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Postby miltiades » Fri Nov 21, 2014 9:35 am

Garavnoss wrote:I wonder if this topic will attract the 1,000+ views per day which were a feature of the Ten Pet Hates ?.
Within 30 days there were more than 32,000 views.
Thereafter, as soon as this fact was mentioned 3/11/2014, the views took a sudden downturn and have dwindled to less than 100 per day.
Actual replies are currently 186.
Of these Miltiades submitted (as he is the source) 80.
Greek Island Girl. 25.
Kurupetos. 21.
Paphitis. 17.
Repulsewarrior. 7.
Get Real, Myself and Cap 5 each. 15.
10 other members between them. 21.

Therefore,it would appear that out of more than 32,000 visits, only 17 members made a reply?.
Since the average amount of members and guests on line were about 40 per day (which is still the case) how could 32,000 views be recorded over 30 days ?.

The most viewed topic since 2007 ?, easily done if records are the target, but quite sad.

Your God !!! You have done some research havent you.
Well boy, let me tell you something. Readers on this forum do follow my threads and and was I to bring back My Pet hates, the views would again increase substantialy.
As for our religious psycho here is proof of his godliness !!!!
" GO FUCK YOUR DEAD MOTHERS CORPSE" This is what this ultra religious psychopath wrote a little while back.On commenting on the 1953 earthquake which killed my mother, he commented:
"What a shame your whole family was not killed !"
Some god fearing plonker !!
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Postby GreekIslandGirl » Fri Nov 21, 2014 9:37 am

Get Real! wrote:
Maximus wrote:Its because man needs to believe in something greater than himself.

Or Man’s acknowledgement that his mortality is negligible in the face of the infinite universe and the immortal.

True! :(

But, hey ho .... it's Friday!!!! :D

- Oh oh, hope that maxim, "Friday's laughter is Saturday's tears", is stuff and nonsense too. :?

Golly gosh, is there no certainty in the world?
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Postby Maximus » Fri Nov 21, 2014 9:48 am

Isaac newton was a Christian. he held the Christian faith.

Newton saw God as the masterful creator whose existence could not be denied in the face of the grandeur of all creation.

Opposition to godliness is atheism in profession and idolatry in practice. Atheism is so senseless and odious to mankind that it never had many professors
Last edited by Maximus on Fri Nov 21, 2014 9:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby miltiades » Fri Nov 21, 2014 9:50 am

Maximus wrote:
miltiades wrote:Here is a challenge to all those dreamers, do your own research into just one area.

Religion's contribution to human advancement, be it technological, medical, social, or peace on earth. Religious wars , conflicts, hatred have existed for thousands of years, exacerbated by false beliefs in a non existent creator.

Convince those of us who have seen the light that religion contributes to the well being of the human race.

Religious people, such as the psychopath, are delusional, cruel, spiteful and full of hate for their fellow humans.

Name just one tangible benefit, I don't mean hope, but a tangible benefit the human race has attained from religion.

The answer is NONE. Prove me wrong.

I will take up the other side of the debate but I think it is flawed: you can call me a dreamer if you like.

What you are trying to say is that religion has not contributed to technology, medicine and the sciences which of course, you are right. Religion is religion, science is science, they are different subjects. A scientist can be Christian, A computer programmer can be Muslim or Hindu, a priest is a Christian. Of course, a priest is probably not going to discover and create a vaccine for the Ebola virus but a medical researcher could and he could be a Christian.

Further more, religion is not tangible, it is spiritual.

Some years back I visited SrLanca with my then GP, now retired, a wonderful GP and a persoanl friend. We visited together a town called Nuwara Eliya, high up in the mountains in central Ceylon.

He was familiar with my views on religion and on entering a temple we came across worshippers, clearly very poor, dressed in torn clothing, saris.

He looked at me and said. If you had the power would you deprive these impoverished people of their religious beliefs ? My answer ofcourse was an emphatic NO.

Religion serves those in need of spiritual, whatever this is, guidance and hope. Those that are in need of these ubstract requirements are perfectly entitled to hold these beliefs. Children too, believe in Santa , it makes them happy so let them be.

The psychopath is of course very religious, well lets hope that some.... miracle cures him of his psychopathic tendencies.
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Postby B25 » Fri Nov 21, 2014 9:53 am

Paphitis wrote:Everyone is free to post what they want.

Really, Paphiti, you would accept serious insults about your family (wife, children) here, it's ok? I don't think so. You can post what you like as long as you are not insulting others. I find Miltis anti religion posts extremely offensive tbh. He can not believe if he wants, but to write the shit he does, is unacceptable to me and I'm sure many others.

I would not say I am very religious, but i have a belief system and Milti, trashes it every time. If he doesn't accept the insults that GR levels at him, he should think more about the stuff he writes that offends others.
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Postby Garavnoss » Fri Nov 21, 2014 10:04 am

miltiades wrote:
Garavnoss wrote:I wonder if this topic will attract the 1,000+ views per day which were a feature of the Ten Pet Hates ?.
Within 30 days there were more than 32,000 views.
Thereafter, as soon as this fact was mentioned 3/11/2014, the views took a sudden downturn and have dwindled to less than 100 per day.
Actual replies are currently 186.
Of these Miltiades submitted (as he is the source) 80.
Greek Island Girl. 25.
Kurupetos. 21.
Paphitis. 17.
Repulsewarrior. 7.
Get Real, Myself and Cap 5 each. 15.
10 other members between them. 21.

Therefore,it would appear that out of more than 32,000 visits, only 17 members made a reply?.
Since the average amount of members and guests on line were about 40 per day (which is still the case) how could 32,000 views be recorded over 30 days ?.

The most viewed topic since 2007 ?, easily done if records are the target, but quite sad.

