Miltiades, you were a young boy at the time the British soldiers had a "right" to enter our homes and search (and steal and ransack) whilst supposedly looking for evidence of EOKA supporters.
Cap is quite young so I expect his mother was also a young girl at the time.
Most likely the "rosy" experiences Miltiades and Cap's mother had were because they were young and protected from the truth and from the heavy-handedness of the rough squaddies.
My mother was in her mid 30s at the time of the EOKA searches and she had a very different impression - this has been corroborated by some other elders I have spoken to in our village. I have written about this on the forum before, and had this to say:
Amongst the British Army's many "rights" whilst occupying Cyprus in the late 50's, were house-to-house searches. From this I learnt that the English constituents were thieving, hungry, dirty semi-literates

(village consensus) whilst the Scottish recruits were polite, and left things pretty much as they found them.
Whilst I am sure there must have been some decent squaddies, the fact they were conscripts from some of the most deprived backgrounds, plunged into a position of power over people they deemed as "terrorists", then it's no surprise they behaved like imperialists and took what they wanted during these searches.
Those were different times and such bad behavior was expected and probably never punished. After all, part of the plan was to terrorise the GCs into submission.