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Postby miltiades » Fri Nov 21, 2014 10:28 am

supporttheunderdog wrote:
Garavnoss wrote:[quote="Paphitis
May I ask what it is exactly that has sparked your interest with the poster? I don't believe you have a need to research him but nonetheless it should be the material he posts that interests you and not the person!

Initially, the title of his post.
Secondly, the content, which seemed to be in contrast to so many of his previous posts.
Thirdly, fact that this post (unlike others) was not brim full of insults and obscene language, I wondered why.

I have done a quick research on the few posts that Garavanoss has put out: mostly in reply to Milti's comments, or on posts which Milti has initiated from which I personally suspect he has a personal agenda involving Milti. One really must question why in a few short days has found it necessary to look specifically at Milti, when then there are for examples others also possibly worthy of review who I consider to be pedalling rather more vile if not morally corrupt filth than a few obsecenities, such as Kurupetos, with his rabid anti-semitism and rather than his belief in the likely unreal gods, but his denial of the real including the documented systematic slaughter as matter of state policy, in may cases using purposefully constructed death factories, of some 6 million Jews. Indeed Milti is himself the victim of abuse as are many of us at the hands of other forumers.[/quote]
With the exception of a small number of forumers, most are friendly and polite towards my self. One or two have openly expressed blatant hatred, not least in my support of Israels right to exist and to defend it self against hostile neigbours sworn to the destruction of the state of Israel. Palestinians too have a right to exist, I have never instigated anything but. To achieve peace in this god fearing region they must first respect each others right to exist in peace and safety. Some on this forum hate Israel, the USA and the west in general. These are the lost souls, mostly they are also....religious !! May their god help them.
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Postby Garavnoss » Fri Nov 21, 2014 10:34 am

supporttheunderdog wrote:
Garavnoss wrote:[quote="Paphitis
May I ask what it is exactly that has sparked your interest with the poster? I don't believe you have a need to research him but nonetheless it should be the material he posts that interests you and not the person!

Initially, the title of his post.
Secondly, the content, which seemed to be in contrast to so many of his previous posts.
Thirdly, fact that this post (unlike others) was not brim full of insults and obscene language, I wondered why.

In response to Supporttheunderdog.

As stated my interest as a new member was the Pet Hates post, I had read through several posts of various members before making any comments, of them all, I thought that Miltiades' were most interesting (compared to Pet Hates) because they were in such contrast to his usual efforts.

I became further interested when he began to float off into something of a poetic mood, I thought it strange and decided to look back over the past and at the same time learn how to make posts etc, I have no personal agenda with the chap but do expect to be on the receiving end of his bile, it is after all, his usual style and merely serves to capture my interest further, I think he needs a spell on a psychiatrist's couch, his writings display some classic signs of a mental imbalance, that's all.
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Postby B25 » Fri Nov 21, 2014 10:41 am

Paphitis wrote:
B25 wrote:
Paphitis wrote:Everyone is free to post what they want.

Really, Paphiti, you would accept serious insults about your family (wife, children) here, it's ok? I don't think so. You can post what you like as long as you are not insulting others. I find Miltis anti religion posts extremely offensive tbh. He can not believe if he wants, but to write the shit he does, is unacceptable to me and I'm sure many others.

I would not say I am very religious, but i have a belief system and Milti, trashes it every time. If he doesn't accept the insults that GR levels at him, he should think more about the stuff he writes that offends others.

No I would not accept personal insults against my family.

Posters are free to post what they want including anti religious stuff. If you are offended at that then that is your problem.

It's like me saying I am offended by some anti Atheistic material. Again that would be my problem.

Once again, the problem with religion is that you think you should be immune from philosophies and ideas, including the science which challenge many of your belief systems if not completely trash them. Well that is not the case. You are not immune from any critical thinking!

Again I say, if posters are free to post what they want do not be offended when you are on the receiving end, either of you.
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Postby miltiades » Fri Nov 21, 2014 10:50 am

" As stated my interest as a new member"
Garvaplonker, pull the other one :lol: You are as old on this forum as Im, Dont tell fibs.
Forumers will read those posts of members who are honest and tell the truth, not the nonsense that you usaully come out with. You heart is in the right place and I do have respect for your person.
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Postby Garavnoss » Fri Nov 21, 2014 11:01 am

miltiades wrote:" As stated my interest as a new member"
Garvaplonker, pull the other one :lol: You are as old on this forum as Im, Dont tell fibs.
Forumers will read those posts of members who are honest and tell the truth, not the nonsense that you usaully come out with. You heart is in the right place and I do have respect for your person.

