Get Real! wrote:Oceanside50 wrote:Get Real! wrote:Oceanside50 wrote:The first time ever the French bombed Iraq. A country that never participated in any other campaign in iraq

Look just stick to making kebabs…

Dummy, hitler was in Paris 6 days after he attacked the French magi not line.. Reagan asked them overflight when he bombed Libya in the 80's they denied it because of fear of Arabs, Consequently Reagan bombed France's embassy in Libya after they finished off Quadafi... The French wouldn't participate in the first or second Iraqi war... What are they doing bombing Isis now?
You’re just clueless about France’s involvement in the ME since 1991 so why open your mouth? And what's Hitler gotta do with it?
Just stick to making kebabs fool... you're a waste of space on this forum!

Waning French Influence in the Twentieth Century
In the aftermath of the war, the French were peripherally involved in the question of Palestine and the Zionists as this problem developed into the Arab–Israel conflict that more directly affected Britain and the United States. Frequently criticized for their failings in the Middle East, the French rarely denied themselves the opportunity to embarrass their "allies" by taking the high ground in their assessments of the problem. French involvement with Zionism, however, reflected their ambiguous relationship to the Jew as "other." This relationship had traversed the spectrum from the offer of assimilation and French citizenship at the time of the French Revolution, to threats of rejection in the turn-of-the-century Dreyfus Affair, to denial of protection against Nazi Germany by Vichy France during World War II. French opportunism, however,
was such that France secretly armed and courted Israel for assistance when, for the last time, it joined Britain as a principal actor in the Middle East in the ill-conceived Suez expedition of 1956, a century after the two had concluded the Crimean War as equal partners. Together they made a futile attempt not only to turn the clock back and humiliate Egypt's president Gamal Abdel Nasser, the symbol of changes in an Arab world they could no longer control, but also to belie the lesser roles assigned them in the new global superpower rivalries of the cold war.
There you go dummy.. The French don't participate in these things because they are pu££¥'s ...they proved themselves worthless in war when hitler conquered them in 6 days, while Greece a much smaller country took months to's an anamoly that the French are being assertive...they do make great sauces though and I like their steak tartar..or whatever it's called...
@ RW .. Freedom fries instead of French fries