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Postby B25 » Sun Nov 23, 2014 5:45 pm

Yes, and these are the same people that would sooner let their child die than receive a life saving blood transfusion. Hmm, peace loving indeed.
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Postby Maximus » Sun Nov 23, 2014 5:48 pm

My aunt married a Jehovah's witness. His mum used to bring books around for my cousin and I to read. f*cking BS. He is a kufkajias, a right shit stirrer.
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Postby miltiades » Sun Nov 23, 2014 5:54 pm

B25 wrote:Yes, and these are the same people that would sooner let their child die than receive a life saving blood transfusion. Hmm, peace loving indeed.

As I said, they strictly adhere to some ludicrous ethics, in short they are utterly immersed in their false religion, as no doubt you are too !!

Just as the Muslims pray 5 times a day, the JWs attend daily " meetings" and in their strife to be one of the mere 10% that will be reincarnated, they go door knocking!! The difference is that JWs do not go around, as some muslims do, spreading hatred against those that do not share their beliefs.
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Postby Garavnoss » Sun Nov 23, 2014 6:22 pm

Garavnoss wrote:

Hitler discovered the reason for human disharmony, he died before he could eradicate it.
Paphitis wrote:
The Americans eradicated the disharmony when they took control of Germany along with the Russians.

We are grateful!

And I suppose you consider the actions of the Yanks as acceptable measures in restoring harmony in the Middle East.
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Postby miltiades » Sun Nov 23, 2014 6:47 pm

Garavnoss wrote:
Garavnoss wrote:

Hitler discovered the reason for human disharmony, he died before he could eradicate it.
Paphitis wrote:
The Americans eradicated the disharmony when they took control of Germany along with the Russians.

We are grateful!

And I suppose you consider the actions of the Yanks as acceptable measures in restoring harmony in the Middle East.

The Arabs are more than ....capable of restoring harmony in their region :lol:
More than 200 thousand Syrians killed, more will follow, in every damn country they are killing each other, peace will come when they wake up and join the rest of the world in the 21st century.
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Postby Garavnoss » Sun Nov 23, 2014 7:02 pm

Paphitis wrote:
Garavnoss wrote:.

The spirit of Jesus Christ lives on due to the conduct and actions of Christians.

The spirit of Adolf Hitler lives on due to the conduct and actions of the Jews.

You seem to despise religion but cannot deny that you perform religiously, we should invent a better word for it.

The spirit of Adolf Hitler lives on because of people like YOU!

Outside of that which is taking place on the world stage, I have a great deal of sympathy for the Jews and my latter comment should be construed as an indication that I am neither a lover of Hitler nor a hater of the Jews.

The actions of the Israeli's in Palestine is bound to bolster anti-Jewish feelings among non-Jews (even among Israeli's) and the most unfortunate fact is that there is a vast difference between these two peoples of the same faith.

The Israeli is a different kettle of fish to the Jew of yesteryear and it is in the difference between them that the spirit of Adolf Hitler lives on.

By exhibiting such ebullience whenever Israel strikes in Palestine, the (shall we say) ordinary Jew (although they are far from ordinary) becomes tarred with the same brush as the Israeli and therefore suffers the same condemnation.

Therefore, I object to your comment since I feel that the content of the quote " The spirit of Adolf Hitler lives on" deserves to be given a little more consideration than you have afforded it, it certainly deserves thinking about and might well be sourced from a 'JEW'.
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Postby Garavnoss » Sun Nov 23, 2014 7:17 pm

miltiades wrote:
Garavnoss wrote:
Garavnoss wrote:

Hitler discovered the reason for human disharmony, he died before he could eradicate it.
Paphitis wrote:
The Americans eradicated the disharmony when they took control of Germany along with the Russians.

We are grateful!

And I suppose you consider the actions of the Yanks as acceptable measures in restoring harmony in the Middle East.

The Arabs are more than ....capable of restoring harmony in their region :lol:
More than 200 thousand Syrians killed, more will follow, in every damn country they are killing each other, peace will come when they wake up and join the rest of the world in the 21st century.

Congratulations on your ability to laugh at the misfortunes of slaughtered women and children, I thought you were a serious person.

