll find more morals, regrets and apologies or anything else remotely human in the Turkish Sewers he's spent a life-time crawling through.

Here is a reminder of the account from Sener Levent as to the measures that the TA/TMT have taken to hide the devastating and incriminating evidence of the executions of prisoners, of women and the old, the killings by bullets in the head with their hands tied behind their backs, of hundreds of CYs, so that thieving scumbags like Bordo and his family and many other "trnc"-supporters can hang on to Greek Loot...

"... The Missing People who were thrown in the sea and the secret of Apostolos Varnavas
by Şener Levent

I think that the events I will tell you about today have not been written about before. I learnt about them recently. And I was surprised they have remained a secret for so long. Are these things that should be revealed? Seventeen years have passed since 1996, and only today we discover these events by the testament of an eyewitness. To put it simply, with the establishment of the Committee on Missing Persons (CMP), the eyewitness says, concern and panic took hold in Turkey.

A decision was taken to destroy the mass graves of 1974. For this purpose a specialist team was sent to the island, to find and destroy the graves.
We all know that 1996 was a critical year for Cyprus with lots of events. In 1996 Solomou was shot in Derenia whilst trying to climb the flagpole. In 1996 Isaac was beaten to death in the same area. In 1996 was also the Apostolos Varnavas monastery raid. In 1996 Kutlu Adali [Turkish Cypriot author and journalist] was murdered. The events I will describe are closely related to these last two events.

Work began immediately, the team from Turkey’s purpose was to find and destroy all evidence of Greek Cypriot mass graves. Their first task was to find people who knew the whereabouts of these graves.

Operations were shrouded in secrecy. The mass killings of Greek Cypriots were carried out particularly after the crimes at Maratha, Aloa and Sandalary.

Following these events the mass indiscriminate killing of Greek Cypriots prisoners began – children, elderly – without distinction were carried out by Turkish soldiers and by some Turkish Cypriots.

Whoever knew, pointed out the graves they knew to the special team that had arrived from Turkey. In Afania, in Assia, in Beykeuy, Tziaos and wherever else they were found. They went to the closed area of Famagusta. There, there were some who had been murdered and buried in the rubbish dump to avoid the need to dig a grave, and earth was piled on top of them.

Those in the mass graves were exhumed and loaded on wagons. They were transported and dumped at sea. And now they whisper it in our ear after so many years. If all this is true, it mean those searching, are searching in vain. They will never find them.

Let’s come to the story of Apostolos Varnavas. Everyone thinks that a treasure is buried there in the garden of the monastery and that is why it was dug up in a raid? This is not the truth according to our witness. There was a mass grave there, and the special team from Turkey visited that place too. Those buried there had not been murdered there. They were killed elsewhere and buried there.

And what about Kutlu Adali? It is said that Kutlu Adali knew about the decision taken in Turkey and the operation that was being carried out. So he started investigating the raid at Apostolos Varnavas. He wrote about this issue in various newspaper articles.

It is said that the military administration invited him to their headquarters and they warned him about this issue. Kutlu Adali did not give credence to the threats. After all he was not the sort of person who feared such things. So the final decision was taken about him. He was shot and killed outside his house, thus not giving him the chance to reveal his secret about Apostolos Varnavas. Just like they did not give the chance to Ahmet Muzaffer Gürkan and Ayhan Hikmet to reveal who planted the bomb at the Bayraktar and Ömeriye mosques [in Nicosia on the night of March 24, 1962]. It was not treasure and things of that kind they were searching for but mass graves.

We will never know how many remains of missing people were disposed of at sea during these operations. The only thing we know is that these remains will never be found. Therefore to remember them eternally we need to build a monument for the ‘unknown victim’. So we can look at this monument and feel shame for even this will not be enough to bring forgiveness. ..."
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Re: about the missing, worth mentioning...

