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My top ten Pet Hates

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Re: My top ten Pet Hates

Postby miltiades » Fri Oct 24, 2014 11:24 am

The Roast pork was most enjoyable, the red claret even better, somehow one compliments the other, accompanited by spinach lightly steamed and springled with Italian grated cheese. Fell asleep shortly afterwards. Living on my own as I do, once the bottle has finished I can hear my bed calling me.

Anyway back to the subject of Pet hates. Naturally the older you get the more some things annoy you hence the "grumby old man" cliche, but always compensated by new Loves found and will tell you about them later.

One of my slightly political in content PH that I left out is the age old, and well established cliche of blamimg America for all our bad luck, misfortunes and worldwide problems.

You enter into a discussion about some horrid events taking place anywhere and guarantee that the Americanico Daktilo is mentioned.

The Greeks are the most prolific in the blame culture. Not our fault but Americanico Daxtilo, even weather adverse conditions are blamed on America.

The Cyprus 1974 catastrophe following the Turkish invasion is put by most on Americas shoulders, never mind the fact that we and only we fucked up badly from day one of independence in continuing with our quest to gift Cyprus to Greece and ignoring the objections of a sizeable minority that it also had rights.

Yes, I hate the blame others culture that we so readily promote.
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Re: My top ten Pet Hates

Postby miltiades » Sat Oct 25, 2014 3:21 pm

Most of the regular forumers I think are aware of my principles concerning our western world culture, I know that one should respect all other cultures but the only concept that I respect is the right of anyone to adhere and follow whatever culture was handed down to him or her, but do not demand that I ought to respect cultures that are alien to the values held in the western world, values such as freedom of speech, choice of marriage, choice of faith, to believe or not to believe.
So one of my Pet Hates is precisely this.
The continued denigration of western world cultures in order to appease alien cultures in our mists.

British schools that call Christmas as " winter festivities" so as not to offend those who are not Christians.

The abolition of school morning assemblies so as not to offend others.
The whole thing makes me puke. I came to the UK on my own accord, the choice was there for me from the start. Dont like the British culture, thats fine but dont insist that they, the natives, bend down to please me. Stay or leave, that was my option.

The west has attracted millions of immigrants over the years, people such as my self in search of a better life, more prospects and security. I respect this and I wish other immigrants do as well.
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Re: My top ten Pet Hates

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Sat Oct 25, 2014 5:50 pm

Agree with your above, Milty.

One of my 'pet' hates is places such as banks not allowing dogs through their doors any longer for cultural-sensitivity reasons. They don't serve food so no EU-excuses.
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Re: My top ten Pet Hates

Postby miltiades » Sat Oct 25, 2014 6:36 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:Agree with your above, Milty.

One of my 'pet' hates is places such as banks not allowing dogs through their doors any longer for cultural-sensitivity reasons. They don't serve food so no EU-excuses.

Well S, I do take my dog in the bank, thus far nobody reprimanded me !!! Barclays bank that is. Come Christmas time I shall again voice mty objection to the absence of Xmas decorations.

Imagine going to Saudi Arabia and objecting to the rather unsightly sight of .... Vrikolakes !!!

I hear that Isil have banned all music at weddings in the areas that they control, fucking pigs !! :lol:
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Re: My top ten Pet Hates

Postby miltiades » Sun Oct 26, 2014 12:25 pm

Throughout History Suicide attacks have been prevalent with one purpose behind, to cause as much damage to the enemy at times of war or struggles.
The Japanese during WW2 used pilots flying aircaraft directly on enemy positions.

"‘It is my lot to die young, I shall not see our victory, I shall not live one day, one hour in the bright season of our triumphs, but I believe that with my death I shall do all that it is my duty to do, and no one in the world can demand more of me.’

Grinevitsky went down in history as the first man to become truly infamous as a suicide bomber"
"On 13 March 1881, Ignaty Grinevitsky watched as his accomplice threw a small bomb at the convoy of Tsar Alexander II outside the Winter Palace in St Petersburg. Safely enclosed in a carriage made from bullet-proof material as a gift from Napoleon III, the Tsar stepped out, dazed but unhurt.

Grinevitsky saw his chance. The young man, a member of The People’s Will left-wing terrorist group, rushed towards his target, dropping a bomb at the Tsar’s feet killing both himself and his 62 year-old Emperor. Alexander’s legs were blown off, his stomach ripped open and his face mutilated. He died a few hours later."

Modern suicide attacks committed mostly if not totally by Islamists have as their target anyone that happens to be around. Be it in a market place, in a mosque, even at funeral processions. They, these savages, have one and only one purpose. To cause as many deaths and injuries to people whom mostly they do not know or have never had any contact with.

I can understand the Japanese pilots, I can even understand the Sri Lanca suiciders during the Tamil insurrection, but I just can not understand the driving force behind someone blowing up his own people in a mosque of all places, at a wedding ceremony at a public place.

Do they realy believe that this horrid act will be rewarded in heavens.?

I detest them, their ideology, their sick and perverted view of life.
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Re: My top ten Pet Hates

Postby miltiades » Thu Oct 30, 2014 9:09 pm

I have decided, in view of all the rubbish threads posted by Vordo to bring this thread back to life and ....tell you all about my 10 ...Pet Loves !!
Subject to interest I will begin telling you what a 68 year old young man :lol: :lol: Loves the most :lol:

I shall exclude the obvious such as family etc but concentrate on what in life I love the most, and terggggggy is not to feature!!
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Re: My top ten Pet Hates

Postby miltiades » Fri Oct 31, 2014 9:56 am

Early to bed and early to arise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise !!

