Oceanside50 wrote:This lady made some very good points in her rebuttal to the Islamic lady's question. All the instances of mass killings that she cited could of been much worse if the aggressors had nuclear weapons. WouldHitler have hesitated to use nuclear weapons when he saw the end of Germany coming? The technology for nuclear weapons is almost 80 years old. A swede was arrested not too long ago for building a nuclear reactor in his bathtub. The extreme danger from these radicals is that they could build and use nukes today against targets in the west...
Lordo wrote:Oceanside50 wrote:This lady made some very good points in her rebuttal to the Islamic lady's question. All the instances of mass killings that she cited could of been much worse if the aggressors had nuclear weapons. WouldHitler have hesitated to use nuclear weapons when he saw the end of Germany coming? The technology for nuclear weapons is almost 80 years old. A swede was arrested not too long ago for building a nuclear reactor in his bathtub. The extreme danger from these radicals is that they could build and use nukes today against targets in the west...
really and the americans would and did not.
get out of other peoples country.
stop oppressing them.
stop sucking their blood.
stop stealing their resources on the cheap.
stop empowering maniac dictators in their country.
and trust me they will leave you alone.
in the mean time god help you if they get hold of a nuclear weapon. then you will understand what you have done wrong.
the thick lady made a claim there are 300 million radicals. its information straight out of her cakehole and anybody elses who believe a single world of what this witch or any other say.
Lordo wrote:your view of what america does is very interesting. i wonder if tim agrees with your views or any other bugger for that matter except of course the usual rif raf.
just like in vietnam, till you run for cover and ditched all the equipment into the sea.
by bombing them you are recruiting moer muslims for the cause, but then again i would not accept a low intellect such as yourself to understand. being against the violent people who cut throats is one thing but being against people who wish to set up a muslim country on their land is another matter altogether. make the mistake paint them lll with one brush and you will see the result.
Lordo wrote:so america was not responsible for dropping more bombs on vietnam then in the whole of the second world war by all sides. you are beyond belief. exactly how stupid are you. has your mother had you tested.
Lordo wrote:get a life boy, get a life.
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