I have read many of your past posts and have concluded that you are incapable of intelligent debate, it would appear that you must first ally yourself to another member before contributing your own addled opinions.

Perhaps over-indulgence of red wine might be the culprit, whatever, I think you need help.
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Postby miltiades » Sun Nov 23, 2014 7:32 pm

Garavnoss wrote:
miltiades wrote:
Garavnoss wrote:
Garavnoss wrote:

Hitler discovered the reason for human disharmony, he died before he could eradicate it.
Paphitis wrote:
The Americans eradicated the disharmony when they took control of Germany along with the Russians.

We are grateful!

And I suppose you consider the actions of the Yanks as acceptable measures in restoring harmony in the Middle East.

The Arabs are more than ....capable of restoring harmony in their region :lol:
More than 200 thousand Syrians killed, more will follow, in every damn country they are killing each other, peace will come when they wake up and join the rest of the world in the 21st century.

Congratulations on your ability to laugh at the misfortunes of slaughtered women and children, I thought you were a serious person.

I have read many of your past posts and have concluded that you are incapable of intelligent debate, it would appear that you must first ally yourself to another member before contributing your own addled opinions.

Perhaps over-indulgence of red wine might be the culprit, whatever, I think you need help.

Victims of their own race, their own people. The west can do nothing to spare their suffering. You, as well as your previous nicks have always displayed an animosity towards the West and Israel in particular. Their worst enemy is themselves and their adherence to medieval culture.

As for me allying my self to anyone else, let me assure you that Miltiades supports fully his own views irrespective of idiots such as your mate or even your self,
I have formulated my views based on reality and common sense.

People who have the barbaric instinct to blow themselves up in mosques and public places do not deserve my consideration. Savages have always existed and for as long as they remain attached to their misconstrued ideology they will always by the victims.
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Postby Garavnoss » Sun Nov 23, 2014 7:46 pm

miltiades wrote:
Garavnoss wrote:
miltiades wrote:
Garavnoss wrote:
Garavnoss wrote:

Hitler discovered the reason for human disharmony, he died before he could eradicate it.
Paphitis wrote:
The Americans eradicated the disharmony when they took control of Germany along with the Russians.

We are grateful!

And I suppose you consider the actions of the Yanks as acceptable measures in restoring harmony in the Middle East.

The Arabs are more than ....capable of restoring harmony in their region :lol:
More than 200 thousand Syrians killed, more will follow, in every damn country they are killing each other, peace will come when they wake up and join the rest of the world in the 21st century.

Congratulations on your ability to laugh at the misfortunes of slaughtered women and children, I thought you were a serious person.

I have read many of your past posts and have concluded that you are incapable of intelligent debate, it would appear that you must first ally yourself to another member before contributing your own addled opinions.

Perhaps over-indulgence of red wine might be the culprit, whatever, I think you need help.

Victims of their own race, their own people. The west can do nothing to spare their suffering. You, as well as your previous nicks have always displayed an animosity towards the West and Israel in particular. Their worst enemy is themselves and their adherence to medieval culture.

As for me allying my self to anyone else, let me assure you that Miltiades supports fully his own views irrespective of idiots such as your mate or even your self,
I have formulated my views based on reality and common sense.

People who have the barbaric instinct to blow themselves up in mosques and public places do not deserve my consideration. Savages have always existed and for as long as they remain attached to their misconstrued ideology they will always by the victims.

I am not sure about what you mean by "previous nicks" nor my displaying of "animosity" toward the West and Israel.

My comments regarding yourself and your posts are based upon that which I have read, nothing else.

Your comments regarding myself are undeserving of consideration since "always" is hardly fair under the circumstances.

Perhaps you may enlighten me, I can certainly help you with your "Anger Issues" and apparent "Inferiority Complex" (among others) if you would agree to give me the chance.
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Postby miltiades » Sun Nov 23, 2014 8:06 pm

Please go ahead and elaborate on my "anger issues" and "inferiority complex" .
Unlike you I do not research other forumers, I have been on CYF for many years, enough to know most.

You previously posted as Swasssseneger or something similar, before that you were someone else, who has an inferiority complex I wonder.

My posts are mostly well received, judging by the number of views, are yours ?
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