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Postby Garavnoss » Sun Nov 23, 2014 8:32 pm

miltiades wrote:Please go ahead and elaborate on my "anger issues" and "inferiority complex" .
Unlike you I do not research other forumers, I have been on CYF for many years, enough to know most.

You previously posted as Swasssseneger or something similar, before that you were someone else, who has an inferiority complex I wonder.

My posts are mostly well received, judging by the number of views, are yours ?

Your anger issues are obvious and need no elaboration (read your posts).

Your inferiority complex is also obvious (read your posts).

I have no idea who Swassseneger is although I suspect it is in some way associated with an insult.

The number of views you receive, (are you referring to your 1000+ a day post which fizzled out when mentioned ?) were exactly the reason for my initial interest in your posts, I was quite astounded when I read some of your other posts since they are mostly riddled with obscenities directed at any that dare to disagree with your inane perceptions.

I have researched a few posts contributed by various members, I consider that to be a wise move when entering an unknown area, it is a matter of practical reconnaissance and is probably the result of a military background that prompts me to do so.

I really do think you need some psychiatric help (nothing to be ashamed of I assure you) perhaps you have suffered some trauma and have no one to turn to, you have my sympathy and I urge you to at least talk to someone, otherwise you may become delusional and that would be a great pity since you have now been forewarned about the possibility of such a condition.
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Postby miltiades » Sun Nov 23, 2014 8:39 pm

Garavnoss wrote:
miltiades wrote:Please go ahead and elaborate on my "anger issues" and "inferiority complex" .
Unlike you I do not research other forumers, I have been on CYF for many years, enough to know most.

You previously posted as Swasssseneger or something similar, before that you were someone else, who has an inferiority complex I wonder.

My posts are mostly well received, judging by the number of views, are yours ?

Your anger issues are obvious and need no elaboration (read your posts).

Your inferiority complex is also obvious (read your posts).

I have no idea who Swassseneger is although I suspect it is in some way associated with an insult.

The number of views you receive, (are you referring to your 1000+ a day post which fizzled out when mentioned ?) were exactly the reason for my initial interest in your posts, I was quite astounded when I read some of your other posts since they are mostly riddled with obscenities directed at any that dare to disagree with your inane perceptions.

I have researched a few posts contributed by various members, I consider that to be a wise move when entering an unknown area, it is a matter of practical reconnaissance and is probably the result of a military background that prompts me to do so.

I really do think you need some psychiatric help (nothing to be ashamed of I assure you) perhaps you have suffered some trauma and have no one to turn to, you have my sympathy and I urge you to at least talk to someone, otherwise you may become delusional and that would be a great pity since you have now been forewarned about the possibility of such a condition.

You do talk absolute rubbish. Unsubstantiated bullshit. Now, be a man or a woman, give us all an example, otherwise go and see a ....psychiatrist !!

From your first post I knew you are none other than Swazneeger, as well as other aliases you previously had.

May I suggest that you don't read my posts, others do, and most find them interesting.

Watch this space!! More revelations about the ....creator !!
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Postby Garavnoss » Sun Nov 23, 2014 8:51 pm

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Postby Paphitis » Mon Nov 24, 2014 12:28 am

Garavnoss wrote:
Garavnoss wrote:

Hitler discovered the reason for human disharmony, he died before he could eradicate it.
Paphitis wrote:
The Americans eradicated the disharmony when they took control of Germany along with the Russians.

We are grateful!

And I suppose you consider the actions of the Yanks as acceptable measures in restoring harmony in the Middle East.

Of course I do and so do 60 other countries including most of the Middle East and Iran even.
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Postby Paphitis » Mon Nov 24, 2014 12:45 am

Garavnoss wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Garavnoss wrote:.

The spirit of Jesus Christ lives on due to the conduct and actions of Christians.

The spirit of Adolf Hitler lives on due to the conduct and actions of the Jews.

You seem to despise religion but cannot deny that you perform religiously, we should invent a better word for it.

