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Turks, and Russians love their cruises!

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Re: Turks, and Russians love their cruises!

Postby Sotos » Thu Nov 13, 2014 5:15 pm

Tim Drayton wrote:
Sotos wrote:
Tim Drayton wrote:Putin is a very dangerous person, in my view. It is a pity that he can get more than 50% of his people to vote for him, albeit by stifling all opposition behind the scenes. Those who stand by and shrug their shoulders or even applaud as Russia under his helm dismembers the sovereign state of Ukraine make the same mistake as those who appeased Germany under Hitler when it annexed Sudetenland from Czechoslovakia.

Putin is not a democrat and you are probably right that he is stifling all opposition behind the scenes. Then again in the USA in practice you just have two parties whose differences are only superficial and which are backed by the same kind of corporations... essentially an oligarchy, not a democracy. Which is why most Americans don't even bother to vote anymore... some thought that Obama would be different but they were disappointed. Crimea & parts of East Ukraine might be similar to Sudetenland... but if you think of it those are parts that are historically inhabited by Russians (Germans in the case of Sudetenland). The Americans have supported far worst things... like what the Jews have done to Palestine, or even worst what the Turks have done to north Cyprus... where the invader has taken territory which was NOT historically inhabited by a majority of their kind. So I am not buying the bullshit that it is OK for the Americans and their satellites to screw other nations but Russia can't even have a say on territories which are inhabited by a majority of Russians. Heck ... even the occupation of Akrotiri and Dhekelia by the British is worst. How the fuck does the UK gets to own parts of Cyprus while Russia can't have a say for what are essentially Russian territories? Putin might be an asshole ... but I think some balance in our world is long overdue!! :evil:

My dear Sotos, I am not selling any "bullshit" which says that it is OK for anyone. I do not support any tyrant, I do not believe that any people in the world deserve to live under tyranny (or aspire to do so), I do not support any kind of imperialism or neo-imperialism. In fact, if you condemn Turkey's occupation of part of Cyprus on the grounds that this infringes international law and the sovereignty of a nation recognised under international law, then, logically, you must also condemn Israel's illegal occupation of territory outside its legitimate borders under international law, you must condemn China's occupation of Tibet and, likewise, Russia's illegal annexation of Crimea. If you do not, then you are guilty of hypocrisy. In the case of Ukriane, I thought an amicable solution was staring everybody in the face whereby a "territory for recognition" treaty could be negotiated - Ukraine would cede some territory where most of the people are Russian speakers to Russia and Russia would respect the right of self-determination of the Ukranian people (who are also Orthodox Christians, by the way - if Russia is automatically right in everything because it is Orthodox, as seems to be the way of thinking here, why are the Orthodox Ukranians wrong?) who clearly aspire to move in a liberal direction and ultimately become eligible for EU membership. But 'negotiate' was the word. It was Putin who ended that possibility when using sheer force instead. The issue is still not that cut and dried. A referendum was held in 1991 and the Russian-speaking areas also supported Ukranian independence. A lot of the people in Ukriane who now speak Russian had Ukranian-speaking grandparents and great-grandparents and they speak Russian as a result of Stalinist forced Russification, not because they were originally ethnically Russian people. Your argument about the USA is well understood. One of the ways that Putin has managed to cement his power behind the facade of elections is by stifling press freedom and ensuring that all of the media acts as his propaganda outlet, thus ending all meaningful debate around elections and turning them into a charade. Of course, if you look at a country like the UK with its right-wing tabloids backed up by big money that set a right wing agenda, or look at Germany, where one single newspaper, Bild, serves this function, you have to ask how different things are. I sometimes wonder as to the real reason for the killing of president Kennedy and I am sure it was because he was treading on the toes of the real rulers of the country behind the scenes - remember Roosevelt's enigmatic words "Beware the military-industrial complex" - and this, if true, shows that democracy is ultimately a sham everywhere. This all harks back to back to the debate among left-wingers at the outbreak of World War II as to whether to remain neutral as a liberal brand of capitalism fights it out against an autocratic brand of capitalism, or whether liberal democracy, ultimately a sham that it may be, is worth fighting for against fascism. I believe that the latter is true.