Postby Lordo » Mon Dec 01, 2014 1:47 am

oh ugly ducklin of bullaruimmu. once you start explaining hoe people were executed, you must continue to describe how the tcs in murataga and sandallilar and atlilar were also executed. particularly how was the 16 day old girl killed. how they first ripped the hearts out of two twelve year old boys before beheading them, and how they tried to burn them to destroy evidence. perhaps you can go on and explain how one of the murderers is teaching religious education in school.

this selective descriptions does nothing for your cause. particularly amongst those tcs who have relatives missing from 64.
how were they killed bullaruimmu
where are they now bullaruimmu
your silence is deafening bullaruimmu.
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Re: about the missing, worth mentioning...

Postby Nikitas » Mon Dec 01, 2014 2:46 am

You keep repeating the mantra of the 16 month old baby. There were dead babies, many of them, on the GC side too. The vast majority of the dead GCs were non combatants. THeir numbers are beyond anything the TC community suffered.

You keep avoiding the issue, that there was a deliberate tactic to terrorise the population and force them to leave. The means of terror were summary execution, rape and looting.

And if you go on this Turkic one for one score keeping bullshit there is the family in Kythrea, killed by a teenage TC because they had cows that he wanted. A newborn was among the dead, if that makes you feel better. The asshole that did it is known, but never arrested. CLean house and then talk.
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Re: about the missing, worth mentioning...

Postby Lordo » Mon Dec 01, 2014 12:55 pm

Nikitas wrote:You keep repeating the mantra of the 16 month old baby. There were dead babies, many of them, on the GC side too. The vast majority of the dead GCs were non combatants. THeir numbers are beyond anything the TC community suffered.

You keep avoiding the issue, that there was a deliberate tactic to terrorise the population and force them to leave. The means of terror were summary execution, rape and looting.

And if you go on this Turkic one for one score keeping bullshit there is the family in Kythrea, killed by a teenage TC because they had cows that he wanted. A newborn was among the dead, if that makes you feel better. The asshole that did it is known, but never arrested. CLean house and then talk.

not 16 month old baby sunshine. 16 day old baby. somebody put a bullet in the skull of a 16 day old baby, sunshine. and tried to burn her, and dont you forget it. whats worse is the fact that the man responsible was a religious teacher employed by government. you boys are really clueless of what you did and have been doing in the last 6 decades.
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Re: about the missing, worth mentioning...

Postby Lordo » Mon Dec 01, 2014 6:32 pm

listen to the man. find the truth. it aint easy.
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Re: about the missing, worth mentioning...

Postby Nikitas » Tue Dec 02, 2014 3:52 pm

Re malaka, a teenage TC wiped out a whole family, and you are arguing about the age of the babies killed, as if killing a 16 day old is any worse than killing a 16 month old.

You keep skirting the issue, which is ethnic cleansing on a massive scale. That is what your idiot community and state are built on. Your special case complex bemoans the 800 casualties suffered in these notorious 60 years, your neighbors were killed in their thousands (4500 according to Ecevit himself), lost their lands and properties in a few days, and you keep touting the case of one child, ingoring the hundred of childredn s wiped out by "the best in NATO".

Any more like you in the trunc?
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Re: about the missing, worth mentioning...

Postby Lordo » Thu Dec 04, 2014 1:08 am

malaga yourself boy and beyond back to the cave sprouted from. maybe that teenage tc saw the pictures of his unclewhen he was 13 years old boy with his head blown off with a dum dum bullet from close range and was very angry. or perhaps it was his grandfather your ancestors burned alive in kofunye in 1967.
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Re: about the missing, worth mentioning...

Postby bill cobbett » Thu Dec 04, 2014 7:23 pm

We p..p..p..piss on you Lardo, and p..p..piss on you again, but no matter how many times we p..piss on you with our cleansing and sweet-smelling piss we can't wash away the stench of the Turkish Shite you've been swallowing all your life.