The spirit of Adolf Hitler lives on because of people like YOU!

Outside of that which is taking place on the world stage, I have a great deal of sympathy for the Jews and my latter comment should be construed as an indication that I am neither a lover of Hitler nor a hater of the Jews.

The actions of the Israeli's in Palestine is bound to bolster anti-Jewish feelings among non-Jews (even among Israeli's) and the most unfortunate fact is that there is a vast difference between these two peoples of the same faith.

The Israeli is a different kettle of fish to the Jew of yesteryear and it is in the difference between them that the spirit of Adolf Hitler lives on.

By exhibiting such ebullience whenever Israel strikes in Palestine, the (shall we say) ordinary Jew (although they are far from ordinary) becomes tarred with the same brush as the Israeli and therefore suffers the same condemnation.

Therefore, I object to your comment since I feel that the content of the quote " The spirit of Adolf Hitler lives on" deserves to be given a little more consideration than you have afforded it, it certainly deserves thinking about and might well be sourced from a 'JEW'.

It always takes 2 to tango and you will find that any Israeli Response is due to HAMAS rocket attacks against Israel.

Therefore, the actions of the Israelis is largely at the hands of HAMAS as well.
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Postby miltiades » Mon Nov 24, 2014 10:47 pm

And God having created Adam and Eve he concentrated on creating some of these :

Then He decided to create a few of these, the icing on the cake as it were !

"One Million Deaths Every Year
The most deadly animal in the world is the mosquito. It might seem impossible that something so miniscule can kill so many people, but it's true. According to the World Health Organization, mosquito bites result in the deaths of more than 1 million people every year. The majority of these deaths are due to malaria. The World Health Organization estimates that between 300 and 500 million cases of malaria occur each year -- and a child dies from malaria every 30 seconds"
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Postby Get Real! » Mon Nov 24, 2014 11:12 pm

miltiades wrote:"One Million Deaths Every Year...

Christianity Basics 101:

Humans place a lot of value on life here on Earth because that’s all they know but according to the bible God has other ideas and considers our Earthly mortal presence a temporary test so that we may be evaluated for a superior immortal afterlife.

You have never touched the bible have you Milti?
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Postby Oceanside50 » Mon Nov 24, 2014 11:17 pm

Get Real! wrote:
miltiades wrote:"One Million Deaths Every Year...

Christianity Basics 101:

Humans place a lot of value on life here on Earth because that’s all they know but according to the bible God has other ideas and considers our Earthly mortal presence a temporary test so that we may be evaluated for a superior immortal afterlife.

You have never touched the bible have you Milti?

Buddhist say the same thing and so do Muslims ...
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Postby Get Real! » Mon Nov 24, 2014 11:18 pm

Oceanside50 wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
miltiades wrote:"One Million Deaths Every Year...

Christianity Basics 101:

Humans place a lot of value on life here on Earth because that’s all they know but according to the bible God has other ideas and considers our Earthly mortal presence a temporary test so that we may be evaluated for a superior immortal afterlife.

You have never touched the bible have you Milti?

Buddhist say the same thing and so do Muslims ...

I don’t know much about Buddhism but a lot of Islam is a direct copy from the bible so I'm not surprised.
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Postby Paphitis » Tue Nov 25, 2014 1:17 am

Get Real! wrote:
Oceanside50 wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
miltiades wrote:"One Million Deaths Every Year...

Christianity Basics 101:

Humans place a lot of value on life here on Earth because that’s all they know but according to the bible God has other ideas and considers our Earthly mortal presence a temporary test so that we may be evaluated for a superior immortal afterlife.

You have never touched the bible have you Milti?

Buddhist say the same thing and so do Muslims ...

I don’t know much about Buddhism but a lot of Islam is a direct copy from the bible so I'm not surprised.

Humanity is now landing space vehicles on comets travelling at 45,000 m/sec so speak for yourself little man!

The muslims are just even more deluded than you are which is why they like to chop heads off. They were just doing the same as your kind in Medieval Times!
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