Thank God the days of christianity is over & we have religious freedom. It's pretty obvious that what they call 'paganism' is the spirituality that's strongest today, although it's modern term might be the 'new-age' movement.
There never was a prophet who surpassed the wisdom of the platonic philosophers & it's also the european form of spirituality that share alot with vedanta etc.
my family always rejected Christianity and all these abrahamic religions , they only brought darkness to this world . They call our religion "mythology" when theirs was actually inveted by the Roam Empire to control the masses . Hail the ancient Gods ´cause they´re the true ones !!
absolutely right, i never could sympathize with the abrahamic religion, i was always very interested in the greek culture and the believe in their gods, polytheism is very tolerant, and opposed to the cruelty of the believe in one god alone.
All Christianity did to the word was burning people and delaying Science and medicine , we can also thank them for the Dark Ages while the Gods of old preached about Science and evolution
Please, Hellenes and Greeks are NOT the same. Hellenes are based on culture, philosophy and intelligence. Greeks are (Kleftes and amartoly) Greek Orthodoxy based on "foustaneles and souvlaki". Choose too identify yourself as an Hellene or Greek, you cannot be both.
Τον Κωνσταντίνο και όλους αυτούς τους λατρεύουν απο συνήθεια, από έθιμο, επειδή το κάνουν όλοι και πάει λέγοντας...Αν το σκεφτείς, οι Νεοέλληνες είναι όλοι σχεδόν Χριστιανοί γιατί ποτέ τους δεν έχουν διαβάσει για τον Χριστιανισμό! Απλα, έτσι μας βαφτίζουν απο μωρά και έτσι δηλωνόμαστε στα χαρτιά. Αν ο Έλληνας διαβάσει τη Βίβλο, και μάθει για τις απίστευτες καταστροφές που προξένησαν στον αρχαίο κόσμο, το 96% πού μας λένε θα καταρρεύσει με τη μία!
It is so sad to see the NeoGreeks worship Constantine the "Great" and Helen as major Saints of Orthodoxy. It hurts me to see the schoolbooks children have to study, spreading lies and poisoning their young brains with hate for everything non christian. While every cell of our bodies rejects this religion. It sits like a thorn deep in our flesh and fills us with pain and evil. HELLAS VS christianity TRUTH VS LIE LIGHT VS DARKNESS
Im not Greek but this made me really sad
We are fighting back imposters!