I am sorry but you are wrong! The Iraeli’s DID know it was an American ship and even which American ship! It was identified as a US ship before the attack, it was clearly visually identified as such by its ID painted on the sides GTR-5 and it was flying a very large US flag. It was also in international waters which means it was not in the war zone.
The Israeli’s did not attempt ‘a positive identification’ so, beware if you go on a cruise from Limassol..... the Israeli’s shoot first and don’t bother too much about international conventions or Law. If you happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time Israel won’t give sh*t!
There is a lot of hypothesis of why the Israeli’s deliberately attacked The USS Liberty the most credible being that it was interception of all the ground/air chatter as the Isreali’s illegally attacked the Golan Heights in contravention of ALL international agreements.
But .... for sure ..... it was no accidental encounter and the crew of USS Liberty were threatened by the US Government as to what would happen if any of them opened their mouths. It was another one of those things that were treated as a ‘conspiracy theory’ for years and it is only now that snippets of the truth are coming out.
Outline details of the incident from the Liberty Veterans Association: few more credible reports all from ‘If Americans knew’ ...... web site. A very good site for information about Israel since its inception right through to events today ............