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Postby Paphitis » Wed Oct 08, 2014 2:15 pm

Tim Drayton wrote:
Paphitis wrote:Tim,

The Kurdish Forces in Kobani are in fact called the Kurdish Forces Protective Units. The photograph I posted was of the very same Kurdish Unit.

They are an arm of the PKK.

The poor buggers are trapped on the one flank by ISIL and Turkey on the other.

This is why Turkey is doing nothing. Arseholes!!!!

Turkey is collaborating with ISIL in the extermination of the Kurdish Rebels. After this is done (I hope it never happens) then they are going to invade and attack ISIL and gain the Kudows of the coalition.

Turkey can't be trusted and they are playing a despicable game in aiding and abetting ISIL to achieve their aims.

Fortunately, the Peshmerga and PKK elements are alive and kicking in Northern Iraq and lest they forget the possible demise of their brothers and sisters in Syria and lest they forget who is responsible for this.

The Peshmerga in Iraq are receiving a lot of Coalition Aid, are being helped to fortify their strongholds and are now receiving specialist SAS Training. They will thrive.

But we have dropped the ball in Syria. This is going to be a humanitarian disaster, so I call on the UK and Australia to expand their operations. If they can somehow insert some SAS there, it might make all the differance.

This is the first time that I have heard that the Kurdish resistance in Syria is an arm of the PKK. Obviously, there are connections between them, but I think that is as far as it goes. It is a movement made of local people, I believe.

I dunno Tim!

I just read some material on the net that the Kurdish Protective Units in Kobani are an arm of the PKK. I don't know if it is accurate.

In any case, it makes no difference. I hope they can hold their town and survive the onslaught.

What they need is arms. They are facing Tanks and Mortars with small arms. It's not going to end well.
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Postby Lordo » Wed Oct 08, 2014 3:25 pm

Paphitis wrote:Tim,

The Kurdish Forces in Kobani are in fact called the Kurdish Forces Protective Units. The photograph I posted was of the very same Kurdish Unit.

They are an arm of the PKK.

The poor buggers are trapped on the one flank by ISIL and Turkey on the other.

This is why Turkey is doing nothing. Arseholes!!!!

Turkey is collaborating with ISIL in the extermination of the Kurdish Rebels. After this is done (I hope it never happens) then they are going to invade and attack ISIL and gain the Kudows of the coalition.

Turkey can't be trusted and they are playing a despicable game in aiding and abetting ISIL to achieve their aims.

Fortunately, the Peshmerga and PKK elements are alive and kicking in Northern Iraq and lest they forget the possible demise of their brothers and sisters in Syria and lest they forget who is responsible for this.

The Peshmerga in Iraq are receiving a lot of Coalition Aid, are being helped to fortify their strongholds and are now receiving specialist SAS Training. They will thrive.

But we have dropped the ball in Syria. This is going to be a humanitarian disaster, so I call on the UK and Australia to expand their operations. If they can somehow insert some SAS there, it might make all the differance.

as if the yanks and the rest of the west are not serving their own interests in the middle east. when will you simpletons realise that unless it serves the interests of the west the west does not do jack shit. when they invaded iraq instead of taking the arms dumps they took the building that housed the records of where all the oil was. and where exactly did this oil go. the un gave pallet loads of money to distribute in iraq but it did not occur to the yankey boy that he need to keep a record of who this money was to be given.

where are those arms now, any ideas.
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Postby Paphitis » Wed Oct 08, 2014 3:52 pm

Lordo wrote:
Paphitis wrote:Tim,

The Kurdish Forces in Kobani are in fact called the Kurdish Forces Protective Units. The photograph I posted was of the very same Kurdish Unit.

They are an arm of the PKK.

The poor buggers are trapped on the one flank by ISIL and Turkey on the other.

This is why Turkey is doing nothing. Arseholes!!!!

Turkey is collaborating with ISIL in the extermination of the Kurdish Rebels. After this is done (I hope it never happens) then they are going to invade and attack ISIL and gain the Kudows of the coalition.

Turkey can't be trusted and they are playing a despicable game in aiding and abetting ISIL to achieve their aims.

Fortunately, the Peshmerga and PKK elements are alive and kicking in Northern Iraq and lest they forget the possible demise of their brothers and sisters in Syria and lest they forget who is responsible for this.

The Peshmerga in Iraq are receiving a lot of Coalition Aid, are being helped to fortify their strongholds and are now receiving specialist SAS Training. They will thrive.

But we have dropped the ball in Syria. This is going to be a humanitarian disaster, so I call on the UK and Australia to expand their operations. If they can somehow insert some SAS there, it might make all the differance.

as if the yanks and the rest of the west are not serving their own interests in the middle east. when will you simpletons realise that unless it serves the interests of the west the west does not do jack shit. when they invaded iraq instead of taking the arms dumps they took the building that housed the records of where all the oil was. and where exactly did this oil go. the un gave pallet loads of money to distribute in iraq but it did not occur to the yankey boy that he need to keep a record of who this money was to be given.

where are those arms now, any ideas.

Serving interests is fine and to be expected.

Our interests at the moment are to ensure that Islamic State and a number of other groups such as Al Nusra do not succeed in Syria and Iraq. Our interests are to assist Iraq, and the Peshmerga.

Turkey is black mailing the U.S. that if it expects it to save Kobani, then the focus should shift towards Assad first and then ISIL. Who do you think you are?

