i wish happy republic day to all are terggish cousins in the north med.
Lordo wrote:The problem with the system is that 41 per cent converts to 60 percent in the election because of the systematic transfer of votes at the behest of the system rather than send and third choice which should be given any decent democratic system. Whiles in the past it may looked as though the army took control when ever it felt like it, until ameirca gives the nod, they will do nothing. one worry is that perhaps america has lost that control now but the indications are that they have not.
The increasingly hostile divergence of views between Turkey and the United States over Syria is testing the durability of their 60-year alliance, to the point where some are starting to question whether the two countries still can be considered allies at all.
GreekIslandGirl wrote:May I remind the happy-clappy fanatics that Cyprus is under illegal Turkish occupation with some 40,000 of those disgusting troops keeping the native people out of their properties by exercising continued racist policies.
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