So, as you can't bring your scabby, shite-filled self to stick to the thread by condemning the hiding and destruction of incriminating evidence about the Missing by TA/TMT you can expect a visit from the CF HardBoys, "GarlicCrusher" Miltiades and "Soujook" Deniz. ... :mrgreen:
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Re: about the missing, worth mentioning...

Postby Lordo » Thu Dec 04, 2014 10:44 pm

wow wow wow - who the hell are they in their spare time. dont worry, your time vill come and it will my piss bucket that will be oll over you boy.

when it comes to condemning murder, first let us see our own government put in place a single investigation of a murdered tc and prosecute a single gc for murder of a tc and then i vill condemn every single murder in gibriz. in the mean time you can drink your pis instead uglycharlui

only a few days go they found the swine who stabbed a tc in larnaka innocent of his crimes. screw you uglycharlui and your justice system, if only you had one.
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Re: about the missing, worth mentioning...

Postby bill cobbett » Fri Dec 05, 2014 2:49 am

Let's leave Shitto trying to tread water in a Turkish Cesspit.

He's clearly very comfortable down there.

Below is a very recent account of the return of some of the remains of one of the victims of the Genocide in the village of Occupied Assia, where 83 civilians were executed by TA/TMT. "Executed" being the polite way of describing the method of their deaths, as some of you may know.

The bereaved were offered the remains of their loved one, a handful of remains which amounted to (as they say) to less than would fill a dinner plate.

They have refused to accept the remains and extend an invitation to a church service of memorial for the 83 victims of the Assia Massacre, which is being held in a few days time, and to join in a march to the Presidency thereafter.

It's in Greek, appeared in Simerini, but here's a very brief summary and opinion done by a friend and posted elsewhere...

"... The following , in Greek , is written by a daughter of one of the missing people of my Assia , that were found at the Ornithi wells ....

She is saying that they have faced the most horrified scene of their life , as all the remains of their father were A HANDFUL.

With pain in their soul, they have decided not to accept them .

They feel they are the only ones have to fight the government for pressuring it to find the rest of the remains.

As we know , the remains of the missing of Assia were moved from the burial place of Ornithi to an unknown place ......

How truly sad for all these families .To wait for the remains of their loved ones , and to be given a HANDFUL OF BONES...

«Αντικρίσαμε το πιο θλιβερό θέαμα της ζωής
μας. Όλα τα οστά που ανεβρέθηκαν χωρούν
σε μια χούφτα, δεν γεμίζουν ούτε ένα μικρό
πιάτο προγεύματος. Όλη του η ζωή και η δική
μας σε μια μικρή χούφτα. Αυτή είναι η διαλεύ-
κανση της τύχης του αγνοούμενου Φραγκόπου-
λου Δαυΐδ, του πατέρα μου. Το κράτος έκανε
τη δουλειά του. Με πόνο ψυχής πήραμε την
απόφαση να μην παραλάβουμε τα οστά του
Πατέρα μας σαν μοχλό πίεσης προς το κράτος.
Αποφασίσαμε να δώσουμε άλλη μια μάχη για
χάρη του, γιατί είναι φανερό ότι αν δεν παλέ-
ψουμε εμείς για εκείνον, δεν θα το κάνει κα-
»Ελάτε, ανάψτε μαζί μου ένα κεράκι για όλες
τις 83 ψυχές {και όχι μόνο} που χάθηκαν τόσο
άδικα. Μετά τον εσπερινό του Αγ. Σπυρίδωνα
την Πέμπτη, 11 Δεκεμβρίου 2014, θα κάνου-
με μια πορεία με τα φωτεινά κεριά μας για
όλες τις ψυχές και ένα άδειο φέρετρο {γιατί
και οι οικογένειες που κηδεύουν, ένα άδειο
φέρετρο κηδεύουν} προς το Προεδρικό, όπου
θα δηλώσουμε με τη σιωπηλή παρουσία μας
την αγανάκτηση και τη διαμαρτυρία μας» Εφημερίδα Σημερινή ..."
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