Reports are stating that the US is very angry with Turkey as the latest report seems to indicate that Kobani is about to fall.

At this stage, Assad is not a priority. He is no threat to us and never really posed a significant thread to us at all. But ISIL does!

So tell me. Why so much hatred towards Assad? Is it over the Euphrates or are you in it for a land grab like Cyprus?

We don't like the despot either but let's keep things in context here. Assad can be controlled and contained. He is nowhere near as bad as the Jihadists although admittedly not very good either. If we remove him, who is going to take over? We are worried about this and hence this is not a situation to go all gun go because the alternative to Assad could be 10 times more grizzly!
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Postby Paphitis » Wed Oct 08, 2014 4:04 pm

Oh yes, Turkey is finally on the nose within Washington!

Turkey is literally trying to blackmail Obama. :lol:
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Postby Lordo » Wed Oct 08, 2014 4:54 pm

you really are dim and not quite understand what is going on.

terkey joined the qualition. when they send troops in i am sure terkey will join too.
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Postby Paphitis » Wed Oct 08, 2014 5:17 pm

Lordo wrote:you really are dim and not quite understand what is going on.

terkey joined the qualition. when they send troops in i am sure terkey will join too.

A massacre is occurring right on your border and all you have to do is send a few Tanks to save this town from falling.

Saying there are no troops in Syria and Iraq is not completely correct. There are some Special Ops troops on the ground. About 1000 of them in total such as the Australian SAS and Delta Force.

Pull your weight and do the right thing arseholes!
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Postby Tim Drayton » Wed Oct 08, 2014 5:35 pm

Dear Mr Lordo,

I understand your position, but maybe I can take a quote from an article entitled “Tehlikeler ve Şablonlar” (Dangers and Clichés) by Güray Öz that appeared in Cumhuriyet newspaper on Sunday:

Şimdi bu terör örgütünün ortaya çıkışını ABD’ye bağlamanın, “alçak ABD emperyalizmi IŞİD’i sen yarattın” demenin hiçbir pratik yararı yoktur; çünkü Ortadoğu ile ilgili hesapları tutmayan ABD, şimdi bu örgütü dizginlemeye, askeri güçle ehlileştirmeye çabalamaktadır. Burada ABD’nin uzun erimli niyeti, planı ne olursa olsun, pratik ve önemli sonuç, bu yazının yazıldığı saatlerde hâlâ böyle bir umut vardı, Kobani’nin IŞİD’in eline geçmesinin önlenmesi olur ya da olurdu.

my translation:

There is no practical value in connecting the appearance of this terror organisation to the USA; to saying “Vile US imperialism, you created ISIL,” because the USA, whose calculations as regards the Middle East did not add up, is now trying to reign in this organisation and tame it with military force. Whatever the US’s long-term plan is here, the practical and important conclusion is that at this time as I write this article, there is still hope that Kobane will or would be prevented from passing into ISIL’s hands. ... onlar.html

I wish AKEL here in Cyprus could realise this, too. The people of Kobane face genocide and, at this moment in time, whoever is going to help them deserves total support.
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Postby miltiades » Wed Oct 08, 2014 5:37 pm

terkey joined the qualition." :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby Tim Drayton » Wed Oct 08, 2014 5:39 pm

Meanwhile, in Turkey the troops have been brought into one area of Istanbul to try to keep the peace against a background of protests against ISIL and in support of the people of Kobane, and so-called counter demonstrations by armed people who are killing peaceful protesters with live ammunition. This is something that never happened during the Gezi protests.
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Postby Paphitis » Wed Oct 08, 2014 5:45 pm

Tim Drayton wrote:Dear Mr Lordo,

I understand your position, but maybe I can take a quote from an article entitled “Tehlikeler ve Şablonlar” (Dangers and Clichés) by Güray Öz that appeared in Cumhuriyet newspaper on Sunday:

Şimdi bu terör örgütünün ortaya çıkışını ABD’ye bağlamanın, “alçak ABD emperyalizmi IŞİD’i sen yarattın” demenin hiçbir pratik yararı yoktur; çünkü Ortadoğu ile ilgili hesapları tutmayan ABD, şimdi bu örgütü dizginlemeye, askeri güçle ehlileştirmeye çabalamaktadır. Burada ABD’nin uzun erimli niyeti, planı ne olursa olsun, pratik ve önemli sonuç, bu yazının yazıldığı saatlerde hâlâ böyle bir umut vardı, Kobani’nin IŞİD’in eline geçmesinin önlenmesi olur ya da olurdu.

my translation:

There is no practical value in connecting the appearance of this terror organisation to the USA; to saying “Vile US imperialism, you created ISIL,” because the USA, whose calculations as regards the Middle East did not add up, is now trying to reign in this organisation and tame it with military force. Whatever the US’s long-term plan is here, the practical and important conclusion is that at this time as I write this article, there is still hope that Kobane will or would be prevented from passing into ISIL’s hands. ... onlar.html

I wish AKEL here in Cyprus could realise this, too. The people of Kobane face genocide and, at this moment in time, whoever is going to help them deserves total support.

That Turkish Journo is 100% correct.

No matter how much anyone can blame the US, at least they are trying to reign in this terror.

While the US and the coalition are trying to do this, those who just want to stand by and let this occur and blame the US, like AKEL and Turkey, will have blood on their hands.

I also heard there are a few thousand civilians in Kobani Tim. Apparently they did not all evacuate completely. Can you confirm this?
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