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Postby miltiades » Sun Nov 23, 2014 3:32 pm

Get Real! wrote:
miltiades wrote:
Maximus wrote:Hitler was Christian (Roman Catholic) and he also wiped out a lot of Christians.

As one would expect, god just stood by !!!

:roll: How many times must we mention God’s granting of a 6000 year rule over Earth to Man, during which there will be no interferences from God?

This 6000 year period ends somewhere between 2050 and 2110 at the latest so you and I won’t be in the flesh when it happens but resurrected during the “first resurrection” if worthy.

This marks God’s return on Earth (Jesus for some) for 1000 years during which Satan is incarcerated and peace reigns on the planet.

This is something that both Christian and Jewish religious scholars agree upon.

Now, do you see why I call you a psychopath ? :lol: :lol:
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Postby Get Real! » Sun Nov 23, 2014 3:33 pm

miltiades wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
miltiades wrote:
Maximus wrote:Hitler was Christian (Roman Catholic) and he also wiped out a lot of Christians.

As one would expect, god just stood by !!!

:roll: How many times must we mention God’s granting of a 6000 year rule over Earth to Man, during which there will be no interferences from God?

This 6000 year period ends somewhere between 2050 and 2110 at the latest so you and I won’t be in the flesh when it happens but resurrected during the “first resurrection” if worthy.

This marks God’s return on Earth (Jesus for some) for 1000 years during which Satan is incarcerated and peace reigns on the planet.

This is something that both Christian and Jewish religious scholars agree upon.

Now, do you see why I call you a psychopath ? :lol: :lol:

You’re the one asking the childish questions and I’m supposed to be the psycho? :roll:
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Postby miltiades » Sun Nov 23, 2014 3:39 pm

Get Real! wrote:
miltiades wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
miltiades wrote:
Maximus wrote:Hitler was Christian (Roman Catholic) and he also wiped out a lot of Christians.

As one would expect, god just stood by !!!

:roll: How many times must we mention God’s granting of a 6000 year rule over Earth to Man, during which there will be no interferences from God?

This 6000 year period ends somewhere between 2050 and 2110 at the latest so you and I won’t be in the flesh when it happens but resurrected during the “first resurrection” if worthy.

This marks God’s return on Earth (Jesus for some) for 1000 years during which Satan is incarcerated and peace reigns on the planet.

This is something that both Christian and Jewish religious scholars agree upon.

Now, do you see why I call you a psychopath ? :lol: :lol:

You’re the one asking the childish questions and I’m supposed to be the psycho? :roll:

Don't panic, come resurrection you will be cured :wink:
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Postby Maximus » Sun Nov 23, 2014 3:47 pm

It is an answer to some of your questions though Milti.

God expelled Lucifer from heaven and cast him down to earth. perhaps this is why there is so much evil on this planet. The devil is roaming around amongst man spreading lies and sin.
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Postby Paphitis » Sun Nov 23, 2014 4:20 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
miltiades wrote:The fact of the matter is that people are being murdered daily because of their religious ideology.

That doesn't give you an excuse to blame 'religious ideology'. Substitute 'race' or 'skin-colour':

"The fact of the matter is that people are being murdered daily because of their race."

Now, that doesn't mean your 'race' or 'skin-colour' is to blame, does it? Otherwise, should everyone turn 'white'?

Most murder victims are in fact white at the hands of blacks. Not saying that the blacks are murderous but because their social status is somewhat marginalized by the whites over the last few decades, they are more likely to commit crime including murder.

So your analogy is arse about!
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Postby Paphitis » Sun Nov 23, 2014 4:25 pm

Garavnoss wrote:
miltiades wrote:
Maximus wrote:
miltiades wrote:
Maximus wrote:Although religion has been used as a vehicle for murder and war by some lunatics, it does not mean that religion is the curse of humanity. It does not mean that those that have been murdered should not have a religion because some lunatics of a different faith exist that do not tolerate them.

There are many teachings of good will to humanity in many religions.

Furthermore, the advancements in medicine, technology and the sciences would not have been possible without the correct belief system to support them. Without the ethical and moral code of Christianity, the tangible benefits which you enjoy probably would not exist today.

So to answer your question, what tangible benefit to humanity has derived from religion? -- Everything

Name one, not spiritual rubbish, tangible real benefits to either world peace or medical advancement.

Cancer is one of the worlds oldest decease. Let god find a cure, after all he created everything, presumably cancer too!!

Europe was once a continent consumed by war. The EU emerged.

Issac newton was a Christian. He discovered the laws of motion.

Alexander flemming was Roman Catholic. He discovered Penicillin.

Indeed they were !! But they were men. I believe Hitler was religious too !!

Hitler discovered the reason for human disharmony, he died before he could eradicate it.

The Americans eradicated the disharmony when they took control of Germany along with the Russians.

We are grateful!
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Postby Paphitis » Sun Nov 23, 2014 4:26 pm

Garavnoss wrote:.

The spirit of Jesus Christ lives on due to the conduct and actions of Christians.

The spirit of Adolf Hitler lives on due to the conduct and actions of the Jews.

You seem to despise religion but cannot deny that you perform religiously, we should invent a better word for it.

The spirit of Adolf Hitler lives on because of people like YOU!
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Postby Paphitis » Sun Nov 23, 2014 4:36 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
Maximus wrote:Hitler was Christian (Roman Catholic) and he also wiped out a lot of Christians.

There, you have it, Maximus!

Roman Catholicism is the evil constructed to destroy pragmatic religion (Hellenic Orthodoxy)! Catholicism is a continuation of what the Romans started which was to wipe out Hellenism.

All the other spurious Christian faiths (Baptists, Protestants etc) have been latter-day, mere attempts at trying to reduce the negative effects of Roman Catholicism (and all failing miserably with only a few finding the real path back to Hellenic Orthodoxy).

Greek Orthodoxy is just as bad as Roman Catholicism and they too committed many atrocities against the Ancient Hellenes!


Just because they were Politheists was no reason to eradicate them and their culture.
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Postby Paphitis » Sun Nov 23, 2014 4:38 pm

Get Real! wrote:
miltiades wrote:
Maximus wrote:Hitler was Christian (Roman Catholic) and he also wiped out a lot of Christians.

As one would expect, god just stood by !!!

:roll: How many times must we mention God’s granting of a 6000 year rule over Earth to Man, during which there will be no interferences from God?

This 6000 year period ends somewhere between 2050 and 2110 at the latest so you and I won’t be in the flesh when it happens but resurrected during the “first resurrection” if worthy.

This marks God’s return on Earth (Jesus for some) and stay for 1000 years during which Satan is incarcerated and peace reigns on the planet.

This is something that both Christian and Jewish religious scholars agree upon.

Good luck with that!

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Postby miltiades » Sun Nov 23, 2014 5:39 pm

The most peaceful of all false religions is the Jehovah Witnesses, as ludicrous as some of their preaching is they are indeed peace loving people and trustworthy.

They do not celebrate birthdays but they celebrate wedding anniversaries !!! New Year and Christmas too is taboo. So is raising your glass and saying cheers, not allowed, it might upset Jehovah :lol:

They are indeed a peace loving people, dedicated to their religion which they believe it to be the only true faith.

Around 6 million of them worldwide and welcoming to each brother and sister as fellow JWs are referred to.

From personal experience, I tell you, trust them, they do not lie to save their lives and do not join any army.
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