For me it is NOT really about "international law"... who makes these "laws" anyways? Having "international law" on your side is a positive thing but it does not always define what is fair and what is unfair. What you said about "negotiations" proves this. What is RIGHT and what is WRONG are not a matter of negotiations. If you believe that somebody has committed a crime against you, you don't expect justice to be served by "negotiating" with him. To have justice you need to have fair laws, fair judges and something able to enforce the fair judgments. None of those things exist when it comes to international relations. What is most important is the association of powers... not fairness. So when I judge Ukraine, Palestine, Tibet, Kurdistan, Basque Country, Catalonia etc, I do NOT use "international law" and therefore I can come to conclusions that might agree or might not agree with what the "international law" says. I admit that I don't know the history and the facts of foreign countries as I know them about Cyprus... so maybe my judgement will be incorrect in those cases. Ukrainians... like Russians, are basically a collection of various Slavic tribes who initially spoke the same language until some centuries ago when they diverted somewhat. You say that those people were forced to speak Russian ... shouldn't they know their own history better than you?
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Re: Turks, and Russians love their cruises!

Postby Sotos » Thu Nov 13, 2014 5:19 pm

It is Russia that is in fact regressing back to an era of Cold War.

The Americans and their allies don't need to keep the cold war if they don't want it. They can admit defeat and the "2nd Cold War" can end with Russia as the victor ;)
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Re: Turks, and Russians love their cruises!

Postby Paphitis » Thu Nov 13, 2014 5:26 pm

Sotos wrote:
It is Russia that is in fact regressing back to an era of Cold War.

The Americans and their allies don't need to keep the cold war if they don't want it. They can admit defeat and the "2nd Cold War" can end with Russia as the victor ;)

Unfortunately Sotos, not everything is about Cyprus or East Timor. East Timor was only liberated because they had a game changer. Cyprus might have a game changer too, but it's really up to you guys to put these resources to good use.

The fact of the matter is, they don't care. Sure they feel sorry for you, but they are not about to fight our war or solve our problems. They will do that for their allies, but Cyprus was never really an ally and was never even considered such. For this you have yourself to blame. You really can't get more stupid than that. One would think that for a country like Cyprus, Security and defence would be of paramount importance.

They will go to war for Greece, because Greece is in the NATO alliance. They will do anything for Australia, because it is considered an ally. But they don't want to upset Turkey which is a NATO member for the sake of little Cyprus which is not even an ally and has at times been a little hostile towards them.

Cyprus could have been a member if it wanted to, but now your on the outer and no one really cares about a tiny island with a population of less than a million. To them, they see the situation relatively peaceful, and so there is no immediate concern. However, things have a tendency to change over time, and for Cyprus its biggest game changer is the Gas.

It's not about me me me Sotos.

What is an immediate concern is ISIL and the situation in Ukraine. It's not about International Law. They are interested in Ukraine because they consider the country an important strategic partner which has expressed interest in joining the EU and NATO. It also allows them to control the Black Sea Fleet. So of course interests are at stake.

The US has no interest in mobilizing its 6th Fleet as a show of strength against Turkey to liberate the island. Why would they? Because of International law? They simply DO NOT care enough to start a war over such a thing. They might send an envoy and "assist" with the negotiations etc etc maybe even apply some pressure on Turkey if your lucky but obviously they are not applying enough pressure for anything to occur at least to this day. Who knows if things change in the future.
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Re: Turks, and Russians love their cruises!

Postby Paphitis » Thu Nov 13, 2014 5:53 pm

At the end of the day, if you want the US to take notice of Cyprus, then you need to Internationalize the Cyprus Problem by raising the stakes so to speak.

Now is not the right time because Turkey has backed itself into an unwinnable corner with the Barbaros Affair, so if you escalate this situation, then they will view us as the trouble maker because they do not consider the activities of the Barbaros as illegal yet.

However, if the Turks do something silly and actually bring in a drilling platform from Uzbekistan, then Greece has to escalate things to the brink of war. Yes to the brink of war.

They should do this by sending some of their Navy Ships to disrupt the activities of the Barbaros, the drilling and the Turkish Navy.

America would be concerned at such a development and will therefore get involved in the crisis. International Law will favour the RoC and the US knows this and of course has its own interests in the area to consider.

The threat of war is the only thing that will force the US to stamp its feet so to speak and they could possibly come down on Turkey like a tonne of bricks. And yes, Turkey is starting to get on their nerves. They know very well, that Turkey is a big supported of ISIL. They are not stupid.

If Greece is not willing to this, then all you can do is "negotiate".

Well maybe not! I have been posting about some Israeli and French ships that Cyprus was considering purchasing. You don't need to be a big country with a large military force to have some serious capability in protecting your EEZ. Just a few of these small boats will do. Cyprus could then patrol its EEZ. And what is Turkey going to do? Sink one of them? Well if they do, Cyprus is in the headlines again, and America will get involved. But I will tell you this, maybe these Cypriot boats will sink the Turkish Ship. I am not joking. It can be done. Will the Turks take all of Cyprus? Well I have faith in the CNG, and the International Community will never allow such a scenario in any case. But once again, the spotlight is on Cyprus.
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Re: Turks, and Russians love their cruises!

