''Nationalism'' was derived from Napoleon III efforts in making himself Emperor in France. "La Gloire de France", an identity attached to the soil, a reverence for all its relics living or not, he won his referendum because Citizens did not have to be "French", to feel their belonging to a State, or to defend united their Universal rights.
Ataturk, realised his dream based on the same principals, he or the Kemalists betrayed this trust, with the Kurds (and the Armenians, and their Greeks), its Republic has stagnated ever since because it is based on a lie. like the Financial Crisis, Cyprus has turned out to be a good template for larger (by scale) problems. it would not surprise me when the files two hundred years from now are opened, that the idea of debating the qualities of Bicommunal, and Bizonal in Cyprus, is Turkish policy because they aim to apply it to their own country someday. there are no Constituencies in France, supposedly there are no need for constituencies in Turkey either. if it is the case, it is hard to understand why there is a need for it in Cyprus.