Maximus wrote:Paphitis wrote:Maximus wrote:
So what or who created the big bang? was something created out of nothing?
You can't even answer that hence your need to fill in the gaps with mythology!
I cant answer that, your right and neither can you and so it seems neither can science answer it.
You just say that it certainly wasn't god.
Oh very true but I leave you with this to ponder on.
Religion is bad because of its ideas. Your philosophy seems to be "don't worry about messing this life up, because there is another one after this". You are taught to spend your life preparing for the next. If you believe that then you have diminished this life. You are not living life to the fullest.
Religion is bad because it claims to draw its morals from God. This God who (according to their book) believes in all manner of atrocities. When a religious person does some good, it's to win favour with his God, not just because it is a good thing, as Atheists do. You live your live repressed in servitude. This is no way to live your life. If there is a God, then surely he would prefer the Goodness from Atheists who have done good believing there is no reward in doing so other than the act of doing good.
You say you have hope. Yes I agree that this is what religion feeds on. They feed you this false hope of an after life so that you can serve their false dogma. Once again, you have been brainwashed.
Religion cheapens your true awareness of the world you live in by trying to explain the creation of the universe with man made myths. The biblical story of creation absolutely pales in comparison to the true story of how our universe started.
We as Atheists do not claim, or have ever claimed that we know all the answers to life's mysteries. But neither do you or your religion despite what it claims!