Postby Oceanside50 » Thu Nov 13, 2014 6:03 pm

Sotos wrote:
It is Russia that is in fact regressing back to an era of Cold War.

The Americans and their allies don't need to keep the cold war if they don't want it. They can admit defeat and the "2nd Cold War" can end with Russia as the victor ;)

there is no second cold war ,its an illusion in order to keep the military industrial complex in tact. whether the russians are off the coast of australia or england it plays well in the news around the world.
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Re: Turks, and Russians love their cruises!

Postby Paphitis » Thu Nov 13, 2014 6:11 pm

Oceanside50 wrote:
Sotos wrote:
It is Russia that is in fact regressing back to an era of Cold War.

The Americans and their allies don't need to keep the cold war if they don't want it. They can admit defeat and the "2nd Cold War" can end with Russia as the victor ;)

there is no second cold war ,its an illusion in order to keep the military industrial complex in tact. whether the russians are off the coast of australia or england it plays well in the news around the world.

Well they are off the Australian Coast and it is fairly concerning because we have not seen any Russian Ships close to Australia for some decades.

Now we have the absurd situation whereby Putin is in Australia, and Russian and Australian Ships are playing little war games off the Queensland Coast.

This has been internationalized to some extent because of the G20 summit, and public opinion is not with the Russians on this. It is actually a very dangerous situation to have Russian and Australian ships in close proximity. Anything is possible.

And if the Americans come, and I presume they will, it will get even more dangerous.
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Re: Turks, and Russians love their cruises!

Postby Sotos » Thu Nov 13, 2014 11:07 pm

Paphitis wrote:
Sotos wrote:
It is Russia that is in fact regressing back to an era of Cold War.

The Americans and their allies don't need to keep the cold war if they don't want it. They can admit defeat and the "2nd Cold War" can end with Russia as the victor ;)

Unfortunately Sotos, not everything is about Cyprus or East Timor. East Timor was only liberated because they had a game changer. Cyprus might have a game changer too, but it's really up to you guys to put these resources to good use.

The fact of the matter is, they don't care. Sure they feel sorry for you, but they are not about to fight our war or solve our problems. They will do that for their allies, but Cyprus was never really an ally and was never even considered such. For this you have yourself to blame. You really can't get more stupid than that. One would think that for a country like Cyprus, Security and defence would be of paramount importance.

They will go to war for Greece, because Greece is in the NATO alliance. They will do anything for Australia, because it is considered an ally. But they don't want to upset Turkey which is a NATO member for the sake of little Cyprus which is not even an ally and has at times been a little hostile towards them.

Cyprus could have been a member if it wanted to, but now your on the outer and no one really cares about a tiny island with a population of less than a million. To them, they see the situation relatively peaceful, and so there is no immediate concern. However, things have a tendency to change over time, and for Cyprus its biggest game changer is the Gas.

It's not about me me me Sotos.

What is an immediate concern is ISIL and the situation in Ukraine. It's not about International Law. They are interested in Ukraine because they consider the country an important strategic partner which has expressed interest in joining the EU and NATO. It also allows them to control the Black Sea Fleet. So of course interests are at stake.

The US has no interest in mobilizing its 6th Fleet as a show of strength against Turkey to liberate the island. Why would they? Because of International law? They simply DO NOT care enough to start a war over such a thing. They might send an envoy and "assist" with the negotiations etc etc maybe even apply some pressure on Turkey if your lucky but obviously they are not applying enough pressure for anything to occur at least to this day. Who knows if things change in the future.

NATO got everything they needed from Cyprus and more from day one of RoC with the two British bases. Those so called "sovereign" bases are much more than what NATO would get if Cyprus was a NATO member. So you are wrong that "Cyprus could have been a member if it wanted to". Not only Turkey would veto this, but the Americans and the British would not want it either because they prefer to have Cyprus as a subject and not as a partner. Russia on the other hand would value a partnership with us.
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Re: Turks, and Russians love their cruises!

Postby Oceanside50 » Thu Nov 13, 2014 11:50 pm

Sotos wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Sotos wrote:
It is Russia that is in fact regressing back to an era of Cold War.

