Tim Drayton wrote:Get Real! wrote:...
If you cannot accept that there is a terrestrial and a celestial world then it is absolutely POINTLESS in discussing God and are simply wasting your time.
We have to accept that a priori, without any evidence, just because you (or the priests who once had the power to sentence people to death for disagreeing) say so?
If your question is… “How do we know that there is a celestial world?”
Then the answer to that is…
The existence of the everlasting universe is all the evidence we’ll ever need of a “magician”; the universe is so incomprehensible that it can only be the act of a spectacular entity. Miracles simply CANNOT get any bigger or any more spectacular than that!

By the way, surely (in your world view) God in his infinite wisdom created me and made me think the way I do, so he wanted there to be non-believers. I don't understand why you get so hot under the collar about it. Unless you are questioning God's infinite wisdom.
Yes, I accept that there will be unbelievers... God says so in the bible anyway.
The only ones who annoy me are those like Milti and Pahitis who ask the same old childish questions over and over and never learn anything. I’ll bet you 6 months from now they’ll be asking the exact same things again because I’ve seen it all before…