Your God !!! You have done some research havent you.
Well boy, let me tell you something. Readers on this forum do follow my threads and and was I to bring back My Pet hates, the views would again increase substantialy.
As for our religious psycho here is proof of his godliness !!!!
" GO FUCK YOUR DEAD MOTHERS CORPSE" This is what this ultra religious psychopath wrote a little while back.On commenting on the 1953 earthquake which killed my mother, he commented:
"What a shame your whole family was not killed !"
Some god fearing plonker !!

As there are about 17,500 members in total, do you suppose that the majority of them have read your post twice,or would you prefer to think that 40 members read them 800+ times each ?.

Not sure about how to comment on the rest of your outburst as I do not know what led up to the exchange.

I do find your use of the word Plonker interesting, it seems to be one of your Pets (along with the other filth) and I wonder if it is a distortion of the Hebrew word Plotz (or maybe Plotzer) ?, if so, both you and your good buddy Paphitis fit the bill wonderfully well as you are probably the biggest pair of Plotzers on the forum, a pair of bloodthirsty bastards with no consideration for the suffering of others and great spokespersons for any authority which oppresses the righteous.

Now, YOU prove ME wrong.
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Postby Paphitis » Fri Nov 21, 2014 10:09 am

B25 wrote:
Paphitis wrote:Everyone is free to post what they want.

Really, Paphiti, you would accept serious insults about your family (wife, children) here, it's ok? I don't think so. You can post what you like as long as you are not insulting others. I find Miltis anti religion posts extremely offensive tbh. He can not believe if he wants, but to write the shit he does, is unacceptable to me and I'm sure many others.

I would not say I am very religious, but i have a belief system and Milti, trashes it every time. If he doesn't accept the insults that GR levels at him, he should think more about the stuff he writes that offends others.

No I would not accept personal insults against my family.

Posters are free to post what they want including anti religious stuff. If you are offended at that then that is your problem.

It's like me saying I am offended by some anti Atheistic material. Again that would be my problem.

Once again, the problem with religion is that you think you should be immune from philosophies and ideas, including the science which challenge many of your belief systems if not completely trash them. Well that is not the case. You are not immune from any critical thinking!
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Postby miltiades » Fri Nov 21, 2014 10:13 am

B25 wrote:
Paphitis wrote:Everyone is free to post what they want.

Really, Paphiti, you would accept serious insults about your family (wife, children) here, it's ok? I don't think so. You can post what you like as long as you are not insulting others. I find Miltis anti religion posts extremely offensive tbh. He can not believe if he wants, but to write the shit he does, is unacceptable to me and I'm sure many others.

I would not say I am very religious, but i have a belief system and Milti, trashes it every time. If he doesn't accept the insults that GR levels at him, he should think more about the stuff he writes that offends others.

Freedom of expression of ones views is the most wonderful gift the western world has given us all. It is my prerogative to believe, dismiss, and redicule ancient beliefs and even customs. It is your prerogative to believe whatever you wish.

I have said before that was I to live in a theocratic society, my head would by now be dettached from my body.

In a free world the right to believe or not is of fundamental importance. I do not for a second believe that there is, has been, will be a God. Man created God, in his name man commits the most horrid acts.
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Postby supporttheunderdog » Fri Nov 21, 2014 10:17 am

Garavnoss wrote:[quote="Paphitis
May I ask what it is exactly that has sparked your interest with the poster? I don't believe you have a need to research him but nonetheless it should be the material he posts that interests you and not the person!

Initially, the title of his post.
Secondly, the content, which seemed to be in contrast to so many of his previous posts.
Thirdly, fact that this post (unlike others) was not brim full of insults and obscene language, I wondered why.[/quote]

I have done a quick research on the few posts that Garavanoss has put out: mostly in reply to Milti's comments, or on posts which Milti has initiated from which I personally suspect he has a personal agenda involving Milti. One really must question why in a few short days has found it necessary to look specifically at Milti, when then there are for examples others also possibly worthy of review who I consider to be pedalling rather more vile if not morally corrupt filth than a few obsecenities, such as Kurupetos, with his rabid anti-semitism and rather than his belief in the likely unreal gods, but his denial of the real including the documented systematic slaughter as matter of state policy, in may cases using purposefully constructed death factories, of some 6 million Jews. Indeed Milti is himself the victim of abuse as are many of us at the hands of other forumers.
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Postby Paphitis » Fri Nov 21, 2014 10:22 am

supporttheunderdog wrote:
Garavnoss wrote:[quote="Paphitis]
May I ask what it is exactly that has sparked your interest with the poster? I don't believe you have a need to research him but nonetheless it should be the material he posts that interests you and not the person![/quote]

Initially, the title of his post.
Secondly, the content, which seemed to be in contrast to so many of his previous posts.
Thirdly, fact that this post (unlike others) was not brim full of insults and obscene language, I wondered why.[/quote]

I have done a quick research on the few posts that Garavanoss has put out: mostly in reply to Milti's comments, or on posts which Milti has initiated from which I personally suspect he has a personal agenda involving Milti. One really must question why in a few short days has found it necessary to look specifically at Milti, when then there are for examples others also possibly worthy of review who I consider to be pedalling rather more vile if not morally corrupt filth than a few obsecenities, such as Kurupetos, with his rabid anti-semitism and rather than his belief in the likely unreal gods, but his denial of the real including the documented systematic slaughter as matter of state policy, in may cases using purposefully constructed death factories, of some 6 million Jews. Indeed Milti is himself the victim of abuse as are many of us at the hands of other forumers.[/quote]

I totally agree!

He was baiting him from the set go. The evidence is all there.

For all we know, he could be responsible for most of those clicks in order to attack Milti.
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