The Americans and their allies don't need to keep the cold war if they don't want it. They can admit defeat and the "2nd Cold War" can end with Russia as the victor ;)

Unfortunately Sotos, not everything is about Cyprus or East Timor. East Timor was only liberated because they had a game changer. Cyprus might have a game changer too, but it's really up to you guys to put these resources to good use.

The fact of the matter is, they don't care. Sure they feel sorry for you, but they are not about to fight our war or solve our problems. They will do that for their allies, but Cyprus was never really an ally and was never even considered such. For this you have yourself to blame. You really can't get more stupid than that. One would think that for a country like Cyprus, Security and defence would be of paramount importance.

They will go to war for Greece, because Greece is in the NATO alliance. They will do anything for Australia, because it is considered an ally. But they don't want to upset Turkey which is a NATO member for the sake of little Cyprus which is not even an ally and has at times been a little hostile towards them.

Cyprus could have been a member if it wanted to, but now your on the outer and no one really cares about a tiny island with a population of less than a million. To them, they see the situation relatively peaceful, and so there is no immediate concern. However, things have a tendency to change over time, and for Cyprus its biggest game changer is the Gas.

It's not about me me me Sotos.

What is an immediate concern is ISIL and the situation in Ukraine. It's not about International Law. They are interested in Ukraine because they consider the country an important strategic partner which has expressed interest in joining the EU and NATO. It also allows them to control the Black Sea Fleet. So of course interests are at stake.

The US has no interest in mobilizing its 6th Fleet as a show of strength against Turkey to liberate the island. Why would they? Because of International law? They simply DO NOT care enough to start a war over such a thing. They might send an envoy and "assist" with the negotiations etc etc maybe even apply some pressure on Turkey if your lucky but obviously they are not applying enough pressure for anything to occur at least to this day. Who knows if things change in the future.

NATO got everything they needed from Cyprus and more from day one of RoC with the two British bases. Those so called "sovereign" bases are much more than what NATO would get if Cyprus was a NATO member. So you are wrong that "Cyprus could have been a member if it wanted to". Not only Turkey would veto this, but the Americans and the British would not want it either because they prefer to have Cyprus as a subject and not as a partner. Russia on the other hand would value a partnership with us.

Russia on the other hand would value a partnership with us.

re Sotiri, stick to rolling sheftalies. Russia would rather keep 40000 turk troops in Cyprus then on its border, thats probably the truth.
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Re: Turks, and Russians love their cruises!

Postby Sotos » Fri Nov 14, 2014 1:29 am

Oceanside50 wrote:
Sotos wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Sotos wrote:
It is Russia that is in fact regressing back to an era of Cold War.

The Americans and their allies don't need to keep the cold war if they don't want it. They can admit defeat and the "2nd Cold War" can end with Russia as the victor ;)

Unfortunately Sotos, not everything is about Cyprus or East Timor. East Timor was only liberated because they had a game changer. Cyprus might have a game changer too, but it's really up to you guys to put these resources to good use.

The fact of the matter is, they don't care. Sure they feel sorry for you, but they are not about to fight our war or solve our problems. They will do that for their allies, but Cyprus was never really an ally and was never even considered such. For this you have yourself to blame. You really can't get more stupid than that. One would think that for a country like Cyprus, Security and defence would be of paramount importance.

They will go to war for Greece, because Greece is in the NATO alliance. They will do anything for Australia, because it is considered an ally. But they don't want to upset Turkey which is a NATO member for the sake of little Cyprus which is not even an ally and has at times been a little hostile towards them.

Cyprus could have been a member if it wanted to, but now your on the outer and no one really cares about a tiny island with a population of less than a million. To them, they see the situation relatively peaceful, and so there is no immediate concern. However, things have a tendency to change over time, and for Cyprus its biggest game changer is the Gas.

It's not about me me me Sotos.

What is an immediate concern is ISIL and the situation in Ukraine. It's not about International Law. They are interested in Ukraine because they consider the country an important strategic partner which has expressed interest in joining the EU and NATO. It also allows them to control the Black Sea Fleet. So of course interests are at stake.

The US has no interest in mobilizing its 6th Fleet as a show of strength against Turkey to liberate the island. Why would they? Because of International law? They simply DO NOT care enough to start a war over such a thing. They might send an envoy and "assist" with the negotiations etc etc maybe even apply some pressure on Turkey if your lucky but obviously they are not applying enough pressure for anything to occur at least to this day. Who knows if things change in the future.

NATO got everything they needed from Cyprus and more from day one of RoC with the two British bases. Those so called "sovereign" bases are much more than what NATO would get if Cyprus was a NATO member. So you are wrong that "Cyprus could have been a member if it wanted to". Not only Turkey would veto this, but the Americans and the British would not want it either because they prefer to have Cyprus as a subject and not as a partner. Russia on the other hand would value a partnership with us.