One out of three isnt so bad :lol:

This old adage similar to the "early bird catches the worm" has been in circulation since the 18th century. Much has been written about the meaning of this colloquial sentense, in my case the meaning is ...meaningless.

Im an early to bed man unless Im either in Cyprus or Belarus, but regardless of the time to bed always an early riser 5 am most of the time.

Beautiful morning in London toady with an early temperature of 15c and NO RAIN, it is expected to reach 21c today and sunny.

Had my morning tea in the garden, what a joy listening to the utter silence around me, not a whisper, even the birds were asleep.

In Cyprus I whisper to my self as I seat on my veranda having my tea and watching the boats across the sea, shortly after I walk to the peer awaiting for that magnificent sunrise.
By the way, almost forgot what I whisper. WE ARE HAVING A GOOD TIME!!!

Belarus is perhaps Europes last unspoiled country with such a huge variety of birds, with over 100 lakes and many rivers birds are attracted and can see them from the early hours of the morning flying, chirping, showing off their feathers.

I love my early mornings when Silence is realy Golden.
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Re: My top ten Pet Hates

Postby miltiades » Fri Oct 31, 2014 6:08 pm

The previous post was my number 10 of my Pet Loves.
No 9 has to be my love of the Greek language that I have strived so hard to master, but according to my dear friend Panos Vozikis, a philosopher and a master of the Greek language I scored 2.5 out of 10 !!!!

What a very rich and expresive language the Greek is. Leaving Cyprus at the age of 15 without having much interaction with Greeks I can say that the Greek I knew then was indeed very limited. Loving the language has pushed me to read and study a great deal, indeed I obtained a GCE in modern Greek many years ago.

I never inter mix English and Greek its either one or the other.
I get tremendous pleasure when I speak to my younger grandchildren in Greek, the older one always speaks to me in English.

Panos Vozikis was for me "mia terastia pevmatiki afipnisis " and reading his poetic selection of books one of the greatest pleasures I ever had in reading matter especialy his poetic prosecution of Nemesis in his TA LEME book.
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Re: My top ten Pet Hates

Postby miltiades » Fri Oct 31, 2014 9:55 pm

Number 8
Greek music, a few years back this love of mine would have been much higher than at present .

Don't worry, the boss told me, I know a brilliant Bouzouki player, I will call him, he should be here within the hour, just continue playing light music, we will delay the Greek session.

The Restaurant was packed, 100 plus people , entertained by my guitar, the Organ played by a T/C and on the drums an Irish guy.

Such a long time ago I barely remember their names. The Bouzouki player was good but a proper nutcase who would slip into the toilet for a ...fix!!

On his last trip he never came out , flat on his face, so the boss hurriedly contacted someone else and reassured us that a Bouzouki player would soon be joining us. Blue Spanish eyes, Delilah, and many more followed, and still no Bouzouki player !!

A big guy walked in carrying his instrument, here is your bouzouki player the boss told me, fine I replied but the guy is ...missing his Bouzouki, he was carrying a guitar case with a guitar inside.

He introduced himself as the ...guitarist !! You don't have your Bouzouki I asked, No he said, ok you can borrow mine I said.

I always carried my bouzouki with me as I would double up on some numbers.

I don't play bouzouki, Pantelis replied, Im a guitarist !!

I called the boss over and told him, don't worry he said, you play the bouzouki !!

And I did, thrown in at the deep end, no choice, we got through the night somehow !!

Greek music, for me, its the best, the most charismatic, so dramatic at times, so enjoyable, puts you in the mood to enjoy and dance.
No other music does this for me.
By the way I was a pro for over 5 years until my first born arrived and just couldn't stand all those late nights with my baby boy and my late wife on their own. I made the right choice, still love playing my guitar, different style now, alas my bouzouki days are now over !!
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Re: My top ten Pet Hates

Postby miltiades » Sat Nov 01, 2014 10:14 am

Much changes as one gets older. Things that used to be of importance do not seem to matter that much. Some things do remain significantly important such as family, friends, relations etc.
This is my Number 7 of my Pet Loves, always remembering that the obvious loves such as family are way above all else.

I first went to Belarus on September 10th 2010, not the best of dates since that was the anniversary of the catastrophic eartquake of 1953 in Stroumbi, Paphos.

That was my very first trip into Eastern Europe and very impressed I was on arriving at the capital of Lefkorossia, or Belarus. A country that I have come to love, not least because Belarus has the most unspoiled senery in Europe. The architecture is impressive, Minsk, the capital was grazed to the ground by the Nazis in WW2 and rebuilt by the Soviets mainly to impress the West and show that Communism did work !!!

A nation landlocked by 5 countries but with more than 100 lakes spreading throughout the country, many rivers too.

Contrary to perceptions I had about " Russians" I was pleasantly surprised that the people were friendly, they responded to a smile, extended their hand for a handshake. Spoke no Russian but quickly learned the " interacting" words, such as thank you, please, good morning etc.

My now other third met me at the airport and we stayed for two days in Minsk visting many sites. What impressed me the most was the orderly, almost militaristic way the people used the roads, cars carefully driven.

The Minsk library is perhaps the most impressive of all sights, one can easily view the libraty on Google.

The drive to my other thirds small town took about 3 hours, not very interesting drive going over flat tree lined roads unspoiled by time. I could imagine that a thousand years ago the scenery would have been very similar.

I have now been to Belarus more than 20 times and have really come to love this country and its people, by the way, its not called White Russia just because of the snow that covers the country from corner to corner for a good 5 months a year, but also that there are no other people apart from ....white!! Especially gorgeous blond women, another of my loves :lol:
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