excommo wrote:Oh! sounds like others have also felt the wrath of Sotos.
Now you will feel something more painful.
excommo wrote:Oh! sounds like others have also felt the wrath of Sotos.
Lordo wrote:excommo wrote:The people in this country now are ignorant and know nothing , nor care, about our history..
It just burns me bad and so sad. Checking out soon and glad I won't see the future. Only if the voters get wise and vote in someone who will take the bulls by the horns and fix the undoing of the past 6 years will it turn around.
Maybe you got it off your chest and it did you some good.
P.S. I have been a student of our civil war since 1978 and past commander for two years of my camp of the Union Veterans of the Civil War. The Sons of Confederate Veterans are probably still 5 times larger then the SUV. I proudly wear the Jefferson Davis Historical Gold Medal, the highest award the United Daughters of the Confederacy can award to an outsider. I portray a Union Regimental Chaplain when reenacting at Civil War days on some weekends. If needed, I can do a CSA impression. It's an addiction for many after we get into it..
Off now to a picnic by Mt. Shasta.
is that mt. ni shasta by any chance?
Lordo wrote:you think you have sense of humour dont you. well you dont. you would not even recognise one if it hit you.
excommo wrote:I was asked about it when I told him I was leaving.
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