Russia on the other hand would value a partnership with us.

re Sotiri, stick to rolling sheftalies. Russia would rather keep 40000 turk troops in Cyprus then on its border, thats probably the truth.

First of all Russia and Turkey do not share a border ;) Secondly for Russia the 40.000 troops that Turkey has in Cyprus are peanuts ;) For Russia a freed Cyprus would be ideal because both Turkish troops and British troops are NATO troops. If you think of it Cyprus is occupied by NATO troops with American made weapons.
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Re: Turks, and Russians love their cruises!

Postby Paphitis » Fri Nov 14, 2014 2:10 am

Sotos wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Sotos wrote:
It is Russia that is in fact regressing back to an era of Cold War.

The Americans and their allies don't need to keep the cold war if they don't want it. They can admit defeat and the "2nd Cold War" can end with Russia as the victor ;)

Unfortunately Sotos, not everything is about Cyprus or East Timor. East Timor was only liberated because they had a game changer. Cyprus might have a game changer too, but it's really up to you guys to put these resources to good use.

The fact of the matter is, they don't care. Sure they feel sorry for you, but they are not about to fight our war or solve our problems. They will do that for their allies, but Cyprus was never really an ally and was never even considered such. For this you have yourself to blame. You really can't get more stupid than that. One would think that for a country like Cyprus, Security and defence would be of paramount importance.

They will go to war for Greece, because Greece is in the NATO alliance. They will do anything for Australia, because it is considered an ally. But they don't want to upset Turkey which is a NATO member for the sake of little Cyprus which is not even an ally and has at times been a little hostile towards them.

Cyprus could have been a member if it wanted to, but now your on the outer and no one really cares about a tiny island with a population of less than a million. To them, they see the situation relatively peaceful, and so there is no immediate concern. However, things have a tendency to change over time, and for Cyprus its biggest game changer is the Gas.

It's not about me me me Sotos.

What is an immediate concern is ISIL and the situation in Ukraine. It's not about International Law. They are interested in Ukraine because they consider the country an important strategic partner which has expressed interest in joining the EU and NATO. It also allows them to control the Black Sea Fleet. So of course interests are at stake.

The US has no interest in mobilizing its 6th Fleet as a show of strength against Turkey to liberate the island. Why would they? Because of International law? They simply DO NOT care enough to start a war over such a thing. They might send an envoy and "assist" with the negotiations etc etc maybe even apply some pressure on Turkey if your lucky but obviously they are not applying enough pressure for anything to occur at least to this day. Who knows if things change in the future.

NATO got everything they needed from Cyprus and more from day one of RoC with the two British bases. Those so called "sovereign" bases are much more than what NATO would get if Cyprus was a NATO member. So you are wrong that "Cyprus could have been a member if it wanted to". Not only Turkey would veto this, but the Americans and the British would not want it either because they prefer to have Cyprus as a subject and not as a partner. Russia on the other hand would value a partnership with us.


unfortunately things are not as easy as that and sadly Cypriot have been very challenged in understanding the "real world".

The US asked for a base in Cyprus. This is when things started to get very bad.

Further to this, if Cyprus was a NATO member, then the entire island would be a NATO base.

Unfortunately for you, Cyprus was never considered a partner of the US or NATO. They do not consider you an ally and as a result they do not think they owe you anything. They certainly will not go to war for you. At the same time, you are in their sphere of influence and hence they will not allow Russia to get a strong footing in their little Mediterranean pool.

Further to this, Russia does NOT value any kind of partnership with Cyprus - certainly not enough to go to war with either Turkey or the US. They simply couldn't care less about you and have nothing to gain without the risk of losing everything. So you believe Russia is going to do something that will benefit you? I don't think so, and they will not risk a war with NATO. Putin is very calculating. He is not going to go to war with NATO or even come close to raising tensions beyond where they already are at present. At the same time, the US and NATO would be keen to avoid war with Russia. The Ukraine and Cyprus are simply not worth this war between US and Russia. It will have to take much more than this such as Russia attacking a NATO country or Australia right now. Sure they will send ships, but the Russians will not cross into our borders and will not attack or hit our ships because this will cause such a war between them and the US.

One country that does value your partnership is Israel. This partnership is flourishing. Why do they value it. Because they can depend on Cyprus and understand that it poses no threat. This inevitably gets you closer to the US in the long term. There are positive signs? It's not like the stupid idiotic politics of the 60s and 70s any more.
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