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For civilised discussion about Islamic State

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Re: For civilised discussion about Islamic State

Postby Lordo » Wed Oct 15, 2014 9:21 pm

rw if they escape they live to fight another day on their terms. the flag, a piece of soil and an ideal is not worth to die, not when you can live and continue the fight till you get it back. you have to know when you are beaten and retreat, regroup and continue the war. it just does not make sense to stay and be killed when you have a choice.
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Re: For civilised discussion about Islamic State

Postby Cap » Wed Oct 15, 2014 9:22 pm

Tim Drayton wrote:
kurupetos wrote:
Tim Drayton wrote:
kurupetos wrote:
Tim Drayton wrote:A Dutch biker gang has joined Kurdish forces battling the head-cutting so-called Jihadists! When I said that I would welcome the forming of an unholy alliance, I was not even dreaming of that. The best of luck to them, though. ... ml#9Fk4yr2

It's coming... :shock:

What? You mean ELAM is joining the fight for civilisation? Brilliant.

No, we will wait until all barbarians are dead.


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Re: For civilised discussion about Islamic State

Postby repulsewarrior » Wed Oct 15, 2014 9:33 pm

Lordo wrote:rw if they escape they live to fight another day on their terms. the flag, a piece of soil and an ideal is not worth to die, not when you can live and continue the fight till you get it back. you have to know when you are beaten and retreat, regroup and continue the war. it just does not make sense to stay and be killed when you have a choice.

who could imagine that the Turkish Army would allow for ruthless murder to be supported, (to disappear from their jails). our neighbours were Turkish they had always been Turkish, that is to say long before 1963, what was different? indeed, quite a few of us would still be alive, but we are Cypriots (and otherwise, we would have been, "Greeks").
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Re: For civilised discussion about Islamic State

Postby repulsewarrior » Wed Oct 15, 2014 9:39 pm

Turkey could have been the Hero in both cases, (to a perceived enemy no less), they choose not to...
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Re: For civilised discussion about Islamic State

Postby Lordo » Thu Oct 16, 2014 12:17 am

most heroes are dead rw. no thanks.
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Re: For civilised discussion about Islamic State

Postby repulsewarrior » Thu Oct 16, 2014 12:44 am

,,,what, is your name Turkey?
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Re: For civilised discussion about Islamic State

Postby Paphitis » Thu Oct 16, 2014 12:55 am

repulsewarrior wrote:Turkey could have been the Hero in both cases, (to a perceived enemy no less), they choose not to...

Yes it could have been, and at the same time it could have solved the kurdish "Problem" which I prefer to call the Turkish Problem.

If they saved Kobane, they would be hailed by the International Community the world over. They would also guarantee that the "peace" process with the kurds will continue as the Kurds will not attack Turkish Interests. But now, they have guaranteed at least a decade of attacks from the Kurdish Separatists! well done Turkey! :D

The Kurds will never forget!
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Re: For civilised discussion about Islamic State

Postby Tim Drayton » Thu Oct 16, 2014 11:04 am

The talk today is of fighting between the cutthroat psychopaths and the defending YPG forces to the east of Kobane and not in Kobane itself. Sounds like they have been repelled from the town itself now (as reported yesterday by the group of Turkish journalists who visited Kobane. I am thinking that yesterday's bombing raid on a building being used by DAESH (whose photograph I posted above) may have been in a village or small town near Kobane, rather than in the town itself, otherwise it would contradict other reports of the YPG being in full control there now.

This could be a significant turning point if they really have been turned back from Kobane, and the fact that a lot of the fighters were women will only add to the psychological impact of the defeat, especially given the ideology that these lunatics use to justify their sadistic, head-cutting ways. I am sure a lot of the foreign volunteers are becoming disillusioned, too, and a collapse of morale in DAESH ranks could start any time.
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Re: For civilised discussion about Islamic State

Postby Tim Drayton » Thu Oct 16, 2014 11:37 am

More encouraging recent news:

Al Jazeera's Bernard Smith, reporting from the Turkey-Syria border, said on Thursday morning that coalition airstrikes have continued in intensity, adding that at least an additional 11 airstrikes took place overnight.

"It's quiet again in Kobane, with only the occasional burst of gunfire. And the Kurdish fighters say that the airstrikes are making a difference," Smith reported. ... 73902.html
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Re: For civilised discussion about Islamic State

Postby Tim Drayton » Thu Oct 16, 2014 1:25 pm

Recent reports, while contradictory, are all encouraging for decent human beings who do not wish to witness another Srebrenica:

The radical Islamist militants now reportedly control only 20% of the border town, as opposed to about 40% before.

The Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria (ISIS) has suffered setbacks and has begun retreating from parts of the Syrian border town of Kobani, according to a local official, who said Kurdish forces were advancing against the militant group.

Idris Nassan told the BBC that ISIS had previously controlled almost half the town but currently occupies “less than 20%.” ... -official/
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