Excommo is an American, he says.
He wants to adopt a book titled Aphrodite's Killers, the title is indicative of the content here, covering a conflict that cost roughly 200 British lives. I bet more than that were lost in an hour of battle during the 1776 American Revolution. Has anyone written a book with a similar denigrating title about the Americans? Has any European incorporated this book, if written, in their historic review? I doubt it.
A treasured antique item for many American is the Kentucky rifle, a deadly implement used by guerrilas in ambushes against the British and in no other conflict. I mention it as a counterbalance to the usual charge that EOKA shot Britons in the back. Where did the Kentucky rifle toting rebels shoot them? Always in the front and with prior warning?
As for those that find current Cypriot-British friendship strange, just think of the term "our American cousins" used by the British who lost thousands of troops in 1776.
Also notice that Excommo left after he stirred up the dirt. How unamerican of him!