Subaltern are you by any chance related to GiG ? A step sister perhaps ?
How simple and black and white your 'Cypriot history' is and how convenient it is to your necessary illusions.
Here is a slightly different version of history.
Under Ottoman rule in Cyprus, just as there had been before it, there were countless revolts and uprising by the un empowered ordinary Cypriots and those that ruled them. Under Ottoman rule such uprising and revolts were between two sides (just as they had been before Ottoman rule), a ruling elite, that sure at the very top of it included The Sultan and his appointed minions in Cyprus but ALSO included Christian CYPRIOTS vs an un empowered ordinary Cypriots 'peasantry' that had both Christian Cypriots in it and Muslim Cypriots. There are countless examples of such uprising in Cyprus under Ottoman rule until 1821 and even some after it. Ordinary Christian and Muslim Cypriots fighting together against a ruling elite that comprised of Christian and Muslim Cypriots and non Cypriot Ottomans. Many many examples of such uprising, though of course THESE uprising do not suit YOUR narrative so you simply forget them.
Then in 1821 things did indeed change, as a result of the irredentist Mengali idea that was at the heart of the Greek struggle for not just independence but Greek pan nationalism, that has led Greece to be the most expansionist nation state in the history of nation states, if you measure how expansionist a nation state is by how much it has expanded since its initial formation. This was indeed the point from which the historic struggles and uprising that had hitherto been between un empowered Cypriots , both muslim and Christian alike, against the ruling elites that also contained muslim and christian Cypriots as well as foreign rulers into one characterised by ethnicity.
So a slightly different version of history for you there.
The subaltern wrote: (a) Why should the GC consider the views of their former oppressors when demanding their freedom? Do you think they were to consent?
Because by the 1950's no one, other than GC fuelled by the irredentist Mengali idea force fed to them since 1821 via Greek education and the Greek orthodox church, considered TC, who had been living in Cyprus for generations to be 'oppressors' and trhe reason why no one else considered them oppressors by that stage was because they were not by that stage. For the rest of the world, not steeped in generations of the irredentist Mengali idea, the TC were by 1950 just what they were - an ethnic group who were not Greek and for whom Cyprus was also their homeland for generations that not only did not enjoy economic or political power disproportionate to their numbers but in fact carried less of each to their numerical numbers. Do not get me wrong I understand WHY GC considered us such rather than just Cypriots like them who happened to not be Greek but that does not mean that such a perspective was right. It certainly was not a perspective shared by anyone not under the influence of the Mengali doctrine.
The subaltern wrote: (b) No minority has ever had the right to determine what the wishes of the majority should be.
Actually that is so totally and palpably untrue. To give you just one example where a tiny miniscule numerical minority has the RIGHT to block the wishes of a massive numerical majority, far far in excess of the proportion of GC to TC in 1960, you only have to look at the RoC's veto rights within the EU.
The subaltern wrote: (c) The TCs right to live in Cyprus has never been disputed despite the atrocities they have committed against the GC through out the ages.
This is totally contradicted by your point a. What you actually mean is you TC have every right (according to you) to live in Cyprus IF they accept they can do so as 'former oppressors' with different and lesser communal rights to those GC have as 'native e Cypriots'.
The subaltern wrote: (d) By siding with the British occupiers of Cyprus they forfeit the right to be consulted. Remember the auxiliary police? The vast majority were TCs.
Talk about confusing cause with effect. What actually forced TC to have to side with the British was in fact the GC irredentist Mengali doctrine, that made GC different from TC. Without that 'contamination' there is little doubt that TC and GC would have struggled together side by side against the British for independence, as ordinary Cypriots of all ethnic backgrounds had done countless times before 1821 and the 'infection' of the Mengali idea into Cyprus.
The subaltern wrote: (e) And most important; have the TCs ever considered themselves as Cypriots? The answer is no. They came as oppressors, they know they were oppressors and sided with the oppressors against the GC. You do not therefore ask your oppressor what he feels towards your fight for freedom or do you?
Well sure if you alone, carrying the taint of the mengali doctrine with you, get to define what we are and who we are then sure you are right. Unfortunately for you, we actually think we have a say in such matters and so does the rest of the world. For the record I have always considered myself Cypriot and have NEVER considered myself Turkish. My Cypriot father did not 'come to Cyprus as an oppressor' nor was he such in Cyprus, nor was his father before him or his before him or his before him.
The subaltern wrote:By the way, perfidious Albion with her long tested divide and rule policy not only here in Cyprus but all over the world is the main culprit of the Cyprus debacle.
Ah the old Cypriot trait, as deeply embedded in TC as GC, to blame anyone but themselves. It warms me how similar we really are. The fact is it was not British 'divide and rule' that drove the wedge between ordinary Cypriots of different religious and cultural back grounds. They merely and inevitably exploited the already much longer existing wedge driven between ordinary Cypriots as a result of generations of indoctrination of the Mengali idea and the lesser and later reactionary mirror ideas amongst TC.