You seem to have yet another distorted view of something, I think you are a little confused and in my field of expertise I would have to consider that you are a victim of a rather common condition known to psychologists as a Guilt Complex.
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Postby miltiades » Fri Nov 21, 2014 11:03 am

Garavnoss wrote:
miltiades wrote:" As stated my interest as a new member"
Garvaplonker, pull the other one :lol: You are as old on this forum as Im, Dont tell fibs.
Forumers will read those posts of members who are honest and tell the truth, not the nonsense that you usaully come out with. You heart is in the right place and I do have respect for your person.

You seem to have yet another distorted view of something, I think you are a little confused and in my field of expertise I would have to consider that you are a victim of a rather common condition known to psychologists as a Guilt Complex.

What ever you say :lol:
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Postby Get Real! » Fri Nov 21, 2014 11:13 am

10 things more interesting than Milti’s stories…

1. Soot collecting around the mouth of your car’s exhaust pipe.

2. Cigarette butts sitting in your ashtray for a week.

3. The SysRq key on your keyboard.

4. Gum stuck on the underside of a classroom desk.

5. The 2001 IKEA catalogue.

6. A snail stuck on a garden wall or a pigeon sitting on your rooftop.

7. The easy guide to cleaning your spectacles circa 1966.

8. A half eaten dashinobitta from 3 days ago.

9. The 2 cent coin in your pocket with some fluff stuck on it.

10. The crumbs on your kitchen bench.
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Postby Paphitis » Fri Nov 21, 2014 11:15 am

B25 wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
B25 wrote:
Paphitis wrote:Everyone is free to post what they want.

Really, Paphiti, you would accept serious insults about your family (wife, children) here, it's ok? I don't think so. You can post what you like as long as you are not insulting others. I find Miltis anti religion posts extremely offensive tbh. He can not believe if he wants, but to write the shit he does, is unacceptable to me and I'm sure many others.

I would not say I am very religious, but i have a belief system and Milti, trashes it every time. If he doesn't accept the insults that GR levels at him, he should think more about the stuff he writes that offends others.

No I would not accept personal insults against my family.

Posters are free to post what they want including anti religious stuff. If you are offended at that then that is your problem.

It's like me saying I am offended by some anti Atheistic material. Again that would be my problem.

Once again, the problem with religion is that you think you should be immune from philosophies and ideas, including the science which challenge many of your belief systems if not completely trash them. Well that is not the case. You are not immune from any critical thinking!

Again I say, if posters are free to post what they want do not be offended when you are on the receiving end, either of you.

I'm not easily offended B25 but again I reiterate that personal attacks on an individual, or their personal lives and family are not acceptable. Milti has done none of that.

And once again you believe that your religion is beyond question because you believe in the existence of a God. It's your choice but it does not give you the right to prevent any alternative views against your religion no matter how offended you might get. Your unquestioning faith in a higher authority or a creator does not mean that this exists or that this authority is beyond question or scrutiny.
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Postby supporttheunderdog » Fri Nov 21, 2014 11:38 am

If People have he right to follow and promote belief systems involving the existence of supernatural beings known as gods (of which there are many) then equally people have the right to follow and promote a belief system which excludes the existence of the any go or gods, provided of course within reason all respect the rights of others to hold a different point of view.

What is quite clear is that many such belief systems are grossly intolerant of the alternatives - to the extent of killing the holders of such alternative points of view. Look at the fact that the many of the worst Atrocities are eg Moslem on Moslem shiite/Sunni killings, or the wars of the European reformation and eg the Spanish Inquisition - the list is long.

It is worse when religions and state become intertwined with eg the divine right of kings. There religion is often used to suppress perceived enemies of the state -
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Postby miltiades » Fri Nov 21, 2014 1:26 pm

supporttheunderdog wrote:If People have he right to follow and promote belief systems involving the existence of supernatural beings known as gods (of which there are many) then equally people have the right to follow and promote a belief system which excludes the existence of the any go or gods, provided of course within reason all respect the rights of others to hold a different point of view.

What is quite clear is that many such belief systems are grossly intolerant of the alternatives - to the extent of killing the holders of such alternative points of view. Look at the fact that the many of the worst Atrocities are eg Moslem on Moslem shiite/Sunni killings, or the wars of the European reformation and eg the Spanish Inquisition - the list is long.

It is worse when religions and state become intertwined with eg the divine right of kings. There religion is often used to suppress perceived enemies of the state -

I entirely share your sentiments.
What impresses most about our western world is the fact that neither the state nor religion can lawfully dictate that a citizen must beleive or not. Each and every one of us has afree choice based on numerous personal reasons and logic. May I also add that I would never express my views to young people as I believe it will be upto them to make a judged decision throughout their lives.
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