Cyprus’ “White Walls” building in Nicosia, ranked 1st in the list of the Best Tall Buildings in Europe! ... in-europe/
when the vegetation grows out of it, it will be magnificent.
Cyprus’ “White Walls” building in Nicosia, ranked 1st in the list of the Best Tall Buildings in Europe! ... in-europe/
repulsewarrior wrote:Cyprus’ “White Walls” building in Nicosia, ranked 1st in the list of the Best Tall Buildings in Europe! ... in-europe/
when the vegetation grows out of it, it will be magnificent.
repulsewarrior wrote:Cyprus’ “White Walls” building in Nicosia, ranked 1st in the list of the Best Tall Buildings in Europe! ... in-europe/
when the vegetation grows out of it, it will be magnificent.
repulsewarrior wrote:...i imagine that it did not win this award merely on the look of its facade (although a good portion of our appreciation of a building is just that). It is its functionality, how it is divided, and how the systems that have been provided, work.
A voice for the silent: A CERN scientist based in Cyprus is developing a robot to help autistic children communicate with their parents ... e-parents/
Demetriades has a mission and she wants Cyprus to be part of it, to put the island on the map when she and her team launch the world’s first quantum robot specifically designed to help autistic children communicate with their parents.
repulsewarrior wrote:A voice for the silent: A CERN scientist based in Cyprus is developing a robot to help autistic children communicate with their parents ... e-parents/
Demetriades has a mission and she wants Cyprus to be part of it, to put the island on the map when she and her team launch the world’s first quantum robot specifically designed to help autistic children communicate with their parents.
A scientist at CERN – home of the Large Hadron Collider or particle smasher – and with four PhDs in molecular medicine, biophysics, particle physics and quantum psychology, Demetriades is also an author, musician, registered nutritionist – since the age of 16 – and an Egyptologist specialising in ancient perfumery.
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