Paphitis wrote:Who created God?
Tim Drayton wrote:Maximus wrote:Tim Drayton wrote:When Genesis says things happened:
Day 1: Heaven, Earth, Night, and Day.
Day 2: “The Expanse”, a.k.a more Heaven
Day 3: Land, Ocean, and Fruit/Seed Producing Plants.
Day 4: Sun, Moon, and Stars.
Day 5: Sea creatures, and Birds.
Day 6: Land creatures, and Man.
When Physics says they happened:
15 billion years ago: The Big Bang
13 billion years ago: Galaxies Formed
4.7 billion years ago: Our solar system formed, including the Earth
4 billion years ago: Liquid water
3 billion years ago: Blue-Green Bacteria
650 million years ago: Jellyfish
380 million years ago: Insects
250 million years ago: Dinosaurs
150 million years ago: Birds
40 million years ago: Cows
0.2 million years ago: Neanderthals
0.1 million years ago: Modern Humans
Physics also says that the universe is expanding and it all started from the focal point, the big bang, at time = 0 which was 15 odd billion years ago.
what or who created the big bang?
I don't know. I can see that we are going down a road that I have been so many times before with indoctrinees of the God delusion that I am really bored with it.
Your thesis is:
1- Everything that exists has a creator.
2- If a world view cannot explain who created anything and everything, it is wrong.
OK, based on the above thesis:
1- Indoctrinees of the God delusion say there exists a being called God and this being created the universe, so their theory explains everything, but...
2- Hold on - Who created God? You say that if a world view cannot explain who created everything that exists, it is wrong. So, you allege that God exists. Who created God? If you can't answer that question, then, by your own thesis, your world view is wrong.
Apart from that, physics is moving in the direction of postulating the existence of a 'multiverse', in which there are multiple universes, and this means that the big bang does not have to be a singularity. In the multiverse, old universes are always dying, and big bangs creating new universes are taking place.
Apart from that, smug indoctrinees of the God delusion, in self-satisfaction once I have told them that I have no idea who or what created the universe or why we are here, will tell you that this entity called God - and you haven't yet told me who created God event though you have asserted that everything has a creator and if I don't know who that creator is then my world view is incorrect so you must now answer that question to justify your own world view, or else be guilty of hypocrisy - decided to create the universe and humanity so as to put humanity through a test, and those who pass the test go to heaven and those who fail go to hell. Well, even if for a moment, we accept that this entity called God exists - and I don't - why on earth would he wish to do something so bizzarre? What is the point of creating this vast universe just so as to create life on one tine planet and then, out of all the great variety of life forms on that planet, one life form, humanity, was created so as to put members of this one species to a test and decide whether they go to heaven or hell? One day, this entity called God came up with this strange, bizarre idea. Why? What purpose does it serve? Anyhow, if you multiply the total time the universe will exists by its average area over its lifespan and divide this by the time that humanity will exist in this universe multiplied by the tiny fragment of the universe that we inhabit, it is clear that the existence of humanity is a tiny incidence in the totality of the universe and so the creation of humanity cannot be its main purpose. Just assuming that the main purpose of creation was indeed to put one species through this bizarre test, then why was the massive expanse that is the rest of the universe created, why did it exist for billions of years before humanity emerged. Why? Why? Why? These bizarre theories, based purely on fairy stories, unsupported by any evidence, elevated to the status of unchallengeable truth which for hundreds of years people could only challenge at the risk of torture and slaughter, and still face this threat in some benighted places in the world such as Saudi Arabia and Iran, beg so many more questions than they answer that their explanatory power is zero.
Tim Drayton wrote:Maximus wrote:Paphitis wrote:Maximus wrote:Tim Drayton wrote:When Genesis says things happened:
Day 1: Heaven, Earth, Night, and Day.
Day 2: “The Expanse”, a.k.a more Heaven
Day 3: Land, Ocean, and Fruit/Seed Producing Plants.
Day 4: Sun, Moon, and Stars.
Day 5: Sea creatures, and Birds.
Day 6: Land creatures, and Man.
When Physics says they happened:
15 billion years ago: The Big Bang
13 billion years ago: Galaxies Formed
4.7 billion years ago: Our solar system formed, including the Earth
4 billion years ago: Liquid water
3 billion years ago: Blue-Green Bacteria
650 million years ago: Jellyfish
380 million years ago: Insects
250 million years ago: Dinosaurs
150 million years ago: Birds
40 million years ago: Cows
0.2 million years ago: Neanderthals
0.1 million years ago: Modern Humans
Physics also says that the universe is expanding and it all started from the focal point, the big bang, at time = 0 which was 15 odd billion years ago.
what or who created the big bang?
Who created God?
I dont know.
Precisely. So the notion of God serves no explanatory purpose. You may just as well ask:
Who created the universe?
and answer:
I don't know.
Get Real! wrote:...
If you cannot accept that there is a terrestrial and a celestial world then it is absolutely POINTLESS in discussing God and are simply wasting your time.
repulsewarrior wrote:...there is a Unity in all things, a harmony, and a point of equilibrium, and change. God is not a Person, or an Individual with an identity, it is a sense of belonging. nothing wrong with having Grace in the face of it, Humility and a loving nature serve well against our real enemies, Lest we Forget, in any case, even if "there is no God".
repulsewarrior wrote:@GR
...i don't know who you are describing by the characterisation, "you people", but you made me laugh.
...who says rocks don't sing?
...i won't judge the Churches or the rest of Humanity, i try to take care of my self, and i have Faith in the infinite power of Love so i act accordingly; babies and bathwater come to mind.
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