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Postby Maximus » Wed Nov 26, 2014 7:21 am

repulsewarrior wrote:...the word, miracles, comes to mind. do they happen?

That depends,

Do you see your existence as a miracle?
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Postby Maximus » Wed Nov 26, 2014 7:25 am

miltiades wrote:
repulsewarrior wrote:
miltiades wrote:
Maximus wrote:
miltiades wrote:For me at least the question as a creator is very simple.

I have asked this question many times and have said that if a satisfactory and logical explanation is given, I will repent and join the righteous ones but not the ...jihadis.

Why wre mosquitoes that kill more than a million people a year were created. Anyone knows the answer ?

If someone knows then parhaps he would also explain the reason of the creation of...katsarides !!

To maintain a balance in the eco system and nature.

And in the process kill a million people a year in mostly impoverished nations. Some god, some creator !

...that is within our own power, if we want to end this disease from our midst; some Humanity, some thinking.

There are thousands of useless living things, not least, as mentioned earlier, mosquitoes, flies, cockroaches , poisonous snakes, jelly fish, and ....GRS !!!
Why create these utterly useless and harmful to humanity beings. Rats number is in billions, why the hell does humanity need rats. Well I tell you why in one short word. EVOLUTION.

How many chickens, pigs or cattle did man kill this year?
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Postby Oceanside50 » Wed Nov 26, 2014 7:31 am

repulsewarrior wrote:...the word, miracles, comes to mind. do they happen?

They do RW I see them frequently. No bologny. That's the confusing part of all of this
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Postby Paphitis » Wed Nov 26, 2014 8:08 am

repulsewarrior speak as though anything beautiful and a wonder does not exist, like some fanatic extremist where there are no toys for children, no music, and only motherhood being female. stop and smell the roses, there is no need to stuff the thing up an orifice to say, it has thorns, use your mind to see a bigger world, close to nature, close to God, is Science. Truth is the everything where there is a value; babies and bath water comes to mind again.

Do you really need to make things up to smell the roses. The universe is not enough for you?

What else do you want or need? Everlasting life perhaps?

It's the false premise that is being discussed here.
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Postby miltiades » Wed Nov 26, 2014 10:25 am

Science puts the age of the earth at 4.54 billion years.
Religion, the bible ....6000 years.
Now that is a huge huge difference. Who do I believe ? Prehistoric man who had no scientific knowledge or at least very basic, or todays science.
Who would have thought all those years ago that man would be able to fly in machines created by man, mobile phones that in an instant would put you in touch with people the other side of the world. Television that would in seconds show you live events thousands of miles away.

Emails that reach the recipient wherever he or she maybe in seconds.

Im in London writting this, yet a second later you can read it in Australia, Canada, Cyprus and the world over. The mind boggles !
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Postby Garavnoss » Wed Nov 26, 2014 11:33 am

"Oh fie to ye who can deny the existence of the almighty yet uphold the virtue of the Israeli, know ye not that by so doing ye condemn their God given right to persecute the innocent and steal the very lands which the Lord gave unto them ?, know ye not that by your denials of the almighty presence, ye condemn the victims of the Holocaust to eternal darkness, since the sure hope of redemption was the only strength left unto them as they faced their destruction ?.

Oh ye of little faith (and blustering hypocrisy) know ye not that the curse of the almighty is the shadow which will forever dog your footsteps as ye amble in your false sunlight.

Thus speaketh the one who seeks naught but the blessings the Good Lord rains upon him and the wisdom to console those who are the victims of the ignorance portrayed here.
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Postby miltiades » Wed Nov 26, 2014 11:40 am

Garavnoss wrote:"Oh fie to ye who can deny the existence of the almighty yet uphold the virtue of the Israeli, know ye not that by so doing ye condemn their God given right to persecute the innocent and steal the very lands which the Lord gave unto them ?, know ye not that by your denials of the almighty presence, ye condemn the victims of the Holocaust to eternal darkness, since the sure hope of redemption was the only strength left unto them as they faced their destruction ?.

Oh ye of little faith (and blustering hypocrisy) know ye not that the curse of the almighty is the shadow which will forever dog your footsteps as ye amble in your false sunlight.

Thus speaketh the one who seeks naught but the blessings the Good Lord rains upon him and the wisdom to console those who are the victims of the ignorance portrayed here.

So you have a problem with Israel it appears. Well, who created the Jews ?
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Postby Garavnoss » Wed Nov 26, 2014 11:57 am

miltiades wrote:
Garavnoss wrote:"Oh fie to ye who can deny the existence of the almighty yet uphold the virtue of the Israeli, know ye not that by so doing ye condemn their God given right to persecute the innocent and steal the very lands which the Lord gave unto them ?, know ye not that by your denials of the almighty presence, ye condemn the victims of the Holocaust to eternal darkness, since the sure hope of redemption was the only strength left unto them as they faced their destruction ?.

Oh ye of little faith (and blustering hypocrisy) know ye not that the curse of the almighty is the shadow which will forever dog your footsteps as ye amble in your false sunlight.

Thus speaketh the one who seeks naught but the blessings the Good Lord rains upon him and the wisdom to console those who are the victims of the ignorance portrayed here.

So you have a problem with Israel it appears. Well, who created the Jews ?

The accepted explanation to ALL things which are unknown to mankind as we struggle to attain the knowledge we SHOULD have for a decent life whilst showing compassion for those who have nothing other than their faiths :- "Το θέλημα του Θεού ο γιος μου!."

Of course there are always those who are oblivious to the needs of others, invariably they fall foul of their own follies whilst attempting to present themselves as "Worldly", as is apparent in your particular case.

IF you are able to understand the written word that is.
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Postby miltiades » Wed Nov 26, 2014 12:20 pm

You appear to be a knowledgable man, perhaps you can tell us how long has man been on earth, science tells us about 200,000 years where as religion says 6000.

By the way, Israel has a perfect right to defend it self against those who are hell bent on its destruction. Same people who want sharia law imposed on the entire civilized world.
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Postby Tim Drayton » Wed Nov 26, 2014 12:43 pm

kurupetos wrote:
Tim Drayton wrote:
repulsewarrior wrote:...i remember a friend of mine from university who went off after graduating got married and became a rabbi. we met many years later, when AIDS was a current topic, he said that it was God's will and that the scourge where it appeared had with it a Judgement, people who got this disease deserve it. God gave us reason as well was my reply, reason enough to fight against such an enemy, and to find its cure.

Yes, if you believe in an almighty God whose purpose cannot be challenged, then everything that happens is God's will, including the existence of atheists.

No, that's called free will. :roll:

Right, and if you believe that everything is God's will, then God created humans with free will, and clearly, through the exercise of free will, some people will chose to be atheists. Therefore God wishes there to be atheists.
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