The Roast pork was most enjoyable, the red claret even better, somehow one compliments the other, accompanited by spinach lightly steamed and springled with Italian grated cheese. Fell asleep shortly afterwards. Living on my own as I do, once the bottle has finished I can hear my bed calling me.
Anyway back to the subject of Pet hates. Naturally the older you get the more some things annoy you hence the "grumby old man" cliche, but always compensated by new Loves found and will tell you about them later.
One of my slightly political in content PH that I left out is the age old, and well established cliche of blamimg America for all our bad luck, misfortunes and worldwide problems.
You enter into a discussion about some horrid events taking place anywhere and guarantee that the Americanico Daktilo is mentioned.
The Greeks are the most prolific in the blame culture. Not our fault but Americanico Daxtilo, even weather adverse conditions are blamed on America.
The Cyprus 1974 catastrophe following the Turkish invasion is put by most on Americas shoulders, never mind the fact that we and only we fucked up badly from day one of independence in continuing with our quest to gift Cyprus to Greece and ignoring the objections of a sizeable minority that it also had rights.
Yes, I hate the blame others culture that we so readily promote.